Read The Text. Are The Sentences True (T) or False (F) ?: WWW - Angol@argyre - Hu
Read The Text. Are The Sentences True (T) or False (F) ?: WWW - Angol@argyre - Hu
Read The Text. Are The Sentences True (T) or False (F) ?: WWW - Angol@argyre - Hu
The Fig Tree Read the text. Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)? a) b) c) d) e) The writer had eaten at The Fig Tree a few weeks ago. _____ Mariella is a waitress in the restaurant. _____ Before he bought The Fig Tree, Martin worked at another restaurant. _____ The writer was disappointed because the food was too expensi e. _____ !ot "an# local people go to The Fig Tree. _____
$ had heard a lot about the new wonder%chef at "# local pub, The Fig Tree, but $d ne er had the chance to sa"ple the food. But since owner & chef Martin 'app won his first (reat Food )ward a few weeks ago, $ felt $ si"pl# had to go and see for "#self what all the fuss was about, especiall# since $ li e so near. *e went there on a bus# +aturda# night. )s well as being a restaurant, dont forget that this is first and fore"ost the illage pub, so the bar was full of locals en,o#ing a pint. $ts a fa"il# business and 'apps wife, Mariella, is in charge of the front of house. *e were greeted with war"th and enthusias" b# her and her staff, although the place was crowded and bus#. The 'apps bought this place six #ears ago, and ha e built up a thri ing business and a reputation based on great alue, high -ualit# food in a co"fortable and relaxed setting. Before co"ing here, Martin worked alongside celebrit# chef .ulian (ra# in his the prestigious Blue /ouse establish"ent, so we had high expectations of our three%course fixed%price "enu as we took our seats in the co"fortable dining roo". )nd we were not disappointed. The goose li er to start was ,ust salt# enough, without being too rich. The fish "ain course tasted fresh off the boat, cooked to perfection, with a sorrel sauce that "elted in the "outh. )nd $ e had "an# good desserts in "# ti"e, but $ think this was the best chocolate "ousse $ e e er had. )nd the bill ca"e to less than 012 for the two of us. 3illager +tan 4unn was there ha ing dinner on the table next to us. $ e been co"ing here for twent# #ears, and its "ore popular now than its e er been, he said. )t a ti"e when "an# local pubs are struggling to sta# open, $ think The Fig Tree has disco ered the recipe for success.
Megold5s6 a) F b) F c) T d) F e) F