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      Law of States of EmergencyCoronavirus COVID-19COVID-19 PANDEMICstate of alarm
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      Human RightsLaw of States of EmergencyEthiopian constitutional law
Artykuł porusza problem odrębności stanu wojennego od pozostałych stanów nadzwyczajnych. Zawiera on charakterystykę przesłanek zastosowania stanu wojennego i wyjątkowego oraz środków nadzwyczajnych dotyczących sił zbrojnych. W artykule... more
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      Constitutional LawArmed ForcesStates of EmergencyState of exception
This report looks at COVID-19 pandemic responses, focusing on the contact tracing apps from a business and human rights perspective. It sets out the human rights criteria when either interfering with the private life of individuals under... more
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      TechnologyInternational LawHuman RightsPrivacy
The subject of the article is the problem of public burdens in the form of personal and in-kind contributions in the event of a state of natural disaster. The state of natural disaster justifies the need for the legislator to refer to the... more
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      Polish HistoryPublic Health PolicyPolandAdministrative Law
This article examines State practice on derogations from human rights protections during states of emergency under Article 15 of the European Convention on Human Rights. The article presents statistical data on the use of derogations,... more
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      Human RightsInternational Human Rights LawEuropean Convention of Human RightsEuropean Convention on Human Rights
La loi du 11 mai 2020 prorogeant l'état d'urgence sanitaire a fait l'objet de débats, parfois enflammés, sur les questions de la mise en quarantaine, des fichiers des personnes infectées ou encore de la responsabilité. Peu d'observateurs... more
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      Administrative LawStates of EmergencyPolice powersPublic Health Emergency Preparedness
Artykuł dotyczy wybranych zasad stanów nadzwyczajnych zawartych w konstytucji z dnia 2 kwietnia 1997 r. Jego treść obejmuje trzy zagadnienia: 1) konsekwencje relacji rozdział XI – pozostała treść konstytucji w zakresie dotyczącym... more
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      Constitutional LawStates of EmergencyState of exceptionMartial Law
Atti del Convegno "Lo stato e l'eccezione dopo la pandemia. Le conseguenze globali della pandemia di COVID-19 sui rapporti tra i pubblici poteri, analizzate nello specchio italiano". Facoltà di Scienze della Politica e delle Dinamiche... more
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      Comparative Constitutional LawLaw of States of EmergencyCoronavirus COVID-19
Artigo publicado no jornal GGN no dia 9 de abril de 2020
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      Legal HistoryConstitutional HistoryState of exceptionLaw of States of Emergency
The “state of exception” is a central category in Carl Schmitt’s legal theory. It makes it possible for him to overcome the legal order – to this extent, Schmitt’s doctrine of the “state of exception” represents the political... more
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      Critical Legal TheoryLaw and PoliticsPhilosophy Of LawHans Kelsen
The theory of the precautionary principle has developed. In its implementation, the precautionary principle is used to deal with hazards in the environmental fields and has been widely used in health and food technology. In general, the... more
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      FinanceCivil LawCrisis ManagementLaw and Economics
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      Constitutional LawHuman RightsLaw of States of Emergency
This article discusses the analysis that Niccolo Machiavelli is entitled to the dictatorial mastership of the times of the Roman Republic in Ch.. XXXIV. of the “Discourses on the First Decade of Titus Livius”. The characteristics of the... more
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      DictatorshipsCarl SchmittNiccolò MachiavelliEmergency Laws
What is the real relationship between the existing forms of (religious) terrorism and Islam? And how do the Western constitutional democracies react in times of emergency and threats of so-called Islamic terrorism? The article tries to... more
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      Islamic LawConstitutional LawTerrorismHuman Rights Law
Klęska militarna Rzeszy niemieckiej, rozkład struktur państwowych Austro-Węgier oraz restytucja państwa polskiego w następstwie I wojny światowej ujawniły dążenia niepodległościowe Polaków na ziemiach polskich tych dwóch zaborów. Po... more
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    • Law of States of Emergency
A tudományos gondolkodás sajátossága, hogy a vizsgált kérdéskört az azt szemlélő megpróbálja tipizálni. Ennek során igyekszik általános jellemzőket keresni, ezek alapján csoportokat, korszakokat, csomópontokat megállapítani és ezt... more
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      Legal HistoryCyber SecurityCybercrime-TerrorusmHybrid War
On March 30, the Hungarian parliament adopted legislation providing for "emergency powers" to better respond to the COVID-19 pandemic. The international reaction has been quite predictable, with critics of Prime Minister Orbán calling it... more
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      States of EmergencyState of EmergencyHungaryViktor Orban
The European Court of Human Rights has repeatedly acknowledged that the unusual circumstances presented by military operations justify the adaptation of European Convention on Human Rights norms to fit those circumstances. However,... more
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      Military LawInternational LawHuman RightsInternational Human Rights Law
l presente elaborato è il terzo estratto dalla tesi di laurea magistrale in Diritto Pubblico Comparato dal titolo "La tutela dei diritti fondamentali dinnanzi alla minaccia del terrorismo internazionale", discussa dall'autore il... more
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      TerrorismHuman RightsPolitical Violence and TerrorismComparative Public Administration
Sossi  Tatikyan examines  the  adoption,  enforcement  and  parliamentary  oversight  of  the  emergency measures in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, and their impact on the democracy, human rights and good governance in Armenia.
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      Human RightsStates of EmergencyDemocracy and Good GovernanceParliamentary Oversight
In this study, we will aim to analyze how the period of the state of emergency in Turkey lead to gaps of law and the formation of areas in which there was a complete lack of supervision. The state of emergency that was proclaimed... more
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      Constitutional LawRule of LawLaw of States of Emergency
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      Constitutional LawPolitical TheoryComparative Constitutional LawCyprus conflict
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      Constitutional LawLaw of EmergencyEmergency LawsLaw of States of Emergency
The COVID-19 pandemic has posed an unprecedented governance challenge, with governments resorting to very different (legal) strategies to respond to the health emergency. A rich literature is already dedicated to measures adopted in... more
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      FederalismComparative Constitutional LawJudicial reviewParliamentary Studies
The text is a translation commentary on Giorgio Agameben's short texts - essays, comments and interviews published at his column, on the website of Quodlibet, at the begining of 2020 /February 2020 - May 2020/, dedicated to the COVID -... more
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      Giorgio AgambenBiopolitics (in Agamben, Foucault and Negri)State of exceptionState of exception · Security · Freedom · Self-preservation · Rule of law · Criminal law of foe · Carl Schmitt
Odpowiedź na pytanie, dlaczego nie wprowadzono stanu wyjątkowego w związku z pandemią wywołaną przez tzw. koronawirusa, jest bardzo prosta. Powodem wcale nie jest usilna chęć przeprowadzenia wyborów na urząd Prezydenta RP. Prawdziwą... more
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      Constitutional LawEpidemiologySocial epidemiologyPolitical Science
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      Law and LiteratureBrian FrielNorthern Ireland and the TroublesLaw of States of Emergency
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      Human RightsRule of LawCarl SchmittState of exception
Between the 16th and 19th centuries, city councils appointed plague doctors to assist those suffering from the Black Death. Now, in the 21st century, we are about to appoint a plague president in Poland. The governing Law and Justice... more
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      Constitutional LawComparative Constitutional LawRule of LawPoland
Chris (65yrs old) is a former law enforcement officer and Dept. of Energy employee with top level security clearance. In Nov 2012, criminal actors from the de-facto govt of NEVADA stole his classic 1957 Hemi car, at gunpoint. They... more
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      PrisonsHabeas CorpusMartial LawExecutive Orders
The court-martials are a special form of short-term process, which functions in the case of state specific threats of the state. Justice was done on the Polish territory by the German and Austrian military occupation authorities, during... more
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      History of State and LawLaw of States of Emergency
Deciding to deploy the Australian Defence Force domestically, in aid to the civil authority, is no small decision. This paper looks at the ability to judicially review a decision to call out the ADF under Part IIIAAA of the Defence Act... more
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      Constitutional LawMilitary LawDomestic ViolenceJudicial review
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      Legal HistoryEquality and DiversityFundamental RightsLegal Pluralism and Cultural Diversity
The theory of the precautionary principle has developed. In its implementation, the precautionary principle is used to deal with hazards in the environmental fields and has been widely used in health and food technology.In general, the... more
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      FinanceCivil LawCrisis ManagementLaw and Economics
(juin) – In the context of the coronavirus pandemic, the French Parliament passed a state of health emergency law on 23 March 2020. By that point, the Government had already taken the necessary measures with the means available to it.... more
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      Emergency LawsPolice powersPublic Health Emergency PreparednessHuman Rights and Civil Liberties
С оглед динамично развиваща се обстановкa, в настоящата статия са взети предвид и посочени новите положения, приети с все още необнародвания Закон за мерките и действията по време на извънредното положение./ Considering the dynamic... more
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      ContractsContract LawHuman RightsArbitration
2017 yılında yapılan kapsamlı anayasa değişikliği ile kabul edilen Cumhurbaşkanlığı Hükümet Sistemi’nden etkilenen bir alan da yerel yönetimler hukukudur. Osmanlı-Türk anayasal gelişmeleri içerisinde merkezden yerele doğru düzenlenen bu... more
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      Comparative Constitutional LawYerel YönetimlerMetropolitan GovernanceGlobal Metropolitan Studies
Seminario permanente de teoría constitucional
Colegio de Jurisprudencia, Universidad San Francisco de Quito (Ecuador)
Webinar, held on 25 June 2020 (in Spanish)
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      State of EmergencyLaw of States of Emergency
In this article, the author presents the essential characteristics of the state of emergency regime in the Slovenian legal system and provides a critical evaluation thereof. First, he presents the relevant normative framework of the... more
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      Human Rights LawComparative Constitutional LawState of EmergencyLaw of States of Emergency
JUSTIÇA | Abril 2020 Na medida em que avança o número de casos de Covid-19 pelo mundo, desenvolve-se a implementação de medidas de mitigação e supressão da pandemia por cada governo. Do fechamento de fronteiras até a vigilância em massa e... more
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      Direito InternacionalDireitos Fundamentais e Direitos HumanosLaw of States of EmergencyCOVID-19 PANDEMIC
This paper in this context examines the contents of the emergency regulations issued on 22nd April 2019 in response to the Easter Sunday attack and its underlying challenges to the human rights dogma within the context of normalcy of... more
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      Constitutional LawLaw of States of Emergency
The history of humanity (and, of course, the history of Spain) is replete with situations of crisis which have often been occasioned by the forces of nature (earthquakes, floods, major urban and forest fires, etc.). Yet, on many other... more
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      Public Health LawPublic LawLaw of States of EmergencyCOVID-19 PANDEMIC
• The report has been written to outline the findings of the fieldwork launched within the framework of the project Bringing Human Rights Academy to Society funded by European Instrument for Democracy & Human Rights (EIDHR) and conducted... more
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      Academic FreedomModern TurkeyAcademic Freedom (Law)Academic Freedom and University Autonomy
The paper examinees the 2009-10 constitutional crisis of Nigeria, where President Umaru Musa Yar’adua’s deteriorating health and failure to issue a written declaration transferring power over to his next-in-line resulted in a governance... more
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      Constitutional LawStates of EmergencyLaw of States of Emergency
BERDISOVÁ, L.: Ako sme zvládli núdzový stav? Lekárske noviny, 6/2020, 1-2
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      Constitutional LawLaw of States of Emergencycovid and constitutional law
The European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) rejected the appeal of two Turkish citizens involved in the vetting of Turkish institutions after the failed coup d'état of 15 July 2016 because they disregarded art. 35 of the ECHR, imposing to... more
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      Turkish and Middle East StudiesECHR jurisprudenceEuropean Human Rights Law With Special Attention to ECHRLaw of States of Emergency