2nd Edition Upper Intermediate
2nd Edition Upper Intermediate
2nd Edition Upper Intermediate
by Arnold Baker
Work in pairs. Read the text quickly and discuss these questions.
1 Are the following statements true (/) or false (X)? Correct the
false ones with the right information and discuss your answers with
a partner.
Language work
1 Try to guess the meaning of the following words from the text.
chiselled ( I . 3)
tramp (I. 17)
treasured ( I . 26)
swells ( I . 62)
clicking (I. 119)
whirring (I. 120)
2 Find a word in the text that has the same or similar meaning to
the following:
shows (v)
reached a decision (v)
serious (adj)
hardly (adv)
distant and far away (adj)
having special rights and
advantages (adj)
unbelievable (adj)
defeated and controlled (v)
choose (v)
extremely beautiful or
delicate (adj)
admit, accept (v)
left (past participle)