People living in the town of Swindon in England are losing their possessions to an unusual kind of burglar a two-year-old black cat called Frankie. Frankie has a collection of more than thirty soft toys, but his owner, ulie !ishop, didn"t buy them for him. #n fact she isn"t sure where they have come from, but it seems likely that Frankie has stolen them from other houses in the neighbourhood. $hey are the kind of toys people usually keep inside their homes for their cats to play with, so %rs !ishop thinks Frankie gets them by going through the cat flaps that most cat owners have in one of the doors to their houses. %rs !ishop says Frankie doesn"t usually take very long to find a new toy& 'Sometimes he goes out and ten minutes later he"s back with something ( )e gives us a big miaow to let us know when he"s brought them in. *t first it was +uite funny, but now it"s obvious somebody"s bought all these toys for their pet and now they don,t have any they"re all here-" !ecause %rs !ishop feels guilty about what Frankie has done, she has put up posters in the neighbourhood asking people to contact her if any soft toys have disappeared from their homes. $he toy Frankie most likes to steal is a small fluffy leopard that seems to be popular with the cat owners of Swindon he has about fifteen of them already- )owever, around )alloween he also started bringing back a new toy that was popular in pet shops at the time a little green witch. Strangely, Frankie doesn"t like playing with his new toys very much& he .ust puts them with his collection and then goes out looking for more. )e doesn"t seem to know that greed can be a dangerous thing, and that one day someone is probably going to catch him red-handed /or, in his case, red-pawed0. Exercise 1 1. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. :. 2here do Frankie and %rs !ishop live3 2hat colour is Frankie3 2hich toy does Frankie most like to steal3 )ow many soft toys does Frankie have3 )ow does %rs !ishop think Frankie gets into other people"s houses3 2hat kind of toy did Frankie start bringing back to the house around )alloween3 2hat does Frankie do to let %rs !ishop know that he has come back with a new toy3 2hat do %rs !ishop"s posters ask people to do3
Exercise 2 Decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F), or if the text doesnt say (D). 1. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. :. Frankie is four years old. ulie !ishop is Frankie"s owner. Frankie has about fifteen small fluffy leopards. $he small fluffy leopards are brown. Frankie sometimes only takes ten minutes to find a new toy. Frankie loves playing with his new toys. Frankie has not always lived with %rs !ishop. %rs !ishop has always felt bad about the toys Frankie brings back to the house.
Exercise 3 Complete the crossword below. f all the words are correct, a !ind of soft toy that Fran!ie has stolen a few times will read from top to bottom. ( ts a !ind of soft toy that probably belonged to a small child rather than another cat.)
4 5 6 7 8 9 : ;
1. 4.
#t seems that Frankie <<<<<<<<<< things from other houses in the neighbourhood. Frankie now has a large <<<<<<<<<< of soft toys.
5. %rs !ishop thinks Frankie uses cat flaps to get through the <<<<<<<<<< to other people"s houses. 6. Frankie has around fifteen toy <<<<<<<<<< .
7. %rs !ishop thought it was +uite funny when Frankie started bringing toys back to the house, but now she feels <<<<<<<<<< . 8. 9. :. Frankie is a <<<<<<<<<< cat. $he toy witches Frankie stole are <<<<<<<<<< . Frankie <<<<<<<<<< to let %rs !ishop know he has brought back a new toy.
;. * <<<<<<<<<< is a person who goes into other people"s homes to steal things, often when those people are not there.