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Prince, Since It Came Out in July This Year, and Just Like The Readers of The Harry Potter Books

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NM Studio ..:: Angol tvoktats ::..


Harrys latest film Millions of people have seen the latest Harry Potter film, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, since it came out in July this year, and just like the readers of the Harry Potter books, the cinema audiences have included children, teenagers and adults. The Half-Blood Prince is the sixth Harry Potter film and is based on the sixth in the series of seven books ritten by the author J. !. "o ling. The story of the final book, the Deathly Hallows, is going to be told in not one but t o films, hich ill come out in #$%$ and #$%%. &n some ays the Half-Blood Prince is just like the other stories' Harry is again the hero fighting against the forces of evil, a lot of the action takes place at the Hog arts (chool of )itchcraft and )i*ardry, and there are familiar things such as the game of +uidditch ,a bit like football, although it is played in the sky and the players ride on broomsticks-.. /ne of the differences ith this film is that e see less of the evil i*ard 0ord 1oldemort, but there is still a lot of evil in the story 2 in fact most film critics say the Half-Blood Prince feels 3darker4 than the other films because you can feel the presence of 1oldemort most of the time. This is certainly true at the beginning of the film hen there is a spectacular attack on 0ondon by 1oldemort4s follo ers, the 5eath 6aters. 0ike a fe other things in the film this as not in the book of the Half-Blood Prince, and might therefore be a surprise for many Harry Potter fans. 7nother difference is that the film spends more time looking at the relationships bet een the pupils at Hog arts. Harry, "on, Hermione and the others are no teenagers rather than children 2 there is even a little romance in the story, but this isn4t the place to give details8ilming for the Deathly Hallows has already started and ill probably finish before the end of #$$9. 5aniel "adcliffe, the nineteen:year:old actor ho has become famous all around the orld by playing the role of Harry Potter since the age of eleven, recently said he ill be 3very, very sad4 hen the series of films ends, but also excited because he ill be able to play different roles.


NM Studio ..:: Angol tvoktats ::..


Match the words (1-14) from the text with the definitions (A-N).

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

come out evil fan follo er role pupil critic spectacular i*ard


10 latest 11 12 13 14 author surprise detail familiar ! " # $

an actor4s part in a film or play ama*ing or exciting to look at piece of information, fact someone ho likes, admires or supports a person, sport, sports team, etc a man ith magical po ers the riter of a book someone ho is having lessons in something ,especially a child at school. something that someone did not expect ,for a book, ;5, film, etc. to become available for people to buy or see someone ho agrees ith, admires or supports another person, and<or does hat that person tells them to do easy to recognise because you have seen it before ne est, most recent extremely bad, cruel or unpleasant someone hose job is to say hat they think about something 2 especially books, plays, films, etc

Megold=s %. & #. M >. 5 ?. J @. 7 A. B C. D E. F 9. 6 %$. 0 %%. 8 %#. H %>. ; %?. !

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