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Travel Jobs

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1. Carl used to work as a reporter. He wants a job which involves travelling and also writing about his experiences.

He does not mind spending long periods abroad and he could start tomorrow. 2. Debbie has a degree in Zoology and wants a job where she can use that knowledge and also travel. She works well with other people and speaks German. She is not keen on sports. . Pedro is looking !or an exciting summer job where he can learn new skills. He was trained as a deep"sea diver and has taken groups o! children and adults on diving trips. #. Jackie wants a job that will allow her to spend several months abroad. She can hold a simple conversation in Spanish and $rench. She used to take %ondon tourists sightseeing in her own car. &. Clara is a tourist guide' but now she has a small child and she wants a job which does not re(uire her to travel abroad. She speaks Spanish and she is willing to work at weekends.

The London Job Centre DO YOU WANT AN EXCITING JOB? CHECK THESE GREAT OPPORTUNITIES ). Walk the World needs an experienced traveller to organi*e walking tours !or !amilies' schools and college groups. +he job is !or two years and involves short trips abroad to !ind walking routes suitable !or di!!erent levels o! !itness. ,nowledge o! languages would be an advantage. -. Gordon Trips needs an employee to help organi*e .uropean tours. $oreign travel is not in the job description' but you will have contact by email and telephone with clients' so you must speak $rench or Spanish or German. /e work on Saturdays in the summer months. 0. Super Travel is developing its )sian adventure team and is looking !or a team leader to cover the summer months. /e will give you training in climbing and trekking' but you must have excellent swimming skills. Some experience o! working with di!!erent age groups is essential. 1. Life of Adventure Publishers urgently needs a reporter with experience o! deep" sea photography to join its team in 2amaica. +he job is !or the summer and we o!!er all the e(uipment and com!ortable accommodation !or a !amily group i! re(uested. .xcellent salary and !ree weekends. .. World Wildlife' the designer o! group wildli!e holidays around the world' re(uires a tour guide. 3ou must have knowledge o! animals' be a real team player and be able to speak at least one !oreign language. 4o previous experience as a tour guide needed. +he job starts in three weeks5 time $. Global Tourism is looking !or two people with an excellent command o! Spanish and .nglish to accompany groups o! .nglish" speaking tourists on whale watching trips to South )merica. 3ou must be !it and a good swimmer. +hese are one"year jobs starting next summer. G. Worldwide a!a"ine is looking !or a travel writer to cover 0entral and /est )!rica' starting immediately. +he job is mostly based in our central o!!ice' but you must be willing to spend at least two

weeks a month travelling. 6revious experience o! journalism is essential. H. #anco $%peditions is looking !or leaders !or its %atin )merican tours. 3ou must have a driving licence and a basic knowledge o! Spanish. +he job will

re(uire you to spend up to six months per year in 0entral and South )merica. .xtensive travel experience is not essential.


1. Olvasd el az 5 ember lerst s hzd al a kulcsszavakat. 2. Ezek utn olvass el egy lerst s pr bld megkeresn! a hozz tartoz sz"veget. # meg$elel% sz"vegben meg kell lenn!e az "sszes szempontnak& am!t az adott szemly szeretne. 'a pl. r"v!d& romant!kus (short& romant!c stor!es) k"nyveket akar& akkor nem elg a romant!kus* ott kell lenn!e valahol a r"v!dnek !s. +. 'zd al a sz"veg azon rsze!t& am!k meg$elelnek az adott szemlynek. ,!gyzn! kell a kulcsszavak -k!szrsval./ 0ehet& hogy szerepel az adott lersban& de ellenttes 1elentssel. 2. 3em b!ztos& hogy a meg$elel% sz"vegben ugyanazok a szavak vannak. 4l. a -romant!c. helyett -love story. lesz& mg a -short. helyett -books you can read 5u!ckly.. 5. 6sal ka& hogy akr 2 sz"veg !s meg$elel az adott szemlynek& de csak az egy!k mert! k! az "sszes megadott szempontot/ 1. G7 a travel 8r!ter9travell!ng and also 8r!t!ng 8!ll!ng to spend at least t8o 8eeks a month travell!ng9does not m!nd spend!ng long per!ods abroad& start!ng !mmed!ately9could start tomorro8. : nem 1 & nek!k olyan reporter kell ak!nek van tapasztalata ;deep<sea photography.. 2. E7 kno8ledge o$ an!mals9a degree !n zoology& a real team player98orks 8ell 8!th other people& at least one $ore!gn language9speaks =erman > nem 1 & szst !s krnek& s % nem szeret! anny!ra a sportot +. C7 to cover the summer months9an e?c!t!ng summer 1ob& g!ve you tra!n!ng9learn ne8 sk!lls& e?cellent s8!mm!ng sk!lls9tra!ned as a deep<sea d!ver some e?per!ence o$ 8ork!ng 8!th d!$$erent age groups9has taken groups o$ ch!ldren and adults > nem 1 & mert hosszabb !d%szakra sz l s % nem beszl !degennyelvet. !s 8rong because the 1ob !s longer and he does not speak any $ore!gn

languages. : nem 1 & nek!k olyan reporter kell ak!nek van tapasztalata ;deep<sea photography.. 2. H7 spend up to s!? months per year 9several months abroad& must have a dr!v!ng l!cence9used to take tour!sts !n her o8n car& bas!c kno8ledge o$ @pan!sh9can hold a s!mple conversat!on A nem 1 & n!ncs benn utazs& > sem& mert $olykony spanyoltudst !gnyel 5. B7 >ore!gn travel !s not !n the 1ob descr!pt!on 9does not re5u!re her to travel abroad& must speak >rench or @pan!sh or =erman9speaks @pan!sh& 8e 8ork on @aturdays !n the summer months98!ll!ng to 8ork at 8eekends #& > and ' nem 1 k& mert m!nd !gnyel utazst !s.

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