Cloud Intro XLR
Cloud Intro XLR
Cloud Intro XLR
What is cloud?
Someone will day it is widely distributed , someone will say it is purely network based because one
system is connecting with through network so that we are gathering the information , storing the
information through the network , Someone will say cloud computing is itself is a storage this is also
correct why because we are storing lots of data , retrieving lots of data , whatever you want to store we
can store it n the cloud , Now we will see the exact definition of cloud ?
Cloud is nothing but using someone else’s server to host, to process, or to store data is called cloud.
With the help of the cloud you are storing the data , not in your system , if you are storing the data in
your system , your system capacity is very less when compared to the cloud , if you want to store the
large amount of data .
Let’s see you are using tablet, mobile, laptop. With the help of these you are accessing cloud through
internet as shown below.
The internet will be accessing the cloud providers like amazon , google,Microsoft who will provide there
server to store the data.
Hence cloud providers will have the servers where the customers can store their data on their servers.
With the help of cloud providers we want to access different services , what are those services SaaS
(Software as Service), PaaS (Platform as a Service),IaaS(Infrastructure as a service).
These are the services provided by the cloud providers for the customers.
Suppose the users want to use SaaS (Software as a service ) , means they want to download some
softwares with the help of the cloud.
With the help of Cloud providers they are asking platform as a service (PaaS).
Now we will see how the cloud computing evolved around the Years .
Before and all if we want to do ant transcations we need to do on single system only , Now cloud
computing came into picture which is very flexible and will be available to everyone to access wherever
you are.
Grid Computing :
Starting we used to have grid computers , what we used to do on this , We used to solve large probles
using parallel computing concepts .
Utility Computing:
Software As A Service:
The computer service is upgraded as software as service,here it is purely network based subscription
and it gained momentum in 2001.
Cloud Computing:
Here came cloud into the market which is nothing but Next Generation Internet computing and Next
Generations Data centers.
The main use of the cloud computing is internet computing and maintaining data centers for storing the
data .
Internet computing is accessing the data where ever you want and whatever time you want , and data
centers is used to store the data in the cloud .
Initially at 1960 , we don’t have cloud , that time when computers are introduced , we have super
computer and Mainframe as a computer technologies .
1990 The first milestone is done for cloud computing by, has forst
started cloud service.
2002 Amazo web services has been launched on 2002 and they started providing services to the
The data which they are storing the cloud with the help of servers , because the organization branches
will be in different countries , so that whatever the data provided on the cloud , can be provided by
another branch people.
And they think about scalable services, if I use cloud server what is benefit I will get, means expenses are
incurred only when they are needed.
Pay As You Go How much you store , pay for that only .
In GMAIL they will give only 15GB of free space, whenever your 15GB is done then you need to upgrade
the cloud .
Cloud Computing:
It is the delivery of On-Demand computer services over the internet on a pay-as-you-go service.
The main thing is it giving service to the people based on On-Demand over the internet on Pay as you
go basis.
If you exceed your free limit then you need to pay and use the cloud services.
Rather than managing the files on a local storage device , this cloud computing makes it possible to save
them over internet.
Now everyone is storing all their data in the cloud , not in the personal compter, hence maintainence
makes very easy .
Before there is no cloud computing , everything we used to use the personal devices for storage of
data.Now we will see the difference between the Onpremises Single system or Single organization and
Cloud computing services.
For On premises , it will be higher pay and less scalability , even you are not using the entire storage you
need to pay for the hard disk and scalability is very less .
But for cloud computing , pay for what you use , scalability is very high .
In Onpremesis , we need to a lot huge space for servers , whereas for cloud no space for servers is
No Automatic updates will be there for On Premises , where as for Cloud computing Automatic software
updates will be there.
On Premises, we need to appoint separate team for hardware and software maintenance where as for
cloud no experts are required .
On Premises , data cannot be accessed remotely , Data can be accessed remotely and even shared
anywhere over the internet .
In On premisis , poor data security and in cloud we have better data security .
All Clouds are data centers , We will have different clouds available .
There was a problem for insufficient data storage and duplication of data .
Public cloud has resolved this ,
Public cloud has the property of sharing , syncing capabilities and it makes the data much simpler.
This is resolved with the introduction of private cloud in which the private cloud fetches the hardware as
per the requirements of an application .
Another use case is how to handle the high peak traffic ? ( This was done after the introduction of
Hybrid cloud)
With the hybrid cloud , we can manage the traffic levels .
Public Cloud :
It is the cloud computing infrastructure that is located in the on premises of the company that offers the
services. Means the data center would be located at their premises.
Example : GlobalDots is the company that offers cloud services worldwide services for public cloud.
Private Cloud :
It is nothing but cloud infrastructure for a dedicated customer or for the organization and this will ot be
shared with the other users .
Ex: Dell
Hybrid Cloud :
Tenancy in Public cloud : Here different organizations in different companies will share their data in this
environment , since it is a multi tenant , there data is completely isolated to another data organization
as well .
Tenancy in Private Cloud : It is a single tenant , since private cloud infrastructure is dedicated to the
single customer or the single organization.
The data stored in a public cloud is multi tenant and is kept secure with the help of private cloud.
Exposure to Public :
How the public access this cloud models , public cloud is accessed by everyone.There are least
restrictions , any place , any device, any geography can access this device.
Exposure to Private :
Exposure to Hybrid:
Since it is a combination of public and private , any user can access in public as well as in organization.
Public Cloud:
Data center services for the public cloud are in the same location where t he cloud provider is located.
Private Cloud:
The data center location of the private cloud be inside the organization network only , so it will not be
on the public network or internet . It is within the organization.
Hybrid Cloud :
The data center location within the organization for private cloud services and anywhere on the internet
for the public cloud services.
It depends on the organization to decide whether they can deploy their services in public or private.
Public : The cloud service provider will manages the services where as the organization uses them.
Hybrid : The organization operates the private cloud where the cloud service providers manage the
public cloud.
Hardware Components :
Everything will be taken care by the cloud service provider, like software’s and hardware’s .
Those people who don’t want to use their infrastructure will go to public cloud , since it is available on
the internet .
Private Cloud : Here organization offers the soft wares with specific specifications and this is more