Most downloaded papers in Onomasiology
This paper focusses on the concept of ‘grammatical metaphor’ as it is conceived of in the framework of systemic functional linguistics. After an illustration of major subtypes of grammatical metaphor, the concept is explained in relation... more
The onomasiological approach is a theoretical framework that emphasizes the cognitive-semantic component of language and the primacy of extralinguistic reality in the process of naming. With a tangible background in the functional... more
The paper deals with the etymology and dialectology of Turkic armut, Persian armud 'pear'. The interrelations of these phytonymical families were treated a few years ago by Prof. Uwe Bläsing who considered the Turkic words borrowed from a... more
RÉSUMÉ Cet article fait partie d'un projet de recherche onomasiologique plus vaste, relatif aux termes désignant les parties du corps dans les langues iraniennes. L'auteure se con-centre ici sur les termes iraniens utilisés pour désigner... more
The studies reported in this special issue exemplify two approaches to semantic typology and to the study of word meaning more generally. One is an extensional approach, which relates verbs of cutting and breaking to the scenes which they... more
There has been an increasing interest in ontologies over the last years by the computer science. This interest can be attributed to the advent of what has been known as Semantic Web. Consequently, a persistent interest in Onomasiological... more
Morphological productivity was originally described as the property of word-formation processes whereby new words are created to satisfy a naming need, a definition later enhanced with Corbin’s classical distinction between availability... more
Studies of word-formation have pointed towards a multifaceted nature of morphological productivity (Bauer 2001, Plag 2006). With this in mind, this article explores Štekauer’s (1998, 2001) approach to word-formation based on three pivotal... more
En la morfología lingüística hay varios fenómenos aún no estudiados con profundidad; uno de estos, que no figura como tema relevante en las monografías sobre formación de palabras, es el de los esquemas rivales o en competencia. Esta... more
Il contributo esamina la storia linguistica più antica del merid. scalfare con lo scopo di discuterne la probabile trafila etimologica (prestito d’origine galloromanza o voce patrimoniale?) non solo alla luce di aspetti formali ma anche... more
En la morfología léxica es muy común encontrar esquemas de formación de palabras que rivalizan entre sí porque pertenecen a un mismo campo conceptual. Esta característica es más evidente en la sufijación, que es el proceso de formación de... more
This paper focusses on the concept of ‘grammatical metaphor’ as it is conceived of in the framework of systemic functional linguistics. After an illustration of major sub-types of grammatical metaphor, the concept is explained in relation... more
The reflexive (among other values) french morpheme 'se' is studied here from an onomasiologic perspective. It is shown that its values can be derived from an operationalist / functionalist framework.
Dopo una breve panoramica sugli studi relativi al bestiario della Commedia, si prendono in considerazione due dei più celebri esseri infernali – Cerbero e Lucifero – accomunati dal fatto di essere entrambi identificati dall'epiteto vermo.... more
Resumen En esta contribución se investiga sobre el diccionario onomasiológico. Para ello se ofrece una panorámica sobre los tipos de diccionarios onomasiológicos en espa-ñol, sus influencias, sus características más relevantes, así como... more
Distribution électronique Cairn.info pour Armand Colin / Dunod. © Armand Colin / Dunod. Tous droits réservés pour tous pays.
Cet article est une définition de mon cadre théorique en particulier par rapport au cadre théorique de Culioli. Un certain nombre de principes y sont défendus, qui mènent à une formalisation dynamique de l'interprétation des constructions... more
Within the heterogeneous family of word formation, Noun+Noun (NN) compounds have attracted a good deal of attention, in particular when it comes to their meaning, and their reading and interpretation has sparked considerable debate. In... more
Tendencias coloquiales del español de España. Modelos de creación y situaciones de intercambio de nuevas palabras.
The present article deals with the development of basic linguistic terminology in Icelandic. Such terminology pertains to five categories (general, graphematics, phonology, morphology and lexicon) and has been collected from 19 different... more
O termo 'ontologia' é frequentemente usado no âmbito da Ciência da Computação para referir-se a uma "especificação [...] de uma conceptualização" (Gruber, 1993: 2). Mas será de conceitos que a ontologia trata? Smith, por exemplo, que tem... more
Kritische Analyse verschiedener deutscher Grammatiken: Aufbau, Vollständigkeit und Zugänglichkeit der in ihnen enthaltenen Informationen und Brauchbarkeit fur den Spracherwerber. Am Beispiel der Funktion "Konzessivität ausdrücken"... more
Electronic publication offers new possibilities for the creation and exploration of grammatical descriptions. This paper lists values influencing the structure of electronic grammatical descriptions. It then investigates challenges and... more
As an avid user and reader of dictionaries and thesauruses, Huellen has obviously considered not just what a dictionary or a thesaurus purports to do, but why and how these texts have semiotic value. What is the purpose of studying the... more
In this paper, we explore the relationship between the experiential salience of natural concepts (i.e. the degree to which the concepts are well-known to language users, because they occur frequently in the everyday environment of the... more
The article deals with Russian mining terms, providing data on onomasiological relations in the sphere of compound mining technical artifacts nominations (MTAN). The emphasis is made on attributive-and-substantive MTAN ranked as... more
Questo articolo esamina etimologicamente un numero significativo di parole delle lingue indoeuropee che entrano nel campo semantico di "misericordia". Tra esse c'è in qualche modo un rapporto sinonimico. L'intenzione di raggiungere... more
A most notable feature of Standard Modern Greek (SMG) lexicon is the abundance of pairs of lexemes of similar meaning which belong to different registers. Thus, while one lexeme pertains to the colloquial language and is widely used both... more
Nel maggio 2019 l'OVI e la Real Academia Española hanno firmato un accordo di collaborazione per connettere il Tesoro della Lingua Italiana delle Origini (TLIO) con il Nuevo diccionario histórico del español (NDHE), in particolare per... more
The American physicist David Bohm famously described the need for awareness of thought activity. The conservation of quality ontological architecture (COQOA) is a blueprint for computationally meeting this need. The COQOA is the logical... more
Este trabalho visa apresentar uma proposta teórico-metodológica de aplicação dos conceitos de onomasiologia e semasiologia para os estudos de neologia. Entendemos que a criação de um neologismo pode ser encarada como um processo... more
To empower end users in searching for historical linguistic content with a performance that far exceeds the research functions offered by websites of, e.g., historical dictionaries, is undoubtedly a major advantage of (Linguistic) Linked... more
Este trabalho visa apresentar uma proposta teórico-metodológica de aplicação dos conceitos de onomasiologia e semasiologia para os estudos de neologia. Entendemos que a criação de um neologismo pode ser encarada como um processo... more
In the 15. STaPs (Sprachwissenschaftliche Tagung für Promotionsstudierende) at University of Fribourg (27-28 September 2019), I will present my doctoral project "Semantic mapping of Lessico Etimologico Italiano (LEI)". The abstract of my... more