Recent papers in Exiles
Il primo numero di Viaggiatori affronta uno dei temi chiave del recente dibattito storiografico, l’esilio. Esso vuole essere tuttavia una nuova occasione di confronto su tale questione cruciale considerando un ampio arco cronologico,... more
A más de cuarenta años del último golpe de Estado cívico-militar en Argentina (1976-1983), el tema de las violaciones a los derechos humanos perpetradas por la dictadura continúa vigente. Si bien el exilio tuvo amplia presencia en el... more
Το κείμενο που ακολουθεί αποτελεί μια απόπειρα διερεύνησης και παρουσίασης της δημιουργικής φωτογραφίας, μέσω του φωτογράφου Josef Koudelka και του φωτογραφικού του έργου Exiles.
La psychanalyse dans le jardin de l'errance L'esthétique de son exode à partir des grands récits
In 1553, the religious exile Michelangelo Florio published in London the Italian translation of the Catechism of the bishop John Ponet, which had been published in Latin and English in the same year. This essay investigates the reasons... more
ABSTRACT After the defeat in the War of the Spanish Succession (1702–1714), between 25.000 and 30.000 people, most of them Catalans, went into exile. The article analyses the behaviour of the exiled Spanish soldiers especially during... more
Recibido el 29 de junio de 2017. Evaluado el 31 de enero de 2018.
Por quase meio século eles viveram à sombra do exílio como “fantasmas” de um dos regimes mais controversos da história da América Latina: o inaugurado por Fidel Castro em Cuba com o triunfo da revolução, em 1959. Impedidos de retornar à... more
A review of a book about the work of the British political artist Conrad Atkinson.
In his letter to Æthelheard (archbishop of Canterbury) and Ceolwulf (bishop of Lindsey) about Hringstan, an Anglo-Saxon exile in Francia, written at the close of the 8th century, Charlemagne briefly summarised the motivations for a... more
Este artículo propone un cruce, a través del exilio, entre dos campos que hasta la actualidad no han dialogado en profundidad: el de las investigaciones sobre las organizaciones armadas y el de los estudios sobre el movimiento de denuncia... more
The War of the Spanish Succession pushed a part of the Neapolitan pro-Bourbon nobility to leave the peninsula seeking shelter from Philip V. In Madrid the exiles placed themselves at the service of the king and assumed at the court... more
for an abstract in english see at the end of the paper
Several recent works in political theory argue that exit, rather than being a coward's choice, is a potent mode of resistance that is particularly well suited to the current political era. These works reclaim exit, seeing it as a method... more
eing an émigré, exiled tabloid publisher and editor and other media outlets for the Hispanic community in the US, give me a unique insight into the personality and political views of Father Félix Varela y Morales. Newspapers like El... more
During the Late Antiquity the sheltering of refugae by the Vascones and by the dukes of Aquitaine, means that the western Pyrenees’ region must have had some sort of organisation and structure fit for handling their stay. Furthermore,... more
for an abstract in english see at the end of the paper
After the millions of wartime displaced citizens had been forcibly returned to the Soviet Union after the Second World War, the Soviet Union inaugurated a new type of campaign in the mid-1950s to get all the remaining Soviet citizens and... more
Cette étude tente d’examiner les relations culturelles qu’entretenaient les exilés italiens avec l’élite maltaise et corse. Les médias –presse et ouvrages– jouèrent un rôle déterminant dans le développement d’un espace public... more
This article aims at investigating and explaining the idea of frontier in one of the most important Spanish republican exile writers, Ramón J. Sender, as it comes out in the analysis of his Relatos fronterizos (1970). Our purpose is to... more
An extensive study, part of a trilogy about Cuban immigration to the United States from the Discovery of the American Continent by the Spaniards to the present. The book extends on the sources, motivations and contradictions of the... more
Bλ. Δημοσιεύσεις, see Publications
"Ulysses became part of the literary canon almost from the moment it was published, and it did not take long before it was turned into a literary monument. As such, it is often celebrated and commented upon; it is perhaps less eagerly... more
Esta obra incluye el caso del escándalo expuesto en el 2006 de periodistas de El Nuevo Herald, mellizo en español de The Miami Herald y otros medios en La Florida, recibiendo simultáneamente retribuciones de los servicios de la Voz de... more
Carla Daniela Benisz. La “literatura ausente”: Augusto Roa Bastos y las polémicas del Paraguay post-stronista. Buenos Aires, SB, 2018. Reseña publicada en la REVISTA CHILENA DE LITERATURA.
This paper traces Jacques Lacan's theory of jouissance in James Joyce's Exiles. According to Lacan, there are two kinds of jouissance, namely phallic and Other. The former is achievable through desire for different things in the Symbolic... more
The article examines the role played by the Portuguese oppositionist diaspora in the final years of the Estado Novo dictatorship (c. 1968–c.1974). It advances an explanation for the apparent lack of success met by several exile groups... more
Après l'échec du soulèvement des garnisons militaires de Badajoz et de La Seo de Urgel en 1883, plus d'un millier de soldats franchirent les frontières du Portugal et de la France. Plusieurs dizaines d'autres s'enfuirent de Madrid quand... more
Location: El exilio republicano de 1939: viajes y retornos / coord. por Manuel Aznar Soler, José Ramón López García, Francisca Montiel Rayo, Juan Rodríguez, 2014, ISBN 978-84-8472-546-6 , págs. 404-411