Night Walkers Uganda
Night Walkers Uganda
Night Walkers Uganda
1. Tltsd ki a mondatokat az albbi szavakkal aid agency warden shelter pregnant slave capture bush rebel hut patrol
1. A ___________ is a small simple house with only one or two rooms. 2. A___________ danger. is a place where people are protected from bad weather or from
3. A ___________ is someone who opposes their government and tries to remove it using force. 4. A ___________ is someone who is responsible for a place and checks that people follow rules. 5. f you ___________ a person! you take him or her prisoner. ". f you ___________ a place! you move regularly around it in order to prevent trouble or crime. #. $he___________ %. An___________ need. is an area in a hot country that is not used for growing food. is an organi&ation that gives money! food or help to people in
'. A ___________ is someone who is forced to do what another person tells them to do and has to work for him or her. 1(. f a woman is ___________! she is going to have a baby.
2. A szveg gyors tfutsa utn vlaszol az albbi k!rd!sekre" 1. )here is *ary Aciro from+ 2. ,ow old is she+ 3. )hat is the -.A+ 4. ,ow many children spend the nights in shelters+ 5. ,ow many people live in shelters+
stream+ 5;or me! the worst thing that may happen here is a situation where there is no war! but everybody stays in the camps!6 says ;ather ?arlos .odrigue& 4oto! a .oman ?atholic priest who has spent 1% years in /ganda. $he wardens wake up the children before the sun rises. $he children pray and wash. 4ome children roll their blanketsA others call their younger brothers and sisters. $hey leave the shelter and walk to the road. At ' a.m. the sun will be very hot! but now it is gentle. t is a good time to walk home.
1. n northern /ganda 4(!((( children 2. $he rebels attack villages at night and 3. Aid agencies have built shelters to 4. n the shelters wardens walk around to 5. $here are few written records! so older people ". After 1' years of war! it will
a. provide safe places for children. b. pass information on to children. c. leave their home every night. d. keep order and help children who are scared or sad. e. capture children to use them as slaves. f. be very difficult to return to a normal life.
&. $ros%tsd a k!t oszlo' szavait( hogy !rtelmes nyelvi fordulatokat ka' )*ollo+ations, 1. feed 2. look 3. wear 4. carry 5. leave ". build #. become %. cook a. dirty old clothes b. pregnant c. home B school d. shelters e. the cattle f. sacks g. dinner h. sad
-. $re'oz%+i.k 1. *ary lives ____ northern /ganda. 2. *ary2s mother cooks dinner ____ a fire 3. Adults go home ____ dinner on buses. 4. $he shelters are guarded ____ government troops. 5. $he rebels attack the villagers ____ night. ". $he rebels take the children ____ to the camps in the bush. #. $he shelter is full ____ children and teenagers. %. )ardens patrol ____ torches.
1. :eoffrey was _____________by the rebels. 2. ,e_____________ after three months. 3. A government helicopter _____________the camp. 4. :abriel2s parents were _____________by the rebels. 5. Almost 2( years of war have _____________almost everything in northern /ganda.
2. Tltsd ki a mondatokat az albbi szavakkal 1. hut 2. shelter 3. rebel 4. warden 5. capture ". patrol #. bush %. aid agency '. slave 1(.pregnant
5. 6ondat'ros%ts 1Ec 2Ee 3Ea 17. 1Ee 2Eh 3Ea 4Ef 11. 1. in 2. over 3. for 4. by $re'oz%+i.k 5. at ". away #. of %. with *ollo+ations 5Ec "Ed #Eb %Eg 4Ed 5Eb "Ef