Radical Right Populism
Recent papers in Radical Right Populism
This article views ‘populism’ as an ideology, the key features of which are identified and briefly discussed. Having assessed the extent to which such features match the profile of the Swiss Lega dei Ticinesi, the author concludes that... more
Chapter 7 of: Albertazzi, D and McDonnell, D eds. Twenty-first Century Populism -The Spectre of Western European Democracy, Palgrave 2008
There is a big debate about the populist feature of AUV. There is not a consensus about his populist characteristics and there have been many types of research arguing both sides. Many authors assure that Uribe has some elements of... more
After the fall of the Berlin Wall, liberal intellectuals expressed the cautious hope that the closing of the historical period of the Cold War would open a new era of expansion of the Democratic Rule of Law in the world. This hope has... more
My presentation is entitled “Mussolini’s Four Would-be Assassins: Emergency Politics and the Consolidation of Fascist Power.”
The paper is an effort to conceptualize the combined effects of the evolution of populism and the present pandemic. Concepts from Social Psychology and Neuropsychology are used to create an explanatory framework for the development of... more
Blog in the ECPR 'The Loop', 2021 Reasons for the success of populism in Italy, based on 'Society and Territory: Making Sense of Italian Populism from a Historical Perspective.’ Journal of Contemporary European Studies. doi:... more
Over the last decade, the main area of sustained populist growth has been Western Europe, with populist movements reaching new heights in countries such as France, Italy, Austria and Holland. Twenty-First Century Populism analyses this... more
Data Matrix for the article Abstract: This article analyzes patterns of global migration during the last five years, often associated with the “European refugee crisis” since summer 2015, documented by the World Bank Bilateral Migration... more
The Order, otherwise known as the Silent Brotherhood, or Bruder Schweigen, had one of the shortest but most eventful and notorious careers of the post-civil rights or fifth-era extreme Right (1970s to the 1990s). In its short lifespan... more
This paper focuses on the urban graffiti painted with a political message by different movements of the Italian political radicalism in the cities of Rome, Florence, Massa, Carrara, Verona and Udine. For the purpose of this article,... more
This volume investigates how resistance to the new conservative culture has been articulated in Italy, and how this has been expressed and explained by those involved. The volume is divided into four areas: 1. The Economic and Media... more
The literature on populism used to depict the phenomenon as an alternative to the standard path from traditional to modern society, as a way to enfranchise the underclass, or as an anomaly vis-à-vis class politics and liberal... more
Populisms Populists aim to rise to the position of courageous heralds of the people who struggle, overall, against the political elite to protect them from endemic and systemic corruption and spoliation in the political world. We strive... more
In this paper, I want to introduce a(n digital) ethnographic approach to populism that understands populism as a (digitally) mediatized chronotopic communicative and discursive relation. Populism, I argue, is not only constructed in a... more
Since 1968 a racially-defined conservative populism – what Richard Nixon called the " Silent Majority " – has been a durable part of Republican political identity. Yet across this era the GOP has continued to move away from protecting the... more
is one of the most compelling Marxist theorists writing today. in his latest book, the late capitalist fascisms with which we are now so familiar are seen for what they are: properly democratic responses to a capitalist organization of... more
Depuis quelques années, le vote d'extrême droite progresse dans de nombreux pays européens. Si dans certains d'entre eux, il s'agit d'une manifestation récente, dans d'autres pays, l'extrême droite a connu un enracinement certain. Ainsi,... more
L’élection présidentielle du 22 avril 2007 et le scrutin législatif qui l’a suivie ont été une terrible désillusion pour Jean-Marie Le Pen et le Front national (FN). Après avoir dominé l’agenda politique et médiatique durant les années... more
Eine vom Ministerium für Familie, Kinder, Jugend, Kultur und Sport des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen finanzierte Informationsschrift.
Depuis un quart de siècle, plusieurs partis d’extrême droite ou de la droite populiste ont opéré une percée dans leur système politique national : le Front national en France, le FPÖ en Autriche, le parti du progrès en Norvège et au... more
Based on a constructivist approach, this book offers a comparative analysis into the causes of nationalist populist politics in each of the five Nordic independent nation states. Behind the social liberal façade of the economically... more
Updates on Scripted Violence Here: http://www.researchforprogress.us/topic/concept/scripted-violence/ Expanded Abstract: While scholarly research exists on its own intellectual merits, we need to recognize that helping unravel the... more
Este artículo pretende presentar una radiografía del populismo reaccionario en el poder, describiendo cómo diversos elementos ideológicos de la cultura política brasileña e internacional han sido reunidos por el movimiento político de... more
Here are prelims and the introduction chapter to the book Conspiracy & Populism: The Politics of Misinformation
Original Subtitle: Allegations of a Freemason Conspiracy and Other Scapegoating Conspiracist Theories Within the Catholic Right, Protestant Right, Anti–Abortion Movement, Patriot Movement, and Armed Militia Movement - Including a... more
Die Freiwilligenbataillone stellen eine Graswurzelreaktion der ukrainischen Gesellschaft auf die verdeckte russische Invasion der Ukraine dar. Während der Großteil dieser Einheiten als spezifisch kriegsbedingte Spielarten des Dritten... more
There is a tendency both in academia and in popular understandings to posit emotions against rationality and to judge them as an expression of intellectual inferiority. This could not be more evident than in current accounts of populism,... more
BIBLIOGRAPHY ABOUT THE AUTHORS 5 7 15 23 37 53 65 79 95 114 129