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はてなキーワード: Specializedとは



GIANT 主力販売商品。買って間違いない

SPECIALIZED 特徴がよくわからない

TREK 溶接跡がもりもりしてて、頑丈そう


merida 扱ってる店が多く、変な色が残ってて怖い

gios ジオスだな

Bianchi ビアンキいっぱいだな


で、シリコンバレーいくら稼げるのか(Part 8)

承前 : Part-7 https://anond.hatelabo.jp/20201014091325

次回 : Part-9 https://anond.hatelabo.jp/20201101061517



前回までで収入構成要素については大体解説を終えた。細かいところまで含めればESPPだとかRoth IRAだとかまだあるが、大した違いにはならない。今回はその収入源となるサラリーやRSU、ボーナス入社時あるいは入社後に交渉する段において、やるべきこと(DOs)、やってはいけないこと(DONTs)を解説する。最初に言っておくが、今回のトピックオファーを受けた後の交渉だ。オファーを受けるための準備や面接心得などについては扱わない。

DO : RecruiterとHiring Managerは誰で、何ができるのかを把握する。

これは交渉以前の常識だ。応募者の交渉はRecruiterとHiring Managerが二人三脚で行う。



自分が聞き及んだ、そもそもレベル換算すら不可能な大物のhire時などはRecruiterがまったく絡まなかった。面接さえ行われなかった。VP達が低姿勢でselling modeの会話をするのを面接と呼ぶのでなければ。Blank checkが送られたという噂もあったが、流石に誇張だろう。



しかし、仲介役を侮るなかれ。Recruiterが交渉の主導権を握ることもある。Recruiterが頑迷給与交渉無視すれば応募者はなす術もないし、こんな奴へのオファーはrescindしろと言えばhiring managerも大抵心を変える。Hiring managerの中には、交渉をRecruiterに丸投げする者もいる。Hiring managerとは違い、特定のチームの事情を勘案しない代わりに会社全体の利益を代弁するのでlow-ballオファーから始めてくる者もいる。まさにペーター危惧したとおりだ。

それでも、Recruiterが出来ることには大きな制限がある。最終的にはHiring managerあるいはその上のVPから承認必要となる。

Hiring Manager


  • そもそも入社後に上司となる相手に無理目の交渉をするのは得策でない。嫌われたらどうするのだ。
  • 彼らにとって採用業務のごく一部でしかない。我々と同じなのだ。手間がかかりすぎる案件は嫌われる。
  • 応募者を直接欲しがっているのは彼らであり、TCを大幅に上げる交渉は彼らを説得することなしにはありえない。

但し、会社によってはhiring managerと入社後のチームに関りがないこともある。L3/L4などのspecializedでない段階の入社、あとはfacebookなど入社後にbootcampで配属先を決める方式の所だ。しかし、Facebookでさえも近年、高ランク技術者とくにinfra側ではheadcountをpreallocateする場合が多い。専門性を買って高ランク応募者を雇ったのに、入社後に目的のチームが定員過多で入れなければ宝の持ち腐れだ。

さて、hiring managerもランクによって出来ることと出来ないことがある。応募者のランクによって定められたバンド幅を超過するような変更は大抵VP以上でなければ出来ない。そのほか、特例となるような変更は大抵VPから承認必要になるので、下のランクのhiring managerは大抵考慮すらしないだろう。

DONT : 不可能要求はしない。



例えばL6 loop面接を受け、オファーをもらったとしよう。これに対してL7にup-levelしろなどというのは全く不可能要求だ。L6とL7では面接内容からして違うので、最初からやり直しでもしなければどうしようもない。但し、低ランク場合会社によってオファー後のup-levelもある。





DO : バンド幅を調べる。



もしもバンド幅の下限でのオファーであれば交渉をしない理由がない。オファーを出す側からしても、そんなオファーで応募者が交渉をせずにacceptしたらgood for meだ。自分はそういったオファーはunethicalだし長期的にその社員の意欲を削ぐと思っているが、残念ながら多々ある。

DO : Competing offersを得る。



DONT : 複数社で時期をずらして面接する。


多くの会社ではオファーは2週間以内にexpireする。業界によっては極端に早い、いわゆるexploding offer(2-3 days等)もあるそうだが、シリコンバレー上場IT企業では寡聞である会社の評判に影響する。





ちなみに、今まで見た中でもっと効果的なオファー延長理由two-body problemであった。つまり配偶者やsignificant otherも同時期に職探しをしている。住む場所を合わせなければならないので、そちらの進展を待つ必要がある、と。採用からすればぐうの音も出ない。進展の詮索すらできない。しかし、卒業時や移住時などにしか使えない理由だ。

DO : 適正な金額を正直に、理由を明確にして要求する。


それに対し、応募者側から数字の明確な説明があれば採用側がdecision makerとなって悩むことになる。Turn the tables! また、hiring managerがその上を説得する材料となる。

例えば、「X社のオファーTCに合わせるため」、「Y社のRSU Refresher方式との違いを考慮し、同額になるためのRSU量」などは説得力が高い。「バンド幅のmedian」も成功例だった。

Wrapping up








daichi ito @daichi

【お知らせ】篠原栄太さん @raf00

は、去る1月15日事故のため急逝されました。ご遺族に代わりまして友人を代表し、生前故人に賜わりましたご厚誼に対し心から御礼申し上げます。なお共有いただきました故人との思い出につきましては、責任を持って私がご遺族にお伝えします。2019年2月19日 伊藤大地


Specialized のフィーチャーショック対応リコール、報じられるや否や購入したバイシクルセオ川口から電話がかかってきて、対応の早さと誠実さに感心するなど。





















Your Nameありがちな

・The meteorite is ruined in the Americas

・switching bodies with President Obama

・The heroine turns black

・Zenzenzense protests against Christianity

NASA plans to launch two specialized shuttles, Freedom and Independence


5 reasons why Japanese Engineer are fu*king da*n

  • Because they likes "Technical document" much, though they usually study with books even it's Front-end latest technology, Many of them are just translated original EN contents or da*n not sexy sample code, it's worthless in the world which dynamically changing day by day in few months. Regardless of free latest contents which can be found everywhere, they just get Secondary Information given by some evangelists with passive mindset, it causes making this Evangelist? market stable due to this kind of information gap structure.

See also : https://anond.hatelabo.jp/20170728223725















4月17日 7:00追記----------------------------------------------















Longman Dictionary(ロングマン英英辞書
  • words and expressions used in a particular profession or by a particular group of people, which are difficult for other people to understand - often used to show disapproval:
The American Heritage(アメリカ国語辞書?)
  • Nonsensical, incoherent, or meaningless talk.
  • A hybrid language or dialect; a pidgin.
  • The specialized or technical language of a trade, profession, or similar group. See Synonyms at dialect.
  • Speech or writing having unusual or pretentious vocabulary, convoluted phrasing, and vague meaning.


Longman Dictionary(ロングマン英英辞書
  • very informal, sometimes offensive, language that is used especially by people who belong to a particular group, such as young people or criminals:
The American Heritage(アメリカ国語辞書?)
  • A kind of language occurring chiefly in casual and playful speech, made up typically of short-lived coinages and figures of speech that are deliberately used in place of standard terms for added raciness, humor, irreverence, or other effect.
  • Language peculiar to a group; argot or jargon: thieves' slang.










subaru XV, YAMAHA FZ1 fazer, SPECIALIZEDの安いチャリンコ





A digital Generating Logos And Worth

Looking for an important logo design, that'll precisely and creatively represent what you are promoting? After that pick a digitally imprinted custom logo design. Within todays globe where products bets an essential job for Network marketing, Internet website marketing, in addition to The web conversation, digitally imprinted logos insert amazing valuation to make sure you organization with the versatility to a electronic company logo.

Digitally printed images is often an reliable method to increase all the brand and picture of your firm in numerous internet domain names. Different from logos in other styles, an electronic digital logo design will be easily common over the internet to become used for online, report, in addition to The web make use of (websites). Having a digitally designed logo design assures feel not to mention prime quality reproductions. Online digital publishing will also be done upon various fabrics prefer documents, textile, in addition to advertise products. Furnishings and also the style remain still in effect not to mention genuine even after constant employ and usage.

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Caused by prime quality coordinated with price effectiveness, digitally imprinted logos utilized in several Online marketing not to mention market plans. There're utilized for the next:

Paper prints



Small business business cards

Reproduced sorts of conversation.

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Types of digital cameras

Digital cameras are made in a wide range of sizes, prices and capabilities. The majority are camera phones, operated as a mobile application through the cellphone menu. Professional photographers and many amateurs use larger, more expensive digital single-lens reflex cameras (DSLR) for their greater versatility. Between these extremes lie digital compact cameras and bridge digital cameras that "bridge" the gap between amateur and professional cameras. Specialized cameras including multispectral imaging equipment and astrographs continue to serve the scientific, military, medical and other special purposes for which digital photography was invented.

[edit]Compact digital cameras

Subcompact with lens assembly retracted

Compact cameras are designed to be tiny and portable and are particularly suitable for casual and "snapshot" uses. Hence, they are also called point-and-shoot cameras. The smallest, generally less than 20 mm thick, are described as subcompacts or "ultra-compacts" and some are nearly credit card size.[2]

Most, apart from ruggedized or water-resistant models, incorporate a retractable lens assembly allowing a thin camera to have a moderately long focal length and thus fully exploit an image sensor larger than that on a camera phone, and a mechanized lens cap to cover the lens when retracted. The retracted and capped lens is protected from keys, coins and other hard objects, thus making it a thin, pocketable package. Subcompacts commonly have one lug and a short wrist strap which aids extraction from a pocket, while thicker compacts may have two lugs for attaching a neck strap.

Compact cameras are usually designed to be easy to use, sacrificing advanced features and picture quality for compactness and simplicity; images can usually only be stored using lossy compression (JPEG). Most have a built-in flash usually of low power, sufficient for nearby subjects. Live preview is almost always used to frame the photo. Most have limited motion picture capability. Compacts often have macro capability and zoom lenses but the zoom range is usually less than for bridge and DSLR cameras. Generally a contrast-detect autofocus system, using the image data from the live preview feed of the main imager, focuses the lens.

Typically, these cameras incorporate a nearly silent leaf shutter into their lenses.

For lower cost and smaller size, these cameras typically use image sensors with a diagonal of approximately 6 mm, corresponding to a crop factor around 6. This gives them weaker low-light performance, greater depth of field, generally closer focusing ability, and smaller components than cameras using larger sensors.

Starting in 2011, some compact digital cameras can take 3D still photos. These 3D compact stereo cameras can capture 3D panoramic photos for play back on a 3D TV.[3] Some of these are rugged and waterproof, and some have GPS, compass, barometer and altimeter. [4]

[edit]Bridge cameras

Sony DSC-H2

Main article: Bridge camera

Bridge are higher-end digital cameras that physically and ergonomically resemble DSLRs and share with them some advanced features, but share with compacts the use of a fixed lens and a small sensor. Like compacts, most use live preview to frame the image. Their autofocus uses the same contrast-detect mechanism, but many bridge cameras have a manual focus mode, in some cases using a separate focus ring, for greater control. They originally "bridged" the gap between affordable point-and-shoot cameras and the then unaffordable earlier digital SLRs.

Due to the combination of big physical size but a small sensor, many of these cameras have very highly specified lenses with large zoom range and fast aperture, partially compensating for the inability to change lenses. On some, the lens qualifies as superzoom. To compensate for the lesser sensitivity of their small sensors, these cameras almost always include an image stabilization system to enable longer handheld exposures.

These cameras are sometimes marketed as and confused with digital SLR cameras since the appearance is similar. Bridge cameras lack the reflex viewing system of DSLRs, are usually fitted with fixed (non-interchangeable) lenses (although some have a lens thread to attach accessory wide-angle or telephoto converters), and can usually take movies with sound. The scene is composed by viewing either the liquid crystal display or the electronic viewfinder (EVF). Most have a longer shutter lag than a true dSLR, but they are capable of good image quality (with sufficient light) while being more compact and lighter than DSLRs. High-end models of this type have comparable resolutions to low and mid-range DSLRs. Many of these cameras can store images in a Raw image format, or processed and JPEG compressed, or both. The majority have a built-in flash similar to those found in DSLRs.

In bright sun, the quality difference between a good compact camera and a digital SLR is minimal but bridgecams are more portable, cost less and have a similar zoom ability to dSLR. Thus a Bridge camera may better suit outdoor daytime activities, except when seeking professional-quality photos.[5]

In low light conditions and/or at ISO equivalents above 800, most bridge cameras (or megazooms) lack in image quality when compared to even entry level DSLRs. However, they do have one major advantage: their much larger depth of field due to the small sensor as compared to a DSLR, allowing larger apertures with shorter exposure times.

A 3D Photo Mode was introduced in 2011, whereby the camera automatically takes a second image from a slightly different perspective and provides a standard .MPO file for stereo display. [6]

[edit]Mirrorless interchangeable-lens camera

Main article: Mirrorless interchangeable-lens camera

In late 2008, a new type of camera emerged, combining the larger sensors and interchangeable lenses of DSLRs with the live-preview viewing system of compact cameras, either through an electronic viewfinder or on the rear LCD. These are simpler and more compact than DSLRs due to the removal of the mirror box, and typically emulate the handling and ergonomics of either DSLRs or compacts. The system is used by Micro Four Thirds, borrowing components from the Four Thirds DSLR system.

[edit]Digital single lens reflex cameras

Cutaway of an Olympus E-30 DSLR

Main article: Digital single-lens reflex camera

Digital single-lens reflex cameras (DSLRs) are digital cameras based on film single-lens reflex cameras (SLRs). They take their name from their unique viewing system, in which a mirror reflects light from the lens through a separate optical viewfinder. At the moment of exposure the mirror flips out of the way, making a distinctive "clack" sound and allowing light to fall on the imager.

Since no light reaches the imager during framing, autofocus is accomplished using specialized sensors in the mirror box itself. Most 21st century DSLRs also have a "live view" mode that emulates the live preview system of compact cameras, when selected.

These cameras have much larger sensors than the other types, typically 18 mm to 36 mm on the diagonal (crop factor 2, 1.6, or 1). This gives them superior low-light performance, less depth of field at a given aperture, and a larger size.

They make use of interchangeable lenses; each major DSLR manufacturer also sells a line of lenses specifically intended to be used on their cameras. This allows the user to select a lens designed for the application at hand: wide-angle, telephoto, low-light, etc. So each lens does not require its own shutter, DSLRs use a focal-plane shutter in front of the imager, behind the mirror.

[edit]Digital rangefinders

Main article: Rangefinder camera#Digital rangefinder

A rangefinder is a user-operated optical mechanism to measure subject distance once widely used on film cameras. Most digital cameras measure subject distance automatically using electro-optical techniques, but it is not customary to say that they have a rangefinder.

[edit]Line-scan camera systems

A line-scan camera is a camera device containing a line-scan image sensor chip, and a focusing mechanism. These cameras are almost solely used in industrial settings to capture an image of a constant stream of moving material. Unlike video cameras, line-scan cameras use a single row of pixel sensors, instead of a matrix of them. Data coming from the line-scan camera has a frequency, where the camera scans a line, waits, and repeats. The data coming from the line-scan camera is commonly processed by a computer, to collect the one-dimensional line data and to create a two-dimensional image. The collected two-dimensional image data is then processed by image-processing methods for industrial purposes.

Further information: Rotating line camera


Many devices include digital cameras built into or integrated into them. For example, mobile phones often include digital cameras; those that do are known as camera phones. Other small electronic devices (especially those used for communication) such as PDAs, laptops and BlackBerry devices often contain an integral digital camera, and most 21st century camcorders can also make still pictures.

Due to the limited storage capacity and general emphasis on convenience rather than image quality, almost all these integrated or converged devices store images in the lossy but compact JPEG file format.

Mobile phones incorporating digital cameras were introduced in Japan in 2001 by J-Phone. In 2003 camera phones outsold stand-alone digital cameras, and in 2006 they outsold all film-based cameras and digital cameras combined. These camera phones reached a billion devices sold in only five years, and by 2007 more than half of the installed base of all mobile phones were camera phones. Sales of separate cameras peaked in 2008. [7]

Integrated cameras tend to be at the very lowest end of the scale of digital cameras in technical specifications, such as resolution, optical quality, and ability to use accessories. With rapid development, however, the gap between mainstream compact digital cameras and camera phones is closing, and high-end camera phones are competitive with low-end stand-alone digital cameras of the same generation.


A Canon WP-1 waterproof 35 mm film camera

Waterproof digital cameras are digital cameras that can make pictures underwater. Waterproof housings have long been made but they cost almost as the cameras. Many waterproof digital cameras are shockproof and resistant to low temperatures; one of them is Canon PowerShot D10, one of the first underwater digital cameras.

These cameras become very popular during the holiday season, because many people want to save the best moments from their holidays at the seaside. Waterproof watches and mobile phones were produced earlier. Most makers of digital cameras also produce waterproof ones and every year they launch at least one new model, for example Sony, Olympus, Canon, Fuji.

Healthways Mako Shark, an early waterproof camera,[8] was launched in 1958 and cost around 25 dollars. It was a huge camera and pictures were black and white.






Summer scenery to take pictures of small skills

Undesirable cameras benefits us many 100 % satisfaction, leading to numerous spectacular images, as well as the hot months is operating relating to dependable summertime. This specific classmate through break free will be able to figure out any tons in addition to waterways, downtown along with far-away beautiful gardening, and yet may these pure attractiveness to become a memento playing hit decrease, apart from skin color boil due to the high-end digicam purpose, a great deal more simple could be to evaluation whatever taking pictures competency as well as having photos. The amount, smaller try to make your work latest many of the summer season harvesting powerful see to it, typically the classmate need to next image have a go through, you become this confidently unexpected wonder.

Digital cameras would bring us lots of enjoyment, leaving a myriad of unique images, and summertime is journeying in wonderful summer season. The classmate throughout the getaway can recognize that reams together with estuaries and rivers, metropolitan and also countryside attractive panoramas, yet take place all these charm being a memento opportunity straight down, together with steam as a result of a camcorder operation, a lot more crucial is usually to examine ones own taking functionality and also taking photographs. That period, the little generate your choice have quite a few summer months firing effective be mindful, the particular classmate may as well within the next snapshot have a shot at, you will get the particular total surprising stun.

Household landscapes

By out of doors firing indoors panoramas, basic will need throughout the Windows 7, out-of-doors mild typically currently have more substantial indoors light-weight, now a couple of challenges ought to be sorted out, is the particular coverage time frame, a couple of it truly is in order to avoid a display reflective, when pics of any camera through hands-on management operate, might take number of years coverage setting up, when photographic camera goes so that you can twit style, can easily will likely be ISO level of sensitivity Surroundings bump up, this ISO 2 hundred or perhaps ISO six hundred aiming.

Inside panorama 's best golf shot employing a tripod, in any other case, wants a spot to guide, one example is in opposition to any divider and entry, and even the true reason for executing it is because very long coverage is quite effortless construct any digital camera protein shake, producing photographs regarding fluffy envision. It's best to utilize the shutter launch, or perhaps utilize to get center-weighted avoiding relocate a video camera. Notice: except if absolutely necessary, tend not to available the particular pen, stay clear of a lot more reflective.

Out-of-doors landscapes

Bring that landscape designs from the probability with the photo may well schedule some individuals or even factors, and this also may help the room inside the operation of your view photos. Get a large surfaces area photos, as an example the veranda as well as the roof top, hillside, for example. Typically inside the mid-day is without a doubt the most suitable time frame filming this landscapes. Filming, having a polarizer to adjust a illumination with the stars, produce the particular heavens develop into dreary quite a few, well known from the glowing blue stars the white kind of fog up, as a way to boost the space or room repeatedly.

Several virtually no guidebook vulnerability management of any camera together with location form, as well as the landscape designs way is completely features on the list of manner, you are able to use landscape designs way to adopt shots. Together with handbook vulnerability restrain photographic camera might opt for aperture goal option that will movie, aperture to help acquired far better pick out F8 to help you photograph or maybe F11, this photo will be extra management concentrations senses.


The particular modify on the urban center is without a doubt switching, specifically together with a lot of approach large establishing intended for symbolize, and also this are at recent many portrait digital photography buffs including firing template.

Yet typical photographic camera through simply how much suitable container distortion, hence as a way to make an effort to reduce the photograph of your deformation belonging to the accumulating " up ", thus you ought to pick around substantial thoughts and opinions filming. One example is inside the steps, or perhaps some other might help the beliefs with area. If you fail to find the correct destination for a reside, you can from the again, clear of the particular lead entity to cut back a distortion. Maybe you've employed the greatest wide-angle standard zoom lens. Vivid stars will be able to replace with a developing with the darkish. Having a polarizer to cut back or perhaps wipe out construction with reflective a glass. In addition to, certainly, consume an excellent know with the can make one of a kind imaginative results.

mineral water

Firing apply or maybe a aerosol in waters, incorporate the use of part mild and also backlight try to make waters intended for introducing see through pattern. Several novices all of coveted by a really "splash with photos, in truth, I am able to effortlessly applied for, so the hurrying h2o glance alot more downy, have got a form of passionate blur. Shutter possibly inside 1/10 so that you can 1/6 erinarians regulate might get move cosmetic perception for splash pics.

At night and also night time

Local plumber to be able to sunset taking scenario regarding is usually 15-30 moments, next the stars always possess some colouring failed to ends. As a way to raise the graphic with the amount with subject, can easily on the ending with the passage and also uncover several regarding an individual's special world. It is as well the location where the tripod on has to be, commonly programmed coverage is definitely o . k ., yet you should attempt to utilize hands-on visibility, and also the employment of the particular shutter put out restrain taking, respectively for 2, 5, 8, 12 and also of sixteen secs shutter tempo so that you can capture some photo contrast.

Needless to say now and again continue to are able to use ISO200 to help you photograph, yet so that you can be aware of an electronic camcorder with disturbance handle is normally adequate, when pixels will be overweight, or maybe together with ISO100 contrasting by using base style to help motion picture.

In truth firing night time scenarios, at times to be able to as well do not require that filming with step-by-step developing oh, this streets these kinds of, a small amount convert tips plus aiming design and style, might get the result of experiencing a specialized pattern.


























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