Introductory summary
As we learn in Adama Science and Technology University from fresh man up to 4 th year first
semester we encountered different types of problem. However, with the help of God and our
ability to face the problem we stand those difficult situations during academic years. During the
years as I mentioned above we have finished the teaching and learning process as we possible,
but some necessary portioned are not appropriately covered. Although there were some problems
should be solved before the university accepts fresh man student at the coming academic year.
This report highlights the problems so that they can be brought to the staff members of Adama
Science and Technology University. Those staff members not only the administration staff but
also from the gate guard up to the university’s president, Dr. Lemi Guta. My suggestions focus
on some areas of problem of Adama Science and Technology University: discrimination based
on language, shortage of drinking water, disruption of students on academic years, Wi-Fi
accessibility, student approach to their lecturer, deteriorated computers in the laboratory.
During that academic year the student complains about many things including the sources of
disputes but the university’s administration didn’t give attention. So that to get the attention of
the staff students cabal by absenting during class hour, shouting in café hall and additionally
students spill their breakfast on the air. In that difficult situation we got many admonitory from
the senior student in brochure form. To solve this problem students and the university senates are
met many times but all meeting is dismissed without agreement. So lastly the senate solve the
problem by suspended all student from 1 st year to 5th year students for a month and also
suspended some students for year.
But after some year the Wi-Fi availability restricted only in those library and in the library the
speed is not fast as before. When we use the Wi-Fi network in the library there were student who
cuts the network and let out students using the network. So to resist this problem student must
use net cut defender application for laptop, if this application is not installed to their laptop
students not use Wi-Fi network efficiently. I believe this problem would be solved to the coming
academic year.
As noted at the outset, none of these problems kept us from accomplishing the scheduled
academic year. But they did make the teaching and learning process difficult for students
especially for fresh man students. Moreover, in case of the disruption of students, there were
many things are happened like most of students are jump of the qulibi gate and they withdraw
from the university and don’t come back. We were fortunate that serious injuries are not
occurring to us during fall down from the gate.
I strongly argue that the administrative staff and the senate have to ask to correct these
problems before accepting new students for new academic year.
ID NO: UGR/16800/11
Section: 4