Mans best friend Even if they dont own a dog, most people can understand why this animal is known as mans best friend. Dogs can do useful work for humans (guard dogs and guide dogs are just two e amples!, and it is difficult to think of any other animal that can show a person such loyalty and affection. "n the words of the nineteenth#century $merican writer %osh &illings, $ dog is the only thing on earth that loves you more than you love yourself. 'he close relationship between humans and dogs began many thousands of years ago, probably when wolves, the wild ancestors of todays domestic dogs, started entering human settlements in search of food. (owadays, tens of millions of people around the world have pet dogs. "n &ritain, for e ample, the human population of around )* million has +., million dogs, which is slightly more than the total number of cats. 'here are do-ens of breeds of dog, of different colours and si-es, as well as a huge number of mongrels that are a mi ture of different breeds. "n both &ritain and the .nited /tates the most popular breed is the 0abrador, which has a very friendly, playful nature and usually gets on very well with children. 1ost dogs live for between twelve and fourteen years, though some breeds can reach the age of eighteen. Dogs need regular e ercise, and as they are naturally social animals they also need company 2 if left alone for a long time they seem to feel lonely in the same way that humans do. 'here are, of course, a lot of famous dogs in books and on television. 3or e ample there is 0assie, the collie who is always rescuing her owner from dangerous situations and has been the star of books, television shows and movies. 'here is the little white dog, /nowy, who follows his owner on many adventures in the 'intin comic books. $nd on the television show 'he /impsons, you can see /antas 0ittle 4elper, the greyhound that belongs to the /impson family.
Decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F), or if the text doesnt say (D). 1. 1ongrel is a word for a type of dog. 2. "n 'he /impsons, /antas 0ittle 4elper is a 0abrador. 3. "n &ritain there are more cats than dogs. 4. Dogs always show people a lot of affection. 5. 4umans have had a close relationship with dogs for about a thousand years. 6. Dogs dont seem to enjoy being left alone for a long time. 7. /nowy is not a large dog. 8. 'here are around )* million dogs in &ritain. 9. 5ollies are a breed of cat. 10. /ome breeds of dog only live for eight or nine years.