A Brief Overview On Crinum Latifolium: Shweta Parihar, Devender Sharma

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International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

ISSN: 2319-7064
SJIF (2020): 7.803

A Brief Overview on Crinum Latifolium

Shweta Parihar1*, Devender Sharma2, 3
Research Scholar, Department of Pharmacognosy, Maharshi Dayanand University, Near Delhi Bypass, Rohtak, Haryana - 124001, India
Research Scholar, Department of Pharmaceutics, Lovely Institute of Technology (Pharmacy), Lovely Professional University, Punjab -
144411, India
Associate Professor, Department of Pharmaceutics, R. J. World College of Pharmacy Education and Technology, Jakhod, Surajgarh,
Rajasthan - 333033, India

Abstract: Crinum latifoliuma well - known ornamental species, a well - known home - grown herb in India, that belong tothe
Amaryllidaceae family. Crinum latifolium is known as "Sudarshana" or Sukhdarshan in Ayurveda. It means that simply gazing at it
brings you calm and contentment (Seeing it). The Crinum latifolium roots, stems, flowers and leaves are employed in herbal therapy,
and also used as an ornamental plant. Pharmacological and therapeutic research, phytochemistry, Sanskrit synonyms of the Crinum
latifolium and its active components are presented in this overview.

Keywords: Crinum latifolium, Amaryllidaceae, Pharmacology, Sanskrit synonyms, ornamental plant, Phytochemistry

1. Introduction swellings, unexplained fevers, poisoning, and skin disorders

A wide variety of therapeutic plants can be found all over
the world. Many weeds in our environment are highly Botanical Description
effective medicinal plants that can help with a variety of The leaves of a little plant that grows up to 3 feet long and 3
significant health issues (1). India has long been known as a - 4 inches wide have a length of 2 - 4 inches and a breadth of
great store of natural remedies among ancient cultures (2, 3, 3 - 4 inches. The large, wide leaves resemble the hood of a
25). Crinum is a genus of roughly 180 species that includes a snake. It can be found all throughout India. The flowers are
diverse family of lovely perennial plants. They are used for stunning, white with a reddish tinge. Flowering stems are
decoration, gardens, and bouquets, and are also known as long and stout, measuring around 2 - 3 mm in length. Fruits
Spider lily, Trumpet flower, and Swamp lily, among other are spherical, 2 - 3 inches in diameter, and contain 8 - 10
names. Crinum is a tropical plant that can be found in Asia, seeds (4).
Southeast Asia, Australia, and the Pacific Islands, as well as Latin Name - Crinum latifolium
the Caribbean, Florida, and Louisiana. Crinum latifolium is Family - Amarylidaceae
known as "Sudarshana" or Sukhdarshan in Ayurveda. It
means that simply gazing at it brings you calm and Habitat
contentment (Seeing it). Crinum defixum was reported by South Asia, Southeast Asia - Caribbean countries, Australia,
Sushruta in Ayurvedic literature dating back to 5000 BC Fiji, Philippines, Thailand, Singapore Malaysia, Louisiana,
(Kandali). This herb is mostly used in Ayurveda for painful Florida and other tropical countries, Brajendranagar,
Udaipur, Tripura (5, 14, 6).

Sanskrit Synonyms
S. NO. Sanskrit Name Meaning
1 NAGDAMAN The large, wide leaves resemble the hood of a snake.
2 MEDHI It helps with memory.
3 VISHAMANDAL To get rid of ingested toxin, the leaves juice (10 - 20 ml dosage) can be used as an emetic and purgative.
4 RAKT PUSHPI Sudarshana is another English name for Crinum latifolium, which is also known as Pink Striped trumpet
lily. Crinurasiaticum blooms in white.
5 RATNAMALA Because the blooms are lovely and grow in a circular pattern from the umbels
6 VRITT PUSHPA the flowers grow in a circular pattern.
7 JAMBU The fruit looks similar toJambu fruit, also known as Java apple or Jamun. The fruit looks like an onion bulb.
8 KANDALI Sushruta described Crinum
9 DUDARSHANA The fruit give foul smell
10 CHAKRAVAHA the flowers grow in a circular pattern.
11 MADHUPARNIKA Taste of the leaves are sour, bitter
12 SUDARSHANA, Bhavprakash in 17 century gave these names to Crinum (4)

Volume 10 Issue 12, December 2021

Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
Paper ID: SR211212134211 DOI: 10.21275/SR211212134211 725
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN: 2319-7064
SJIF (2020): 7.803
Vernecular Name Ayurvedic Properties
S. Language Name S. No. Ayurvedic Property Name Ayurvedic Property of Crinum
No. Name Latifolium
1 Hindi Chinder, Kanwar, Kunwal, Pindar Baranwar 1 Rasa (Taste) Sweer, Bitter (Madhur, Tikt)
2 English Crinum Latifolium, Trumpet Lily, Spider Lilly 2 Virya (Potency) Ushana (Hot)
3 Urdu Nagdaun 3 Vipaka (Post Digestion Sweet (Madhur)
4 Marathi GadambiKanda Property)
5 Bengali Bada Kanod, Sukha Darshana, GaerhonarPatta 4 Guna (Inherent Properties) Ruksha, Tikshana (Dry,
6 Kannada Sudarshana, VishaMungli Pungent)
7 Tamil VishaPungil, Vishamungil,
8 Telugu KesaraChettu
9 Phillippines Lirio

Phytochemistry 7 - 14, 24
Leaves Extract of Aqueous Extract or Juice of Other Chemical Constituents
Crinum Latifolium Leaves of Crinum Latifolium
 Carbohydrates,  Crinamine,  N - Benzyl - N - (Β - Phenethylamine) Nucleus (Belladinetype)
 Alkaloids,  Crinamidine,  2 - Benzopyrano - (3, 4 G) - Indole Nucleus (Lycoreninetype)
 Glycosides,  Crinafoline,  PyrrolophenanthridineNucleus (Lycorine - Type)
 Saponins,  Crina Folidine  Dibenzofuran Nucleus (Galanthamine - Type)
 Phytosterols,  5, 10 B - EthanophenanthridineNucleus (Crinine - Type)
 Phenols,  2 - Benzopyrano - (3, 4 C) - Indole Nucleus (Tazettinetype)
 Tannins,  5, 11 - Methanomorphanthridine Nucleus (Montaninetype)
 Flavonoids,  BenzylisoquinolineNucleus (Cherylline - Type)
 Proteins And
 Amino Acids,
 Fats &
 Fixed Oils Gum and

Pharmacological Activities studied on the rate of degranulation of mast cells of albino

rats. Different combinations of glucan A and
Antimicrobial activity phosphatidyllycorine (5–20 and 5–10 μg/mL, respectively)
The methanolic extract of crinum latifolium plant showed in vitro, produced statistically significant protection against
antimicrobial activity through disc diffusion method against Tween 80 - induced degranulation, as well as to sensitized
gram negative and positive bacteria15, 16. mast cells challenged with an antigen (horse serum). The
combination (10–20 mg/kg), when administered in vivo, also
Anti – inflammatory activity provided protection against compound 48/80 - induced
The methanolic extract of crinum latifolium plant showed degranulation of mast cells20.
Anti - inflammatory activity16.21% & 20.55%10mg/ml for
hypotonic solution and heat induced condition 15, 16. Antibacterial and anticancer activity
Biosynthesis of silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) and gold
Thrombolytic nature nanoparticles (AuNPs) by using aqueous extract from C.
The thrombolytic nature of the plant was found significant latifolium leaf. The actions of four bacterial strains were
(p < 0.001). The plant showed medium clot lysis, i. strongly inhibited by using the CL - AgNPs. The
e.14.64±0.540%, 18.01±0.766%, 21.78±1.039%, biosynthesized metallic nanoparticles (MNPs) exhibited the
28.43±0.982%, and 33.84±1.749% at 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10 excellent catalytic degradation 21.
mg/ml concentrations. Crude methanolic extract of crinum
latifoliumhas good thrombolytic activity 17. Inhibit human umbilical endothelial cells formation
4 - senecioyloxymethyl - 3, 4 - dimethoxycoumarin and 5, 6,
Antitumor activity 3' - trihydroxy - 7, 8, 4' - trimethoxyflavon were isolated
Extracts of crinum latifolium and alkaloid fraction (expect from the methanol extract of Crinum latifolium by bioassay
pure 6 - hydroxycrinamidine) stop the proliferation of - guided separation. Compound 4 - senecioyloxymethyl - 3,
lymphoma cells 18. 4 - dimethoxycoumarin was found to be strongly inhibitory
against the in vitro tube - like formation of human umbilical
Anthelmintic activity venous endothelial cells (HUVECs) while manifesting no
Anthelmintic activity was assessed applying five different cytotoxicity in tumor cell lines (B16F10, HCT116).
concentrations of the plant extract and recording the time of Significant inhibitory activity (inhibition percentage, 53.5%)
paralysis and death 19. was still observed at concentrations as low as 1 microg/mL.
Compound 5, 6, 3' - trihydroxy - 7, 8, 4' - trimethoxyflavone
Induced Degranulation of mast cells showed a modest inhibitory effect on the tube - like
The effect of glucan A and phosphatidyllycorine, isolated formation of HUVECs22.
from Crinum latifolium L. (family Amaryllidaceae) was

Volume 10 Issue 12, December 2021

Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
Paper ID: SR211212134211 DOI: 10.21275/SR211212134211 726
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN: 2319-7064
SJIF (2020): 7.803
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Volume 10 Issue 12, December 2021

Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
Paper ID: SR211212134211 DOI: 10.21275/SR211212134211 728

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