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WWW - Argyre.hu/b2 Angol@argyre - Hu: NM Studio ..:: Angol Távoktatás::.

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NM Studio ..:: Angol tvoktats ::..


Sonka HANS KPPENFAHRENBERG akkor kvette el a lelkiismeret-furdalssal jr tettet!

amikor a "#met $sa%atok mr viss&avo"ul 'a" voltak a t#rs#(')l* +A (a&daass&o", i""ival t adott "ek-"k #s "#.", tojst* /m ami"t ott es&e(ett-"k! .irtele" a ka"dall 'a esett e(, &sk* G,",r0 so"ka volt 'e""e! amit a k#m#",'e" rejtettek el*1 A ki#.e&ett kato"k a so"kt ",om'a" 'efaltk* 2334-'a" a veter" kato"a eli"dult Fra"$iaors&('a! #s el.atro&ta! .o(, me(keresi e&t a r#(i %aras&t(a&das(ot* A farm a& ta a&o"'a" elt0"t! 5(, a ma(val .o&ott so"kt s&im'olikusa" a& re(ek ott.o""ak aj"d#ko&ta* Err)l a&o"'a" .allott a keresett ass&o", is #s v#(-l a %ol(rmesteri .ivatal'a" tallko&tak! a.ol Ha"s 6ouise 7arie-"ak tadott e(, msik so"kt #s a feles#(e ltal k#s&5tett %st#tomot! ler va e&&el ad ss(t*

Ha"s Ku%%e"fa.re"'er( $ommitted t.e a$t t.at $aused .im %a"(s of $o"s$ie"$e 8.e" t.e Germa" troo%s 8ere alread, 8it.dra8i"( from t.e area* 19.e .ousekee%er (ave us somet.i"( to dri"k a"d a fe8 e((s* But 8.e" 8e 8ere eati"( sudde"l, a sa$k fell i"to t.e fir eplace. There was a beautiful piece of ham in it hidden in the chimney." The starving soldiers immediately ate up the ham. The veteran left for France in 1998 and decided to find this old peasant farm. However, the farm had disappeared since then so, he symbolically gave the ham he brought with him to an old people s home. The woman he was loo!ing for heard about it, however, and they finally met in the town hall where he gave "ouise #arie a piece of ham and p$t% to pay off his debt.

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