Modern Theology
Recent papers in Modern Theology
Review of Michael P. DeJonge, Bonhoeffer's Theological Formation: Berlin, Barth, & Protestant Theology (New York: Oxford University Press, 2012) in Calvin Theological Journal 48, no. 2 (November 2013): 345-48.
The fourth edition of The Christian Theological Tradition provides students with essential theological knowledge of key persons and events of the Bible and the Christian faith, and of Christianity’s multifaceted encounter with Western... more
Introductionary article on an issue of the Dutch theological journal Inspirare in which several modern theologians are read and reflected on from a contemporary point of view.
In the early 1990s, a previously-neglected text, entitled Laterculus Malalianus, was attributed by Jane Stevenson to the hand of Theodore of Tarsus (archbishop of Canterbury, 668–690). The text is a well-spring of Christological concerns.... more
The paper discusses the distinction between content (core, nucleus) and linguistic formulation of theological statements as a fundamental hermeneutical structure of modern theology. Adolf von Harnack, Rudolf Bultmann and Dietrich... more
Free download: One of the most renowned pages of Pascal's Pensées offers an astonishing phenomenology of the all-powerful action of imagination in human life. This article... more
... For reading and commenting on earlier drafts of this paper, I would like to thank anonymous referees for Modern Theology, Lisa Feeley, David Dwan, Liz Gulliford, Douglas Hedley, Craig Hovey, Janet Martin Soskice and ... 51 Murdoch,... more
Whitehead's thought continues to attract attention in mathematics and metaphysics, but few have recognized with Roland Faber, the deeply mystical dimensions of his philosophy. "If you like to phrase it so," Whitehead states, "philosophy... more
Georges Florovsky (1893-1979) was one of the most prominent Orthodox theologians and ecumenists of the twentieth century. His call for a return to patristic writings as a source of modern theological reflection had a powerful impact not... more
In this essay, I examine aspects of implicit religion in modern dance, asking how religiousness, both Christian and Jewish, was visualized and evoked, specifically through dance aesthetics. How did the pioneers of modern dance make use of... more
This is a book review of The Journey of Modern Theology: From Reconstruction Deconstruction, by Roger Olson.
Syllabus for new upper level undergraduate course on Orthodoxy, focusing on the use of modern Orthodox theological concepts in self-reflection and constructions of students' own academic identities.
یادداشتی در باب الهیات محیط زیست و الهیات استعاری
My second academic monograph (2018; the introduction gives a thorough overview of the argumentation of the book; its translation can be found at my account) explores some central aspects of “culture of faith” (worship and... more
Contents and Summary of the PhD Dissertation
Criticism of John Zizioulas's relational ontology of trinitarian personhood generally rebukes him for attempting to dress his philosophical personalism and existentialism with Cappadocian language and parade it as patristic. 1 A... more
The Fathers of the Church were acquainted and influenced by both Jewish exegesis and Greek philosophy; the doctrine of the λόγος ἐνδιάθετος (inner) and προφοροκός (exteriorised) was one of those influences. Stoic in its genesis, it dealt... more
Barth, tidak diragukan lagi, adalah teolog terbesar abad kedua puluh. Pemikirannya, entah diterima atau tidak, memaksa setiap pembacanya, evangelikal, liberal, Katolik, atau dari arus manapun, untuk memikirkan, dan kadang, merekonstruksi... more
Kekristenan, teologi, serta filsafat selalu mengalami pergerakan atau dinamika yang menarik dari masa ke masa, hal ini pun selalu memiliki ciri khas yang ada pada di setiap abadnya. Pada abad sebelumnya, khususnya abad ke 17-18, ada... more
At the turn from the 19 th to the 20 th century, Adolf Harnack gave his famous series of lectures on his understanding of Christianity. He started the first lecture with a quotation from John St. Mill, to the effect that the world needed... more
To speak of grace according to a certain western philosophical tradition cannot fail to imply a certain theological background. Without it, in fact, the same term would be misleading. Theology, however, has roots that sink into the... more
In una pensée celeberrima Pascal scrive: «il silenzio eterno di questi spazi infiniti mi atterrisce» 1 . Questa dichiarazione va letta innanzitutto come la testimonianza di una svolta epocale: a metà Seicento l'antica idea di un'armonia... more
When reading through certain areas of Kierkegaard’s writings, there is room to misinterpret his vision of Christianity as being grounded solely in a person’s subjective commitment to her own idea of what Christianity is. In large part,... more
Jurgen Moltmann stands as one of the most important and influential theologians of the 20th century. After providing a brief biographical sketch and discussion of the philosophical commitment to a distinctly eschatological theology, the... more
From: Jordan Hillebert, ed., T&T Clark Companion to Henri de Lubac (London: T&T Clark, 2017)
Rudolf Bultmann’s controversial program of demythologizing has been the subject of constant debate since it was first announced in 1941. It is widely held that this program indicates Bultmann’s departure from the dialectical theology he... more
There is, however, one contemporary Orthodox theologian who has not joined the consensus of his colleagues in affirming the centrality of the concept of "energies" for the Orthodox understanding of deification. For John Zizioulas theosis... more