IOQA2021 PartII Solutions 20210208
IOQA2021 PartII Solutions 20210208
IOQA2021 PartII Solutions 20210208
2020 – 2021
conducted jointly by
Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education (HBCSE-TIFR)
Indian Association of Physics Teachers (IAPT)
Question Paper
Date: 6th February 2021 Time: 10:15 – 12:15 hrs
Roll Number: rorororo - rorororo - rorororororo Maximum Marks: 80
Please Note:
There are total 5 questions. Maximum marks are indicated in front of each sub-question.
For all questions, the process involved in arriving at the solution is more important than the final
answer. Valid assumptions / approximations are perfectly acceptable. Please write your method
clearly, explicitly stating all reasoning / assumptions / approximations.
The answer-sheet must be returned to the invigilator. You can take this question paper
back with you.
Useful Constants
1. A Newtonian reflector type of telescope has a concave mirror with a 2.00 m radius of curvature as
its primary mirror. It is fitted with camera at primary focus with an achromatic camera lens of
4.00 cm focal length.
(a) (2 marks) What is the angular magnification of this system?
(b) (3 marks) We observe a 25 000 km diameter sunspot with this system. What will be the
angular size of the sunspot in the image?
(c) (7 marks) The camera lens is now removed and an image detector is placed in such a way
that a well-focused sunspot image due to primary mirror could be observed with yellow light
(wavelength 550 nm). We wish to observe the same region now in green light (wavelength
465 nm). For this, we introduce a green filter, which blocks all other wavelengths except green
light, in front of the detector. If the thickness of this plane parallel glass plate (refractive index
1.53 ) is t = 2.887 mm, how much will be the change in the position of the image?
(a) As the radius of curvature is 2.00 m, hence the focal length is 1.00 m.
Angular magnification m is given by:
m = −25
Diameter of Sunspot
Distance from the Earth
25 000 −4
θ= 8 = 1.67 × 10 rad
1.496 × 10
θ = 34.500
θt = mθ = 34.500 × 25
θ = 140 2300
(c) Let, i and r be the angle of incidence and angle of refraction respectively. Let x be the
change in focal length.
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A’ D A
X’ Y’
n t
F r E
C’ G C B
From the figure, it is clear that x = JO,
Now, ∠JOH = ∠i
∴ tan i =
but , JH = GC
So , tan i =
In 4AGB,
tan i = =
tan r =
x tan i
tan i = + tan r
1− tan i = tan r
As the angles are small
sin i tan i
refractive index n = ≈
sin r tan r
nt − nx = t
(n − 1)t
0.53 × 2.887
x = 1.0 mm
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2. A rectangular sheet of paper was rolled to form a cylinder, with exactly two layers of sheet along
the curved surface. This cylinder is cut such that the plane of the cut makes an angle of 45◦ with
the axis of cylinder. The paper was then unrolled and spread on a flat table.
(a) (2 marks) Draw a figure to show how the unrolled paper would appear.
(b) (4 marks) Justify your answer with appropriate mathematical arguments.
(a) x
(b) Imagine cutting the cylinder perpendicular to z-axis, in which case, top edge of the paper
(blue) will still be flat.
If we give a cut at angle θ to the z-axis, the bottom-most point and top-most point would
shift vertically by r tan θ from x-y plane.
In fact every point will shift vertically by ±x tan θ.
Let φ be the azimuth in the x-y plane.
As paper is rolled to form two layers, length of the paper is twice the circumference of the
cylinder, i.e. l = 4πr
x = r cos φ
∴ vertical displacement is
z= cos φ tan θ
∵ θ = 45◦
∴z= cos φ
3. Betelgeuse, a red supergiant star, in the constellation of Orion, is known as an irregular variable star.
It’s magnitude varies between +0.3 to +1.0 from time to time. However, last year the astronomers
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were surprised to observe an unexpected dimming of Betelgeuse. We may assume this event started
from 12 October 2019. Given below is a plot of the observed magnitude vs time (light-curve) of
Figure 1: The V band magnitudes are observations from the AAVSO International Database
The relation between magnitude of the star and light flux received from it is given by :
m1 − m2 = −2.5 log10
where m1 and m2 are magnitudes measured in two different observations and F1 and F2 are
corresponding light fluxes.
Mass of Betelgeuse: MB = 2.1 × 1031 kg
Distance of Betelgeuse from the Earth: dB = 200 pc
Typical radius of Betelgeuse: R1 = 6.17 × 1011 m
(a) (8 marks) One of the proposed model for this dimming was that the whole star suddenly
started expanding and hence cooled down. Let us assume that the star is still acting as perfect
black body at each stage of expansion (and subsequent contraction). By other measurements,
we know that the star’s effective temperature at the start of expansion was T1 = 3500 K and
the effective temperature at the most expanded state is T2 = 2625 K. Find the average velocity
of the expansion of gas.
(b) (9 marks) Some other astronomers proposed that the said dimming is caused due to the transit
of a giant exoplanet with radius ‘r’ orbiting Betelgeuse. Argue if such a scenario is possible
for an edge-on circular orbit of the exoplanet with orbital radius ‘a’.
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(c) (7 marks) A popular model to explain this dimming states that this event started with a
large plume of hot material getting ejected from the star’s surface. This material cooled down
after ejection and became opaque to block light from a part of the star. As this dense cloud
expanded, it kept blocking more and more part of the star dimming it further. However, as
this expansion lowered the density of the cloud, the cloud’s opaqueness started reducing after
a few weeks and the star started brightening again.
Here we will consider a simpler version of this model. We assume that this material ejection
happened in a narrow cone in very short timescale from a single point on the non-rotating
stellar surface. The total mass of the ejected material was approximately equal to mass of the
earth and the axis of the cone was exactly along our line of sight. Let us assume that at each
instant during the expansion the density of material is constant throughout the cone and the
vertex of the cone is still attached to the stellar surface.
We assume that the star starts brightening again when the average density inside the cone
falls to 5 × 10−14 kg m−3 . Find the time averaged velocity of particles, which form the front of
the expanding cone.
(a) When the star is in the most expanded state the radius is large, temperature is low and
the magnitude is minimum. On the other hand, when it is contracted the radius is small,
temperature is high and the magnitude is maximum.
Here we will consider only the period starting from 12 October 2019 when the magnitude
is maximum till the magnitude is minimum which around 14 February 2020.
The magnitude is maximum on 12 Oct 2019 mx = 0.65.
The magnitude is minimum on 14 Feb 2020 mc = 1.60.
This gives the time period from the most contracted state to most expanded state to be
tcx = 125 days = 1.08 × 107 s .
At the start of expansion,
radius:R1 = 6.17 × 1011 m, temperature: T1 = 3500 K and magnitude: m1 = 0.65
For the most expanded state,
radius: R2 , temperature: T2 = 2625 K and magnitude: m2 = 1.60
m1 − m2 = −2.5 log10
= 10−0.4(m1 −m2 )
= 10−0.4(0.65−1.60)
= 2.399
L = 4πR2 σT 4
4πR2 σT 4
F =
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F1 R12 × T14
F2 R2 × T24
R1 F1 T22
= ×
R2 F2 T12
R1 √ 26252
= 2.399 ×
R2 35002
= 0.871
6.17 × 1011
R2 =
R2 = 7.08 × 1011 m
R2 − R1 = 9.1 × 1010 m
Change in Radius
vexp =
9.1 × 1010
vexp =
1.08 × 107
vexp = 8.4 km s−1
(b) Transit time from first contact to second contact t = 1.08 × 107 s [from part a].
Flux ratio = 2.399 [from part a]
Let P be the period of the orbit and a be the orbital radius then,
4π 2 3
P2 = a
θ t 2πt
∴ = ⇒θ=
2π P P
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If θ is small,
t = r + RB
a3 √
∴ 4.04 × 1017 = a3 (r + RB )
√ 4.04 × 1017 4.04 × 1017
a3 = < = 6.54 × 105
(r + RB ) RB
∴ a < 6.54 × 105
a < 7541 km
∴ a RB
4. (20 marks) A space agency would like to put an artificial satellite in a highly elliptical orbit around
the Earth in the ecliptic plane (the plane of the Earth’s orbit around the Sun). What can be the
maximum eccentricity (emax ) for such an orbit? Also provide the perigee (rmin ) and apogee (rmax )
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2 GM
ω⊕ =
Alternatively, the equation of motion at the limiting position in the satellite’s non-inertial frame
of reference is
GmM GmM⊕ 2
− − mω⊕ (d − d1 ) = 0
(d − d1 )2 d21
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where m is the mass of the satellite and the last term is the centrifugal force in the frame
revolving around the Sun.
Either equation yields
M M M⊕
− 3 (d − d1 ) − 2 = 0
(d − d1 ) d d1
Dividing by M /d2 ,
d1 d1 M⊕ /M
1− − 1− − =0
d d (d1 /d )2
We expect the ratio d1 /d 1. Retaining only first order terms in d1 /d , we get
d1 d1 M⊕ /M
1+2 − 1− =
d d (d1 /d )2
=⇒ d1 = 3 d ≈ 1.496 × 109 m
The distance d1 is the radius of the so-called Hill sphere of the Earth.
For the Moon, we can similarly calculate d02 , which is the distance from the Moon to be within
the Moon’s gravitational sphere of influence. This can be done by replacing M⊕ → M$ ,
M → M⊕ and d → d$ in the above formula. We get,
d02 = 3 d$ ≈ 0.616 × 108 m
Thus, the maximum distance d2 from the Earth towards the Moon where the gravitational
influence of the Earth would dominate is given by
d2 = d$ − d02 = 3.228 × 108 m
We find that d2 < d1 . So if the apogee of the satellite is at a distance less than d2 , it would
never be captured by the Moon (or by the Sun, of course).
Thus the maximum eccentricity in this case would be
d2 − rmin 3.228 × 108 − 6.471 × 106
emax = = = 0.961
d2 + rmin 3.228 × 108 + 6.471 × 106
However, it is also possible for the satellite to be in a larger orbit in such a manner that it
never enters the Hill sphere of the Moon. For this to happen over a long time, the satellite -
in a pro-grade orbit - must have the same period as the Moon and also be out of phase with
the Moon at perigee and apogee. For the period to be exactly the same as that of the Moon,
the semi-major axis of the satellite’s orbit must be the same as that of the lunar orbit, i.e., the
(average) Earth-Moon distance (d$ ).
Therefore, the eccentricity in this case will be,
emax = 1 −
6.471 × 106 m
3.844 × 108 m
emax = 0.983
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In principle, a student may wonder about other exactly out of phase resonant orbits. An orbit
with period exactly twice that of revolution period of the moon will have higher eccentricity
(e0 = 0.989) and satellite in this orbit won’t enter the moon’s Hill sphere at any phase. We
cannot aim for 1:3 or higher resonance as the apogee will be beyond the Hill sphere.
However, proving that 1:2 resonance actually keeps satellite outside Hill sphere of the Moon is
beyond the scope of this examination.
5. (18 marks) Five friends from various cities of India observed the Sun and made the following
statements. For their observations of shadows they all used a metre stick placed vertically on a flat
Below are the locations of our observers along with the coordinates of their cities;
Assume that all observers have their watches synchronised to correct Indian Standard Time. Find
out, for each statement, which statement was made by which observer?
Note: You don’t have to give reasons. Only a table with observer name and statement numbers
is enough. Each correct pair gives you 1.5 marks. However, for each wrong pair, you will lose 0.5
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As Kolkata is significantly to the east, on all days, it will be the first 1 city to experience sunrise
and sunset. Let us calculate time difference, caused only due to longitude difference, between
sunrise / sunset at other cities as compared to Kolkata.
In other words, if latitudes were not a factor, we would expect Nagpur sunrise to happen 37
minutes after Kolkata, Chandigarh 46 minutes after Kolkata and so on. Same would be true
for the sunset.
But, we know that in the northern places, days are significantly longer in the summer and
significantly shorter in the winter. Thus, we expect some latitude dependence.
One should also recall the Sun is directly in front of the equator on only the equinox days. On
the summer solstice day the sun is in front of tropic of cancer (φ = +23.44◦ ) and on the winter
solstice day it is in front of the tropic of Capricorn (φ = −23.44◦ ).
Let’s consider only sunrise statements (no. 1 and 2). Both the statements are about
sunrise on 12th June, which is very close to the summer solstice day. As 05:24 is the
second earliest sunrise, it is obvious that 04:56 is the earliest and hence it must be a
statement by Kamal.
If Kolkata sunrise was at 04:56, as per our table, we would expect Nagpur sunrise at
05:33. But there is a sunrise at 05:24, which may be caused due to northern latitude of
the observer. Thus, statement 2 must be by Chandrika.
Consider the Sunset statements 3 and 4, related to observations near the winter solstice
day. As 17:35 is the third earliest of the 5 sunsets, it must be of Nagpur. Kolkata is
significantly more eastwards and Chandigarh is significantly more northwards. So they
will have earlier sunsets. On the other hand, Kochi and Mumbai are both more towards
west and also towards south as compared to Nagpur. Thus 4 belongs to Naeem.
Now sunset in 3 was 40 minutes prior to the Nagpur sunset. For Kolkata we expect the
sunset to be 37 minutes earlier due to longitude difference and since Kolkata’s latitude
is 1◦ more than that of Nagpur, we expect the day to be slightly shorter. So 40 minute
difference matches with Kolkata.
In statement 5 we are close to the equinox day. Thus day lengths would not differ signifi-
cantly at different latitudes and the order of the sunsets will be mostly be determined by
the order of longitudes. Thus, last sunset will be observed by Mayank.
On 21st June, the sun will be in front of the tropic of cancer (φ = +23.44◦ ) and altitude
of the Sun at local noon will depend on distance (latitude difference) of these cities from
the tropic of cancer. Thus, statement 6 is made by Kate.
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Next consider statements 7 to 10. These clearly belong to four different cities. All cities
to the south of the tropic of cancer would experience ‘zero shadow’ at local noon on one
of the days between vernal equinox and summer solstice. The zero shadow day occurs in
the increasing order of the latitudes with faster change between 21 Mar - 15 May (approx
0◦ to 19◦ ) and much slower change between 15 May - 21 Jun (19◦ to 23.44◦ ). So statement
10 is made by Kate, 9 is made by Naeem and 8 is made by Kamal. For all places to the
north of the tropic of cancer, the shortest shadow will be seen on the summer solstice day.
Thus, statement 7 will be made by Chandrika.
Lastly, for statements 11 and statement 12, we note that Chandigarh (highest latitude)
will have longer day in the summer and Kochi (lowest latitude) will have the longest day
in the winter.
For statements 1 to 5, the correction due to equation of time can be safely ignored as the
same is almost zero on the given dates.
The sunrise / sunset times / altitudes / dates of zero shadow day may be exactly calculated
using the principles of spherical geometry. That is also a valid justification but not a
necessary one.