Lesson 2 Sac Chart
Lesson 2 Sac Chart
Lesson 2 Sac Chart
Standard: NY-2.MD.1. Measure the length of an object to the nearest whole by selecting and using appropriate tools
such as rulers, yardsticks, meter sticks, and measuring tapes.
NY-2.MD.3. Estimate lengths using units of inches, feet, centimeters, and meters.
Objective: SWBAT estimate measures and measure the length and height to the nearest inch by using a ruler.
FAME Mastery Lev- Description of Student Work in each Assessment Data Outcomes:
els Mastery Category
Number of students: 0/23 16/23
Characteristics of student work:
Highly Proficient Students were able to both estimate and correctly measure the Percent of Total class: 0% 70%
length of an object.
Percent of Total class: 17% 30%
Proficient Characteristics of student work:
Students were able to estimate and measure some of the ob- Student Initials: H.C., J.A., O.Y., N.W. J.Z., A.J., H.C., A.Z.,
jects. A.L., J.T., V.W.
Description for ‘Developing’ - Number of students: 9/23 0/23
Percent of Total class: 39% 0%
Characteristics of student work:
Percent of Total class: 44% 0%
Emerging Proficiency Characteristics of student work:
Students were not able to accurately estimate or measure the Student Initials: H.C., A.Z., S.Z., B.Y., A.L.,
length of an object. J.T., J.J., R.B., A.H., V.W.