WALL-E WALL-E is the latest animated film from the American company Pixar, which also made Toy Story (199 !, "indin# $emo (%&&'! and The (ncredi)les (%&&*!+ (t came o,t in the -nited States in .,ne this year, and in many other co,ntries soon afterwards+ .,st li/e Pixar0s other animated films, WALL-E tells a story that )oth ad,lts and children can en1oy+ Altho,#h it has a serio,s messa#e, showin# what mi#ht happen to o,r planet if we don0t ta/e care of it, there is also a lot of h,mo,r+ The story )e#ins on Earth a)o,t 2&& years into the f,t,re+ There are no h,mans any more )eca,se they all left in spaceships in the %%nd cent,ry, when terri)le poll,tion made it impossi)le to stay+ They tho,#ht they wo,ld only )e away for a few years and left )ehind tho,sands of ro)ots to clean ,p the mess they had made, ),t the poll,tion was so )ad that they co,ldn0t ret,rn+ $ow, 3&& years later, all the ro)ots ha4e stopped wor/in# 5 except one, WALL-E, who spends most of his time pic/in# ,p r,))ish and p,ttin# it into piles+ 6e has de4eloped feelin#s and is 4ery lonely, with only a pet coc/roach for company+ Then, one day, a female ro)ot, E7E, arri4es in a spaceship+ The h,mans, who are still li4in# o,t in space on other spaceships, ha4e sent her to see if there is any si#n of life on Earth+ WALL-E falls in lo4e with E7E, ),t it seems she does not feel anythin# towards him+ When a spaceship comes to pic/ E7E ,p, WALL-E decides to ta/e a chance and follow her into space 5 and that0s where the comic ad4ent,re really starts+ WALL-E and E7E #o to a m,ch lar#er spaceship with a pop,lation of h,mans and ro)ots+ We see how li4in# for 3&& years away from their planet has chan#ed these h,mans8 they spend their time in chairs that float 1,st a)o4e the floor, and ha4e )ecome so fat that they cannot e4en stand witho,t the help of the ro)ots+ Some of the other ro)ots are 4ery f,nny, s,ch as little 9-:, who hates dirt and r,shes aro,nd the spaceship cleanin# thin#s+ WALL-E starts to infl,ence )oth the h,mans and the other ro)ots in important ways, ),t this is not the place to say what happens at the end of the film8 let0s 1,st say it0s a happy endin# for WALL-E himself, and that there are positi4e chan#es in the h,mans0 )eha4io,r+
Exercise 1 Answer the questions about the text. 1. When does the story of WALL-E ta/e place; 2. What /ind of pet does WALL-E ha4e; 3. 6ow lon# is it since h,mans li4ed on Earth; 4. What is the name of the ro)ot that hates dirt; 5. What 1o) does WALL-E do on Earth; 6. Why did the h,mans lea4e Earth; 7. Why did the h,mans send E7E to Earth; 8. (n what way does the film ha4e a serio,s messa#e;
Exercise 2 Decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F), or if the text doesnt say (D). 1. Pixar is a company from the -nited States+ 2. WALL-E was one of many ro)ots that the h,mans left on Earth+ 3. At the start of the film there are only two ro)ots still wor/in# on Earth+ 4. (n the spaceship, the h,mans spend their time sittin# on the floor+ 5. E7E tra4els to Earth in a spaceship with some h,mans+ 6. E7E falls in lo4e with WALL-E at the end of the film+ 7. The h,mans ha4e )een away from Earth for lon#er than they expected+ 8. 9-: and WALL-E <,ic/ly )ecome friends+ 9. 9-: does not mo4e m,ch+ 10. WALL-E ta/es his pet coc/roach into space with him+
Exercise 1 1. The story ta/es place 2&& years in the f,t,re+ 2. 6e has a pet coc/roach+ 3. (t is 3&& years since h,mans li4ed on Earth+ 4. 9-: is the ro)ot that hates dirt+ 5. 6e pic/s ,p r,))ish and p,ts it into piles+ 6. They left Earth )eca,se poll,tion made it impossi)le to stay+ 7. They sent her to see if there was any si#n of life on Earth+ 8. (t has a serio,s messa#e )eca,se it shows what mi#ht happen to o,r planet if we don0t ta/e care of it+