queen Christina of Sweden
Recent papers in queen Christina of Sweden
Dès son arrivée à Rome, Christine de Suède a visité l’Académie des Humoristes, institution renommée, fondée au début du XVIIe siècle et placée au centre d’un vaste réseau de relations savantes et politiques. Le renouveau de l’atomisme,... more
Queen Christina of Sweden was well-known as a patron of the arts as and a prolific collector both as ruler of Sweden and as abdicated queen in Rome. Early modern guidebooks describe her galleries as a must-see attraction for travelers to... more
Bibliography on early modern women artists, mainly in Italy and the Netherlands; a sporadic compilation of 45+ pages. Updated 29 April 2020. BUT see now my Bibliography_Premodern Women Artists (posted on 14 May 2020), which has expanded... more
Queen Christina of Sweden (1626–1689) is probably the most important individual to directly link the cultures of Sweden and Italy, and thus fascinate scholars over the last four centuries. In the last fifty years, research on and interest... more
in Marca/Marche nr. 13 (2019) pp. 231-273 Un gran numero di cortigiani della regina Cristina di Svezia erano originari della Marca Fermana perché legati al Cardinale Decio Azzolino il Giovane. Galleria di personaggi e loro rete di... more
This paper wants to explore the possible neurological similarities between Greta Garbo and Queen Christina taking a cue from the homonymous movie.
Cristina e gli Archivi Vaticani // Cristina dopo Cristina negli Archivi Vaticani // La strano destino dei documenti di Cristina nell’Archivio di Castel Sant’Angelo // Censimento della documentazione “cristiniana” nell’Archivio Segreto... more
By examining how Queen Christina of Sweden collected, what she collected, and where she displayed objects, we can better understand her motives for amassing what became the Early Modern period’s largest collection of antiquities owned by... more
The article positions early modern collecting in relation to wider cultures of knowledge production by using perspectives from the history of knowledge, memory studies, and recent studies of Kunstkammern. Some twenty-five years after the... more
Idiomi di straniere a Roma: Cristina di Svezia-Minerva e la sua accademia * Domenica 11 novembre 1674, alla presenza di diciotto cardinali e di molta prelatura e nobiltà, si tenne a palazzo Riario la prima sessione della accademia Reale... more
Historical scholarship often gives Kristina of Sweden (1626-1689) a minor place in comparison to the Scandinavian warrior kings that preceded and followed her. Popular interest in Kristina has proliferated over the centuries as she was a... more
Atti del Convegno Internazionale "La regina Cristina di Svezia, il cardinale Decio Azzolino jr e Fermo neIl'arte e la politica della seconda meta del Seicento" tenuto a Permo nell' Auditorium di San Martino nei giorni 3 e 4 ottobre 1995 a... more
On the basis of published and unpublished sources, this paper discusses the influence that the visit made by the Austrian numismatist Joseph Eckhel (1737–1798) to Rome in 1772–3 had on the late eighteenth-century arrangement of the coin... more
Biografia di Romolo Spezioli (1642-1723), protomedico della regina Cristina di Svezia, e la sua importanza per la nascita della Biblioteca Comunale di Fermo.
In the 17th century, especially after the Thirty Years War, Sweden was engaged with demonstrating and presenting itself as the new great power it had become. Particularly the visual culture was a fine way to express the royal desires and... more
Carte di viaggio. Studi di lingua e letteratura italiana, Pisa-Roma (Italy), nr. 6, pp.67-98. Edizione commentata di 16 lettere inviate dal marchese Orazio Del Monte e dal protomedico Cesare Macchiati al cardinale Decio Azzolino junior... more
Com'e ben noto, Ia regina Cristina fondo due volte a Roma una propria accademia chiamandola Accademia Reale: Ia prima volta ne! gennaio del 1656, neanche un mese dopo del suo arrivo neJIa capitale 1, e Ia seconda, in maniera pili... more
1er Congrès des jeunes chercheurs et chercheuses en histoire de l'art et archéologie
21 ET 22 OCTOBRE 2021
Institut national d'histoire de l'art
21 ET 22 OCTOBRE 2021
Institut national d'histoire de l'art
El presente trabajo aporta nuevos datos respecto al gusto de Felipe V e Isabel de Farnesio hacia la escultura y las antigüedades, así como sobre la procedencia e identificación de las obras que componían su colección.
Староверов Д. К вопросу идентификации рижских солидов королевы Кристины
Starovеrov D. By questioning of the qween Christina’s solidus
Starovеrov D. By questioning of the qween Christina’s solidus
Tre lettere del 1661 indirizzate al cardinale Decio Azzolino jr dal cugino capitano Lorenzo Adami che accompagnava la regina Cristina di Svezia nel suo primo viaggio al Nord (1660-1662).
The previously unknown sitter in Michaelina Wautier's signed and dated Portrait of a man (Brussels, Museum of Fine Arts, inv. 297) is here identified as Antonio Pimentel de Prado (Palermo, 1604- Antwerp, 1671), military and diplomat with... more
Esta contribución busca rescatar y presentar dentro del contexto general de la filosofía práctica cartesiana el texto del ballet La Naissance de la Paix de Descartes, dedicado en 1649 a la Reina Cristina de Suecia para celebrar la Paz de... more
Medical minutes of the 17th century: the correspondence of Cesare
Macchiati, physician of the court around Queen Christina. Outlines of
analysis and research
Macchiati, physician of the court around Queen Christina. Outlines of
analysis and research
Communication lors du IVe Congrès de l'Association pour les Études Nordiques
Dieser Aufsatz zeichnet nach, wie sich das publizistische Bild des schwedischen Königs in (pro)schwedischen illustrierten Flugblätter vom Zeitpunkt seiner Landung am 6. Juli 1630 auf der norddeutschen Insel Usedom bis zu seinem Tod in... more
(PhD project description). The overall focus of this project is the early modern origins of the female intellectual identity (FII) in Denmark from the period 1650-1800. Using new methods from feminist history of philosophy together with... more
The aim of the essay is to present medals, which depict queen Christina as the goddess Minerva. In the years 1645-1650 queen Christina started to represent herself with the goddess Minerva’s attributes. Her intent was to spread the idea... more
Sammanfattning Till de märkligaste litterära produkterna från Stormaktstiden hör Agneta Horns självbiografi. Antagligen skriven mitt på 1650-talet, kort efter hennes mans död, beskriver sin författarinnas "wandringestidh," en fras... more
XV International Numismatic Congress Taormina 2015
Бойко-Гагарін А.С. Фальшивий ризький драйпелькер Густава Адольфа 1622 року // Львівські нумізматичні записки. – Ч. 11-12. – Львів, 2014-2015. – С. 21-22.
A review of the 2015 English translation of Henk Nellen's biography of Hugo Grotius
Riddle of the "Riga's" solidus of 1638 with a «decorated monogram». Список литературы: Огуй А., Пивоваров С. Подделывание билонных монет на Сучавском монетном дворе в ХVІІ в. // Numizmatica 21. — Bratislava, 2006. — S. 149–157;... more
A lecture on Queen Christina's navigation of Baroque society as a woman in power. Learn about the diverse roles played by women in the history of the Vasa ship by joining visiting scholar Theresa Kutasz Christensen on a Christina themed... more
One visual medium that is rather overlooked these days was particularly suited to the proclamation of great deeds and the insinuation of the always so fashionable flair of Antiquity, namely medallic art. This paper presents a selection of... more
Una doppia natura caratterizza i simboli: conservativa e trasformativa. Col tempo, il modo di lettura di un simbolo può cambiare, sino a contraddirne precedenti significati. L’interrogativo sotteso a questo contributo è in che modo i due... more
Статья посвящена шведскому придворному театру и зрелищам периода правления королевы Кристины (1632–1655). Для выявления театрального контекста эпохи автор прослеживает историю создания и театральную эстетику таких придворных зрелищ, как... more
Als Clemens IX. nach weniger als einem Jahr als Papst die Aufgabe übernahm, die traditionelle Ausstellung zum Tag Johannes des Täufers in S. Giovanni Decollato zu organisieren, konnte er auf die Unterstützung seiner langjährigen... more
This short Festschrift article traces the provenance of Girolamo Mazzola Bedoli's Holy Family, which is today in the Szepmuveszeti Muzeum, Budapest. It is identified as formerly belonging to the celebrated Orléans gallery, before having... more
In 1690, the literary academy of Arcadia was founded in Rome, under the patronage of Queen Christina of Sweden, by Giovanni Vincenzo Gravina and Giovanni Mario Crescimbeni. The Academy, one of the greatest literary expressions of... more