Representations of Socrates
Recent papers in Representations of Socrates
Il saggio di Fulvia de Luise – L’involontarietà socratica del male e il macigno della responsabilità platonica. Tra il Protagora e il mito di Er – costituisce un tentativo di ricostruzione della posizione platonica sulla questione della... more
In The Socratic Individual, Ann Ward sets out to "investigate the cause of the renewed interest in Socrates" among certain post-Hegelian thinkers, namely, Kierkegaard, John Stuart Mill, and Nietzsche. Her aim is to elucidate the roots of... more
This book develops for the readers Plato's Socrates' non-formalized "philosophical practice" of learning-through-questioning in the company of others. In doing so, the writer confronts Plato's Socrates, in the words of John Dewey, as the... more
Socrates, in his final statements to the Athenian jurors and crowd gathered before his impending execution, reveals himself to be playing a game much longer than the span of his trial, lifespan, or even those of his successors. When... more
A close reading of Nietzsche, Twilight of the Idols, "The Problem of Socrates," in light of Nietzsche's presentation of Socrates in The Birth of Tragedy and Beyond Good and Evil.
Uno de los aspectos menos estudiados de la obra de Walter Benjamin es el papel que desempeña el mito en sus escritos de juventud. Entre 1915 y 1916, años tan cruciales como oscuros en la biografía de Benjamin, este interés por la... more
A cura di LIVIO ROSSETTI e ALESSANDRO STAVRU Sul punto di concludere il suo discorso, l'Alcibiade del Simposio platonico sottolinea che, benché sia stato sollecitato a pronunciare un elogio di Socrate, non ha potuto fare a meno di... more
This is a comparison of Agathon’s role in Aristophanes’ Thesmophoriazusae and Plato’s Symposium. Firstly, I examine the Platonic version, and the unique, idiosyncratic part Plato gives Agathon to play, as a host to all, and a hostage to... more
Cet article se propose de mettre en lumière la centralité du thème de la vie, et du rapport entre vie et pensée, dans la philosophie de Socrate. Ce thème est étroitement lié chez Socrate à la justification du sens de sa propre... more
En El Nacimiento de la Tragedia Nietzsche indica que en el pensamiento socrático están presentes tres axiomas del espíritu optimista: “la sabiduría es la virtud; se peca solo por ignorancia; el hombre virtuoso es el... more
In this paper I sketch what is in my view Aristophanes’ main contribution to the history of Socratism. Aristophanes, I argue, provided Socrates with a (literally) “iconic” status that proved a major influence for Socratic writers and... more
Nelle opere di Platone sia la figura del filosofo che la figura di Socrate stesso sono cangianti e spesso addirittura contradditorie. In questo paper esamino la questione traendone una conclusione armonica.
This collection offers the revised versions of the papers presented at ‚Socratica III – a conference on Socrates, the Socratics, and the ancient Socratic literature‘ (Trento, Italy, 2012). The volume approaches the Socratic question from... more
In traditional scholarship, Aristoxenus’ Life of Socrates has been considered very often as an untrustworthy testimony, as the Socrates being described seems to be at odds with what we know about him by our main sources Plato and... more
***UPDATED 17 NOVEMBER 2022*** Added: Parmenides. No change to Sections I & II; Considerable updates to Section III. All dialogues (esp. Protagoras) reworked, reworded -- footnotes added, expanded blah blah blah. Delete all... more
She has always existed and is more than a citizen of multiverses, most likely the ground of all. In the West she was introduced around C.570 and since then many individuals have searched for her, tried to become familiar with her... more
En la actualidad al oír el término “pederastia”, nos remonta a imágenes de abuso sexual a menores de edad por un adulto que manifiesta una enfermedad mental. Así mismo es usado como referencia a la homosexualidad. Pero nos hemos puesto a... more
In this chapter, I review the Aristotelian evidence about Socrates. Contrary to recent skeptical responses to the Aristotelian evidence, I argue that the Aristotelian testimony is most reasonably taken to have used sources other than... more
My introduction to *Readings of Plato's Apology of Socrates: Defending the Philosophical Life*, , eds. Vivil Valvik Haraldsen, Olof Pettersson, and Oda E. Wiese Tvedt, published by Lexington Books, 2018.
**OBSOLETE** Regardless, the author analyzes in detail the two (2) separate settings provided by Platon in his staging of the Symposium (the date of the gathering itself vs. the date of its recollection) and argues that the date of... more
Socrates’s founding of economic science has been largely unnoted, and the crucial texts (of Xenophon) have not been studied with the needed interpretative care and skill—even though the Socratic conception of what it means to conduct a... more
This paper aims at showing the many ways in which the self-referential dimension is present – by being both dramatically shown and argumentatively thematized – in Plato’s Theaetetus. A general reading of the whole dialogue is provided and... more
Published in "The Independent," Apr. 18, 2018
La complexité dans l’œuvre de Platon se présente sous trois aspects principaux. L’énigme du personnage même de Socrate, l’énigme de la composition dramaturgique des Dialogues et la multitude de difficultés ponctuelles, qui sont autant... more
This paper provides an overview of the literature on Socrates and the first-generation Socratics that appeared from 2010 up to the Socratica III conference (in 2012). In these years, scholarly activities on Socrates have constantly... more
The aim of the book is to reconstruct Plato’s self-portrait as an author through a fresh reading of the Phaedrus, with an Introduction and Conclusion that contextualize the construction more broadly. The Phaedrus is Plato’s most... more
Review of Armand D'Angour's book, Socrates in Love. The Making of a Philosopher, Bloomsbury Publishing, 2019.
The essay investigates two personae: Socrates as depicted by Plato and Descartes as narrator of the Discourse on Method and Meditations. Socrates is aware of his ignorance and insists on remembering to care for the self; Descartes claims... more
This interpretative commentary recovers the largely overlooked significance of a work that illuminates, by portraying in a subtle comic drama, the new perspective on existence, the new way of life, that Socrates introduced in and through... more
23 May 2022, Conference “Irony and Democracy. In Classical Antiquity and Modernity”, Ruhr Universität Bochum. Organised by Carlotta Voß and Christian Wendt, 23–24/05/2022. –– In Plato’s work, Socrates often addresses other people with... more
Even among sympathetic readers, there abides a sense that Proclus' attachment to his authorities at least partially blinds him to Socratic irony. This has serious implications for his conciliation of Homer and Plato in the Sixth Essay of... more
Plato’s Hippias Major employs comedy so robustly that its authenticity has been called into question, and it indeed exemplifies a strange sort of comedy. Using comedy to expose and explode pretensions as he does elsewhere, Socrates, in... more
This is a modified version of a paper I presented at the 2019 conference/workshop series 'Plato on Comedy' at Durham University. It serves as the basis for the significantly altered chapter in a volume of the proceedings for CUP. That... more
il platonismo di ermia di alessandria uno studio sugli in platonis phaedrum scholia prefazione di claudio moreschini il platonismo di ermia di alessandria
Maximus of Tyre’s Dialexeis present us with a vast array of philosophers, but Socrates’ appearences in them are unrivalled, not only for their sheer quantity (as well as Socrates’ protagonism in some of them), but first and foremost,... more
Conferencia del ciclo “Cara a cara: el rostro en la Antigüedad”, XVIII Jornadas sobre la Antigüedad, Centro Cultural Koldo Mitxelena, Donostia-San Sebastián, noviembre 2011.