Turks in europe
Recent papers in Turks in europe
This popular scientific article in Swedish discusses how Sweden's success with high self-assessed proficiency in Swedish as a second language among second-generation Turks can be explained with reference to policies regarding education,... more
Die Deutsche Nationalbibliothek verzeichnet diese Publikation in der Deutschen Nationalbibliografie; detaillierte bibliografische Daten sind im Internet über http://dnb.d-nb.de abrufbar.
I Der Gedanke an einen Studiengang "Türkische Musik" in Deutschland erscheint gleichermaßen nahe liegend wie irreal. Das Potential an Studenten ist unbestreitbar: Gut 2,8 Millionen Menschen mit "Migrationshintergrund Türkei" leben heute... more
Кулешов Вяч. С. Фрагменты генеалогии правителей Волжской Булгарии X века // Вспомогательные исторические дисциплины в современном научном знании : Материалы XXXII Международной научной конференции, Москва, 11–12 апреля 2019 г. /... more
In 2020, the doctor of historical sciences V. V. Trepavlov turns 60 years old. The article describes the biography and career path of the scientist. Interest in the history of Eurasian nomads appeared in V. V. Trepavlov in his school and... more
Magister thesis, Stuttgart University 2007
Elinizdeki kitabın temel iddiası da, en eski tarihî devirlerden ortaçağlara ve modern döneme, Türkler ve İskitlerin aynı halklar olduğudur. Bu iddia, atlı-savaşçı Türk-İskitlerin konar-göçer yaşam tarzı unsurları ve eklemeli dilleri... more
With the conversion of the house of Osman into a great empire between the 14th and 15th centuries, the Ottoman Turks became one of the principal preoccupations of the Spanish, whose rival empire meant conflict between the two superpowers... more
AFYONKARAHİSAR 2020 1 KRAL ARTHUR EFSANESİ'NDEKİ TÜRKLÜK ETKİLERİ GİRİŞ Kral Arthur ve maceraları günümüzdeki İngiltere topraklarında geçmektedir. İngiltere'nin kısaca tarihinden bahsedecek olursak; kıtaya yerleşim yaklaşık 500 bin yıl... more
En Europe, les relations que les immigrés turcs entretiennent avec l’islam suscitent de nombreuses interrogations. Repère culturel essentiel dans la construction d’identités en migration ? Choix idéologique et politique en réponse à la... more
In numerous European countries, there has been a wave of prohibitions against Islamic practices ranging from ritual animal slaughter to the building of mosque minarets, from male circumcision to women’s headscarves. Moreover, religious... more
This paper looks at the evolution of the image of the Turk in the Germanies throughout the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. While scholars have argued that the conquest of Constantinople in 1453 and the Siege of Vienna in 1683 were... more
Bu çalışmada İmparatorluk döneminden Cumhuriyet dönemine, Türk toplumunun ve devletinin Avrupa'ya olan akademik, ekonomik ve siyasi alakası; Avrupa'ya çeşitli nedenlerle göç eden Türkler üzerinden ele alınmıştır. İkinci Dünya Savaşı... more
The work considers well-known plot from The Chronicle of John, Bishop of Nikiu, about the ruler of some barbarous nation – Qetrades (Ketrades). The author refers to information about John’s life and explores the information considering... more
Erdogan has lifted the regime of bureaucratic control in Turkey—a regime that is unacceptable in any democracy as it discredits elections and ignores the will of the people. However, Erdogan, the first directly-elected president of... more
This paper focuses on identity formation of Turkish immigrants living in Germany.Before diving into the topic , I will try to draw theoretical and philosphical framework of concept of identity in social sciences.Then,I will explain the... more
Uzun yıllar sadece para kaynağı olarak görülmüş, Türkiye’de hangi Avrupa ülkesinden gelirse gelsin Almancı sıfatı takılmış olan Türk toplumu bugün Avrupa’daki yeni ‘uç beyleri’ olarak nitelendirilecek kadar önemsenmektedir. Fakat söz... more
Due to a Lack of statistically reliable and accessible information in the nineties, the author up to recent years has been able to provide information on the Origin of Turks in the Netherlands on a provincial (il) scale only. In this... more
The fact that Turks represented the most important military and political power in Europe starting from the 14th century onwards, has led to the creation of a pejorative Turkish image in the memory of European Christians throughout... more
In the Western Thrace region of Greece, there is a Muslim-Turkish Minority that has had a series of problems with the Greek government and with the local Greek Majority. After a period of increasing tensions and deterioration in... more
The paper is devoted to a large group of Turkic-speaking Bulgarians who migrated to Bavaria, Carinthia and Italy in the 7th century. The author cites information from written sources about the Bulgarians led by Alzek and considers the... more
As the market for Islamically permissible (halal) products expands, so do critical discourses on the production and consumption of halal in Europe. In France, one of Europe’s largest and fast growing halal markets, while some fear a halal... more
"Turks Living in Europe" is research report on Turks living in Europe. It is based on a survey involving more than 4000 Turks who are settled in various European countries.
This report examines Islamophobia in Greece in 2018 taking all local, national and international developments into account. The main outcome of this year’s report is that Islamophobia continues to exist in different realms across Greece.... more
Abstract: In this paper, it is suggested that identity description of the first, second, third and other generations of Euro-Turks can be analysed within the context of oneconsciousness, double-consciousness and one-consciousness... more
ÖZ Almanya'da 1964 yılından itibaren göçmenlerin ana dillerinde yayınlar ya-pılmaya başlanmıştır. Bu yayınlar, 1980'lerin artmış ve çeşitlenmiştir. Özellikle 1990'lı yıllardan itibaren özel televizyon kanallarının yayın hayatına başlaması... more
Abstract: The Presidency of Religious Affairs (DIB) has overseas organizations under the name of ‘Office of the Counsellor for Religious Services’ affiliated to the Turkish Embassies in European countries where Turkish citizens reside.... more
The manifold aspects of the emergence of a thorough cultural exchange between Europe and China from the 16th to 18th centuries still arouse astonishment and demand further reflection. These proceedings of the symposium “Europe in China... more
Article regarding the Turkish community in Britain. Their history, achievements and current condition.
This research paper looks at the "generation after" the so-called "Revival Process" (1984-89) in order to explore the intergenerational transmission of memories of family traumas related to the largest assimilation campaign in Communist... more
Abstract: Referring the Turks that migrated to European countries as ‘temporary workers’ in 1960, it is obvious that neither the Turkey nor the receiving countries had no policy about migration because of the thought that they would ‘go... more
Özet The Turkish minority in Bulgaria makes up a significant part of the country's population. What makes this Turkish minority maintain their culture and identity for nearly six centuries is their mother tongue which they have kept and... more
Voting from abroad (VFA) is a complex norm and practice due to the multilevel processes, structures and actors involved. This article explores the reasons behind the eventual adoption of this practice within the context of a long and... more
We approach Turkish mobility using a culture of migration perspective with reference to conflict. Conflicts are defined broadly into an array of situations including minor disputes, tensions or latent conflicts on the one hand and major... more
The contemporary world has been facing legal or illegal migrancy, based on social, economic, political, and religious determination. The number of migrants is growing every day. Mostly they are moving from the East to the West or Europe.... more
Marin Barleti (c. 1460-c. 1512) was an Albanian humanist who in two great works described wars between Turks and Albanians. Even though he had himself experienced the Turkish siege of his home town Shkodra, his view on the enemies was... more
The Turks are the largest national minority in Bulgaria. Since the creation of the independent Bulgarian state in the 19th century, i.e., since the Turks began to function as a minority group in this country, they have not identified with... more
In this paper, it is suggested that the description of social identity and the sense of belonging of European Turks can be analysed on the basis of the ‘doubleconsciousness’ concept of Du Bois (1999). The main argument of this paper is... more