UPTEC F 22029
Examensarbete 30 hp
Juni 2022
The project was performed in collaboration with the company Prevas AB. The aim of the project
was to implement a GPS tracking device, or a GPS tracker, that has a hardware setup retrieving
the GPS position of an object and then sends the position through a mobile communication
module to a smartphone. A software application running on a smartphone simulator was
developed to visualize the position with a Google map widget. The hardware unit consists of a
GPS/GSM/GPRS module, a microcontroller, and a smartphone simulator that runs the software
application made for iOS, Android and Linux operating systems using Flutter - an UI
multi-platform software development kit.
Implementation of the setup started with a Telit GM862 GSM/GPRS/3G-GPS module (together
with a SmartGM862 development board), an Arduino UNO microcontroller board and a logical
level converter. This first setup was not successful because a problem with the serial
communication between the Telit GSM-GPS module and the Arduino could not be solved.
The second setup was implemented in which an Arduino GSM/GPRS/GPS shield was used with
the Arduino board. The serial communication between the shield and the Arduino was
functioning properly and a GPS position could be retrieved. The GPS position is published
(sent) using a lightweight messaging protocol - MQTT (messaging queuing telemetry transport)
through GPRS functions to the smartphone of the destination user.
To visualize the GPS position in a Google map, an Object Tracker app was implemented on the
smartphone simulator app (an iPhone in this project) that subscribes and retrieves the GPS
position, and then displays it on the map with a red marker indicating the position.
The GPS tracker with the second setup and the app has been tested and proved to work
properly. It has, however, much room for improvement and further development, e.g., making
the app more user-friendly, and designing and making a PCB so all the components are
mounted on one board. It has been noticed in an initiated test that the GPS antenna placement
could affect positioning accuracy. This, thus, needs to be considered for high accuracy.
Teknisk-naturvetenskapliga fakulteten
Uppsala universitet, Uppsala
Mycket teknik är idag implementerad i vardagliga produkter och telefoner. IoT-teknik har
fått ett stort genomslag och finns i många hem och ger stöd i människors vardag. En så-
dan teknik är GPS-spårning och återfinns i mobiltelefoner, appar som Uber samt så kallade
"airtags" som kan placeras på valfria objekt. Inspirationen till detta projekt har kommit till
från de växande cykelstölderna i Uppsala stad och där polisens resurser i dagsläget inte
räcker för att lösa och motverka dessa stölder. För att motverka dessa stölder och ge stöd
i Polisens arbete kan IoT-tekniken komma väl till hands genom att installera en GPS-spårare
på en cykel men även på andra fordon.
Projektet som har framtagits hos Prevas AB är utfört som ett "proof of concept" projekt och
är därför inte fokuserat på en optimal GPS-spårare utseendemässigt. Funktionalitet för detta
projekt ligger i fokus. Målet för projektet är att tillverka en GPS-spårare som erhåller en po-
sition i latitude och longitude. Denna position presenteras sedan på en app med en imple-
menterad "Google map" widget. Positionen skall visas tydligt med en röd markering. Vid en
förändrad position skall kartan förflyttas och den nya positionen presenteras.
Systemet för en GPS-spårare kan beskrivas med tre byggnadsstenar. Den första byggstenen
består av hårdvaran som är ansvarig för att erhålla en GPS position och formattera om po-
sitionen till lämplig form för överföring till nästa byggsten. Nästa byggsten är en server som
agerar förmedlare mellan hårdvara och app. Meddelandet skickas från hårdvaran till servern
med kommunikationsprotokollet MQTT. Därmed kallas denna server för MQTT broker. Till
en broker kan ett flertal utgivare och abonnenter vara anslutna till ett ämne som är skapat
i brokern. För detta projekt agerar hårdvaran som utgivare, därifrån positionen publiceras
och appen agerar som en abonnent som tar emot dessa meddelanden innehållande posi-
tionen. Den tredje byggstenen för systemet är appen. Appen abonnerar på ämnet och posi-
tionen inhämtas. Positionen omformateras till en datatyp som en Google karta tillåter och
därmed kan en position presenteras med en röd markering.
grannheten till stor del. Bäst noggrannhet erhölls när GPS-antennen var placerad utomhus,
det andra när GPS-antennen är placerad inomhus i närheten av ett fönster. Det sämsta re-
sultatet erhölls när GPS-antennen var placerad utomhus i närheten av metall vilket skapar
interferens och därmed undermålig noggrannhet av positionsbestämningen.
Appen utvecklades med plattformen Flutter. Flutter som är tillverkat av Google är plat-
tformsoberoende och därmed kan appar med samma kodbas brukas av operativsystemen
Android och iOS. Den fullständiga appen har möjlighet att inhämta en position, formatera
den till lämplig datatyp och presentera positionen på en karta. I appen har en meny imple-
menterats med alternativen "Hem", "Inställningar" samt "Parkering". I appen är även en
uppdateringsikon implementerad för att uppdatera position av det spårade objektet.
I am extremely grateful for the support, guidance and valuable knowledge that Mikael Ham-
berg and Anders Fagerström have provided throughout this thesis. I would also like to ex-
press my gratitude for my supervisor Anders Jansson for his support and my subject reader
Ping Wu for his advice and suggestions. To my family Rifat, Susan and Mari, you always in-
spire me to do better and this would not have been possible without your love and support
throughout my life and education. Finally, my husband Ramis. Your encouragements and
your love means the world to me and I will be forever grateful for you and what you make
me achieve for each day that passes by.
1 Introduction 1
1.1 Background . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.4 Outline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
2 Theoretical Background 3
3.3.2 Arduino Software and Libraries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
3.3.4 PuTTY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
3.3.5 Adafruit IO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
4.4 Performance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
5.1 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Appendices 39
References 58
1.1 Background
On the 3rd of January 2022, an article was published in www.svt.se [1]. The police depart-
ment has reported new numbers for bike theft in Uppsala, where an increase of 63% between
2016 and 2020 was shown . For each year, the police department receives an approximate
4000 reports and equally many thefts are left unreported. To counteract and discourage to
eventual theft, a GPS tracking device can be installed on a bike. Unfortunately, other vehi-
cles such as electric scooters and motorbikes are equally exposed to theft and therefore it is
also suggested to implement such a device on other vehicles.
This master thesis project is mainly a "proof of concept" project with numerous possible
future developments. The aim is to implement a device to track an optional vehicle. If the
vehicle is moved from its original position, the new position is provided to the user via the
app on a smartphone. The new location is shown using Google maps services to achieve a
user friendly app. The device should preferably be placed in a case to protect the device from
different weather conditions and to protect the electronics from external damages. The case
will also provide the user to attach the device easily on an optional vehicle.
1.3 Tasks and scope
The main project goal is to achieve a GPS tracker that retrieves a position and visualize the
position on a Google map widget in an app. This is may be achieved by
• Develop an Arduino code that retrieves a GPS position and publishes it to a server in a
correct format.
• Retrieve the position from the server and convert the position to a desired format.
1.4 Outline
The report is arranged as follows. Chapter 2 includes theoretical and technical background
about GPS and trilateration, the geographical coordinate system, wireless mobile commu-
nications and GPRS, and information about the MQTT protocol. In chapter 3, the meth-
ods and implementation of the project is presented, covering one unsuccessful configura-
tion and one successful configuration of the GPS tracker. Information about the hardware,
MQTT broker and software is also included. At the end of the chapter the app development,
its methods and background are presented. In chapter 4 the final prototype and its applica-
tion and functions are presented together with a discussion. In chapter 5 the conclusion is
drawn and improvements are suggested.
Theoretical Background
GPS, or NAVSTAR GPS, is a navigation system that was developed by the United States De-
partment of Defense in 1973 [9]. Via preposition of satellites, a user with a GPS module
with a receiver is able to obtain the current positioning in terms of longitude, latitude and
altitude. The positioning is determined as the distance of the GPS receiver is calculated rel-
atively to other satellites. In satellites, atomic clocks are implemented, which grants very
precise and accurate time and synchronization with other satellites. Data of the satellite’s
position is also recorded. Signals are transmitted from the satellites and propagated with a
velocity of light and received at the ground level. When signals are received, two fundamen-
tal units are obtained which is an accurate time and velocity. Here, two things are stated. The
velocity of the transmitted signal is constant and the time obtained is the time delay from
signal transmission to receiving at the earth’s surface. Further,the distance to each satellite
is calculated, and thereby a position to the GPS receiver is determined via trilateration. For
GPS position determination, an amount of at least 4 satellites are required [10]. With trilat-
eration the relative distances are measured. Assume figure 2.1. The GPS receiver receives
broadcasting signals from different satellites. Eventually the broadcasted satellite signal L 1
will be received by the GPS receiver. As the signal is received, the distance to the satellite will
be known, implying that a GPS receiver must be positioned on the circumference of a circle
with radius d 1 . Receiving an additional broadcasted signal from satellite L 2 , a new distance
to the GPS receiver will be determined and a new circle with the radius d 2 will be obtained.
It implies two circles that intersect each other in two points. For each point, there is a pos-
sibility that is the position of the GPS receiver. Therefore, an additional satellite is sufficient
to determine the final position of the GPS receiver. Again, a circle with radius d 3 will be ob-
tained and the circle will intersect the other circles in a certain point. As seen in Figure 2.1,
the three circles intersect in one common point. In the intersecting point the GPS receiver
exists, hence a position of the antenna is determined. This type of trilateration would have
been perfect in a 2D world. For a 3D world, the mentioned circles are spheres and for that
reason a minimum of 4 satellites are required to determine a position of an object in a 3D
d 1 = (x 1 − x u )2 + (y 1 − y u )2 + (z 1 − z u )2
d 2 = (x 2 − x u )2 + (y 2 − y u )2 + (z 2 − z u )2 (2.1)
d = (x − x )2 + (y − y )2 + (z − z )2
3 3 u 3 u 3 u
Many elements contribute to the accuracy of a GPS position such as the amount of available
satellites, refractions and multipath effects. Three important terms within GPS accuracy are
geometric dilution of precision (GDOP), vertical dilution of precision (VDOP) and horizontal
dilution of precision (HDOP) [9]. A good GDOP value is obtained if the visible satellites in the
sky are spread apart. If the satellites are not spread apart, the circles mentioned previously
will align close to each other and a poor position estimation will be obtained. The GDOP
value is defined as:
1q 2
GDOP = σx + σ2y + σ2z + σ2b (2.2)
, where σ is the root means square (RMS) error of the psuedorange, which is the distance
between the user position and satellite position, {σx , σ y , σz } is the RMS error in the {x, y, z}
direction of the position and σb is the RMS clock error between the satellite clock and GPS
user clock. A bad HDOP value is obtained when the position on the horizontal axis is poorly
estimated and defined as
1q 2
H DOP = σx + σ2y (2.3)
A bad VDOP value is obtained as the position on the vertical axis is poorly estimated and
defined as
V DOP = (2.4)
All DOP values are kept small if a good accuracy of the position is obtained.
The mentioned factors all together do affect the accuracy of the GPS position which is highly
affected by the satellites position in the atmosphere. A GPS user is able to prevent the GPS re-
ceiver from exposure to multipath effects and nearby objects. Multipath effects are avoided
as a GPS receiver is stationed far from buildings and structures. A GPS receiver should
preferably not be placed inside a building due to signals that are impacted by the structure
material. It is highly advised to not station a GPS receiver on or near metal to avoid signal
interference which entails poor position estimation.
To obtain a GPS position, a coordinate system for the world has been interpreted. Any po-
sition in the world can be presented by a point given in latitude and longitude coordinates.
The earth is approximated to a sphere with parallel and meridian lines. The parallel lines,
the lines of latitude, present the lines drawn across the axis that goes through the north and
south pole. The latitude value is in the range [-90°,90°] and presents every position in the
north/south direction. The meridian lines that present the longitude values are instead of
the range [-180°,180°] and present any position in the east/west direction, as shown in Figure
Figure 2.2: The geographic coordinate system where to the left the meridian lines are pre-
sented and to the right the parallel lines are presented.
l at i t ud e = t an −1 q (2.5)
2 2
xu + y u
µ ¶
l ong i t ud e = t an (2.6)
Wireless mobile communication was introduced year 1979 with its first generation 1G and
has been developed to its fifth generation 5G year 2019. 1G is a fully analog telecommu-
nication system. The communication was often terminated, the voice quality was bad, the
maintained communication was not secured and the data rate was up to 2 kbps. The second
generation 2G, also referred as GSM, was introduced 1991 and provided users with more se-
cure and reliable communication. GSM is a digital network and new data services as SMS
and MMS were introduced. The introduction of GSM pioneered for the line up of IoT and
machine to machine communication. GSM provides with a data throughput up to 64 kbps.
A further development of 2G is 2.5G, also referred to as GPRS and is a main block for the
communication of this project. As GPRS was introduced year 2000, users were able to e-
mail and web browse. The third generation 3G was introduced year 2001 and had a major
success during the IPhone release, year 2008. The main development of 3G is increased
bandwidth and higher data rates which implies to the ability to video stream and video call
with fast and high quality communication. Data rates up to 2 Mbps is achieved with 3G data
services. 4G, which was introduced year 2000 and developed until 2010, has data through-
put which is up to 500 times higher than 3G data services. Higher resolution videos and
video calls are achieved with a data rate up to 1 Gbps. As 4G was developed, newer and
higher technology possibilities could be achieved which gave the IoT market a huge break-
through. Considering 4G provided with higher bandwidth and data rates, IoT devices were
able to communicate with good QoS. The fifth generation 5G was introduced recently (2020)
and is still under development. It can achieve data rates up to 35 Gbps. The goal of the 5G
development is to reduce communication delay, more devices connected concurrently and
higher connectivity so that 5G is suited for IoT.
From the GSM architecture the block mobile station (MS) , base transceiver station (BTS)
and base station controller (BSC) are implemented [2]. Different equipment can be used as
a MS. A device alone is not defined as a MS but becomes one when used with a SIM-card.
In this case, the MS is a microcontroller board together with a GPS/GSM/GPRS module.
Communication is maintained as a MS is carrying information which is sent over the radio
interface to the BTS. In the GSM architecture, several BTS are connected to one base station
controller (BSC) which together provides the radio access network. The services that BSC
provides are the different GSM protocols, setups and channel allocation.
To further develop the GSM architecture, GPRS support nodes have been implemented in
the architecture. The support nodes are implemented to deliver packets and route packets
between MSs and the public data network [3]. The first implemented node is the serving
GPRS support node (SGSN). The main function of the SGSN is to forward the communica-
tion by routing and sending/delivering packets to the MS within its service area. The SGSN
is in addition responsible for the authentication of the MS and logical link control as error
checking, flow control and synchronization. In the SGSN information about the GPRS users
is created and stored, e.g. their address and IMSI. An additional support node that is imple-
mented in the GSM architecture is the gateway GPRS support node (GGSN). The node is an
interface to external networks where GPRS data packets are converted from the SGSN into
the desired protocol. Since an internet connection to publish messages on a MQTT broker
is desired for this project, the selected protocol that the data packets are converted to is the
Figure 2.3: Overview of GPRS architecture with its main subsystems GSN, SGSN and GGSN.
MQTT is a lightweight messaging protocol that is suited for IoT projects and Machine to Ma-
chine communication [18]. The benefits of MQTT are simple implementations, lightweight,
energy and bandwidth efficiency and high data reliability. The MQTT protocol consists of
three main elements which are the broker, the subscriber and the publisher. A publisher
or a subscriber are not restricted to a specific type of component. A publisher/subscriber
may be any device, e.g. a microcontroller, an app, a server etc. One aspect is necessary and
common for all publishing/subscribing devices and that is the ability to connect to a net-
work. Using MQTT, there are no restrictions to the amount of devices that can publish and
subscribe to a topic/subject on a MQTT broker.
MQTT is built upon a publish/subscribe model where the broker decouples the publisher
and subscriber and shares a mutual communication endpoint that is the broker. The bro-
ker’s task is to receive the message from the publisher, to filter incoming messages and to
send the correct message to the correct subscriber. The message filtering is managed in
three manners. A subject-based filtering, content-based filtering and type-based filtering
[19]. A subject-based filtering is based upon a publisher that publishes the messages to spe-
cific topics. As a subscriber subscribes to the specific topic it will receive all the messages
that are uploaded to that specific topic by the publisher. A content-based filtering is defined
by a subscriber that receives messages with specific contents that the subscriber accepts. A
type-based filtering is based upon the type or class of message that the subscriber is expect-
ing to receive. The data type of a common published message on a MQTT topic is a string in
a JSON format, more detail of which is presented in section 3.3.2.
The MQTT protocol is built upon the TCP/IP stack and the connection is maintained through
handshakes. The publisher performs a three-way handshake with the MQTT broker and
the TCP connection is established when the publisher receives an acknowledgment from
the server that the MQTT broker exists on. To establish an MQTT connection, a hand-
shake is performed where a connect packet is sent from the client/publisher side to the
broker/server [20]. The connect packet contains a connect request with sufficient infor-
mation that provides the ability to connect to the broker. The contained information in a
connect packet is clientID , cleanSession, username, password, lastWilltopic, lastWillQoS,
lastWillMessage, lastWillRetain and keepAlivePeriod. Some of the mentioned parameters
are optional while other parameters need to be provided to be able to connect. As a connect
packet is sent and all sufficient information is provided, the broker sends an acknowledg-
ment and a connect acknowledgement, as shown in Figure 2.4. As an acknowledgment is
obtained, the publisher is able to publish messages to the broker.
Figure 2.4: TCP and MQTT connection establishment and termination between a publisher
and broker.
Packets sent from a publisher to a broker or from a broker to a subscriber are delivered with
a certain QoS level. The QoS level is optional and set dependent on network reliability and
applied application of the device. In MQTT, 3 QoS levels are defined:
If QoS level 0 is selected, packet deliveries cannot be guaranteed and the message receiver
cannot send an acknowledgement that a message has been delivered. For QoS level 1, the
message receiver will receive the message at least once. As the message is delivered, the re-
ceiver sends a puback. The message is stored at the sender side until the puback is received.
If a puback is not received for a specific time interval, the sender will resend the message
until a puback is received. Messages that are sent twice or more will be assigned a duplicate
flag. If a message is sent with QoS level 2, the sender assures that each sent message is de-
livered exactly once to the recipient. To assure this, a four part handshake is performed be-
tween the sender and receiver. As the mentioned handshake is completed, both the sender
and receiver will be assured that the message has been delivered. The QoS level is defined at
publisher and subscriber side. The broker that is an intermediary will define the same QoS
level that is defined at each endpoint. Hence, when the broker is a receiver, it defines the
same QoS level that is defined at the publisher side. While the broker is the sender, it defines
the same QoS level that is defined at the subscriber side.
Methods and Implementation
The first setup of a GPS tracking device consists of 6 main building blocks which are the Ar-
duino Uno board, Telit GM862 module, GPS antenna, GSM antenna, logical level converter
and two power sources that are 9V alkaline batteries. The GPS/GSM module, Telit GM682
provides the user with the positioning of the vehicle and mobile communication. Through
a 50-pin board to board Molex connector, the GPS/GSM module is connected to a Smart
GM862 development board to access the different pins. To the GPS/GSM module an inter-
nal GSM antenna is connected with an MMCX connector. Considering that the GPS antenna
holds a SMA connector, the antenna is connected to the Smart GM862 development board
via a MMCX-SMA adapter cable. Here, it is important that at each MMCX connector, which
is for each antenna output, an MMCX angle plug crimp is attached, which is performed to
maintain a 50 Ω impedance [5]. This is the standard for the majority of coaxial cables. From
the Smart GM862 development board, the module is further connected to a logical level
converter that converts the high voltage signals from the Arduino board to the low voltage
signals that are accepted by the GPS/GSM module. From the Smart GM862 development
RX is connected to pin LV1 on the logical converter. Further, RX from the logical converter
continues from pin HV1 and further to the TX pin on the Arduino board. The same is per-
formed for the TX line on the development board, but connected to pin LV2 on the logical
level converter, continues from pin HV2 and further to the Arduino board. On each side
of the logical level converter, the development board and the Arduino board are connected
to ground. On the Arduino side of the logical level converter, a 5V line from the Arduino is
connected to pin HV on the converter. On the development board side of the converter a
3.3V line from the 3.3V pin on the Arduino is connected to pin LV on the converter. From the
same 3.3V node, a line is connected to VCC on the development board. Finally, on each side
of the logical level converter, each board is connected to the GND pins. A pull-up resistor
of the value 47 kΩ is connected to DTR on the development board and then grounded. RTS
on the development board is further connected to GND. For this setup, two power sources
are needed, hence a 9V battery is connected to the pins GND and Vin on the Arduino board.
The second battery is connected to the cable that is connected to the CN2 connector on the
development board. The wires in the cable of the CN2 connector are exposed and further
connected to the wires of the battery. A wiring summary for the Telit module is presented in
table 3.1.
Table 3.1: A wiring summary for the Telit GM862-GPS module. This table complements
Figure 3.1.
Figure 3.1: The setup of the GPS device that includes the Telit GM862 GPS module. The
device consists of an Arduino Uno, GM862 development board, GSM/GPS module, logical
level converter, two 9V batteries, GPS and GSM antenna.
For this project a microcontroller is essential, hence the Arduino Uno Rev3 is selected. The
board is based on the ATmega328P microchip [11]. The recommended input DC supply to
the board is in the range 7-12V. Hence, for this project, the board is supplied with an alkaline
9V battery that is connected to the CN2 connector on the board, as shown in Figure 3.2.
The serial interface is crucial considering the communication with the GPS/GSM module.
Arduino Uno has UART TTL serial communication where the interface is found on pin 0, RX,
where the incoming communication is received, and pin 1, TX, where the outgoing commu-
nication is transmitted. In Arduino Software (IDE), the RX & TX pins can be reprogrammed
to be utilised by other input/output digital pins. The Arduino board has in total 14 digital
pins that can be programmed to be used as input/output. The RX & TX signals are modu-
lated as signals with an amplitude of 0-5V.
Connection between the board and a computer is established when an USB 2.0 cable type
A/B is used.
Figure 3.2: Arduino Uno Rev3 and its pinouts and connectors.
For this project, two hardware setups were constructed. The first setup included the Telit
module, as shown in Figure 3.1 but entailed a GPS tracker that could not be put into use due
to internal hardware issues.
The module is a combined GSM, GPS and GPRS 3G module. The module is controlled
through AT-commands which makes the implementation and communication with a mi-
crocontroller effortless and effective. AT-commands are sent from a microcontroller as the
Arduino Uno to access the different GPS-module functions as sending SMS, acquiring GPS
positions and setting up internet connection. Basic commands of the module include pow-
ering the module on or off, initializing the module with the accurate baud rate, GSM signal
quality, etc.
The module has a 50 pin vertical SMD Molex board to board connector to connect the mod-
ule to a development board and access all pins.To access the GSM services a SIM card is
placed in a SIM card adapter and inserted in the SIM card holder. From the module, GPS
and GSM antenna connectors are accessible. On the module side, two 50 Ω MMCX coaxial
female RF connectors are attached which gives requirements for the antenna and antenna
connectors on the application side. On the applications side a MMCX angle plug crimp has
to be attached to the antenna connectors to maintain the 50 Ω impedance. In the hardware
user guide of Telit GM862-GPS [5] the following antenna requirements in table 3.2 and 3.3
are listed and have to be fulfilled.
Table 3.2: The GSM antenna requirements for Telit G862-GPS module.
Table 3.3: The GPS antenna requirements for Telit G862-GPS module.
The selected GSM antenna for the Telit module is an ANT-GSMQB-MMCX PCB antenna with
gain 1 dBi, with an included angle plug crimp which provides with 50 Ω of impedance, a
VSWR of <= 2:1 and is operating in the frequency bands 850/900/1800/1900 MHz. The se-
lected GPS antenna is operating in the frequency bands 1560 – 1572MHz, have an impedance
of 50 Ω, gain 4 dBi, VSWR of <= 1.5, amplification gain 28 dBi and accepts 3-5 V DC.
In the hardware user guide [5], it is clearly instructed that the RXD and TXD pins need a
CMOS 2.8 V supply voltage but voltages up to 3.3 V are accepted.
Figure 3.3: GPS/GSM module, model type GM862-GPS from the manufacturer Telit.
The required power supply is 7-23V AC or 9-32V DC power supply voltage. The module is
power supplied with 12 V through a CN2 connector on the board and the whole module is
powered on when the power key is pressed and held for a minimum of 1 second.
Figure 3.4: The GSM/GPS module Telit GM862-GPS is connected to the development system
SmartGM862 to obtain accessibility of the pins.
3.2 Hardware system with SIM808 Module
The second system setup is constructed with a SIM808 GSM/GPRS/GPS Arduino Shield by
Waveshare. The shield is connected to the Arduino by attaching the pins of the shield into
the pins of the Arduino. Shown in Figure 3.5, the following hardware setup is presented:
2. A micro USB cable connected to the shield, mainly used for UART and PuTTY appli-
cations, more detail of which is presented in section 3.3.4.
5. To select the appropriate VREF, the 2-pin jumper is shifted to another pin.
7. Power the SIM808 GPS module by holding the PWRKEY button for 1 second.
8. The Bluetooth antenna is connected here, but not applied for this project.
10. UART configuration for SIM808. In the Arduino code, the RX and TX pins are selected
and the 2-pin jumpers are connected according to the selection.
11. Select the UART communication port via the switch. When desiring communication
via the CP2102, "USB" is selected, and when Arduino communication is desirable,
"D0/D1" is selected.
Figure 3.5: Hardware system overview with SIM808 Arduino shield. The shield is connected
on the Arduino Uno.
For a remotely connected device the module is connected according to figure 3.5 with a 9 V
battery as power source that is connected to Vin and GND on the shield.
The Arduino shield is based on the SIM808 GPS-module and is compatible with Arduino
Uno. No jumper wires are required. The shield is directly attached to the Arduino board
via its pins and connected immediately. On the backside of the shield, as shown in Figure
3.6, the SIM-card is inserted if functions as GSM and GPRS are necessary. For this project, a
3D-printed SIM-card adapter together with a nano SIM card was used.
Figure 3.6: The backside of the Arduino shield with an inserted SIM-card adapter
The shield was ordered from Waveshare, a retailer that offers electronics, development boards,
etc. The obtained package included the shield, a Bluetooth antenna, GSM antenna, a GPS
antenna, an EU standard adapter and a USB cable type A to micro. Unfortunately, no infor-
mation could be retrieved from the retailer about the characteristics of the accompanying
GSM and GPS antennas except the information that is printed on the GPS antenna and pre-
sented in Appendix A.4 Component List.
The main goal of this project is to obtain GPS locations of the tracked object and present
it on the developed mobile application on Google maps. The location is retrieved from the
GPS module that is implemented on the Arduino shield. Later, the obtained location is de-
coded from National Marine Electronics Association (NMEA) format to a JSON format and
published on a MQTT broker with GPRS services, more detail of which is presented in sec-
tion 2.4. To the broker, multiple devices are able to subscribe. For this project the subscriber
is a mobile phone with the installed Object Tracker app. As a position is retrieved in the app,
the location is decoded from JSON format to a LocationData format that the Google maps
widget acquires. The widget takes a position in latitude and longitude and presents it on a
Google map with a red marker.
Figure 3.7: Communication overview between the hardware Arduino and Arduino shield,
MQTT broker and Object Tracker app.
3.3.2 Arduino Software and Libraries
The Arduino code was developed in the Arduino environment, the Arduino Software IDE.
The software contains a code editor, a window with message output, a menu for differ-
ent tools and buttons for code verification and uploading to the board. The applied pro-
gramming language for Arduino is C++. The code was written with the three aiding libraries
TinyGSM, ArduinoJson and PubSubClient.
The TinyGSM library [13] supports different GPS modules, including SIM808 that is used
for this project. A predominant amount of GPS/GPRS/GSM modules uses AT-commands
when the user desires to access the module functionalities. The mentioned AT-commands
are implemented into functions in the TinyGSM library. Hence, an alternative to sending
multiple commands to achieve a GPRS connection e.g., a simple function may be applied.
Hence, a more neat and reader-friendly code is obtained.
As data is transmitted from hardware to a MQTT broker and from the broker to the app, it is
desirable if the data is compact and lightweight, which is achievable with JSON formatting.
JSON format is applied for data interchange within servers and web applications [16] and
is suitable when transmitting to and from the MQTT broker. The ArduinoJson library [14]
aids with serialization and creating a JSON formatted object that is later sent to the MQTT
broker. An example of a JSON formatted object message containing latitude and longitude
information is:
The PubSubClient library [15] is an MQTT messaging library that provides functions with
the possibility to connect and publish or subscribe to a MQTT broker. The library supports
the latest MQTT protocol version 3.1.1. The library is able to publish messages to a topic
with QoS level 0 and is able to subscribe to topics with QoS level 1 and 2. At the subscriber
side (the app), the set QoS level is 1. more detail of which is presented in section 2.4.
The code that is developed for the Arduino board is responsible for retrieving the GPS po-
sition, JSON formatting the message and thereafter publishing the message to the MQTT
broker, Adafruit IO. Initially library variables are set. A very crucial function is the command
function that sends any AT-command from the Arduino through the serial port, to the serial
port of the shield. Later, a desired baud rate is set for the Arduino and the shield. The serial
communication is set to baud rate 38400 bps due to communication issues that arose when
the baud rate was set to 115200 bps, which was to high for the Arduino to process. Using
the command function and the functions that are implemented in the TinyGSM library, the
GPS and GPRS functions are set to on. Thereafter a loop is initiated where a GPS position
is retrieved each 20 seconds and the latitude and longitude values are stored in variables.
These variables are later imported to a build JSON function that converts latitude and lon-
gitude values to a JSON formatted message. Thereafter a connection to the broker is set up
and the message containing the latitude and longitude values are published. Thereafter the
loop restarts. During the loop the connection to the broker is always checked and if no con-
nection is upheld, a new connection is initiated. In Figure 3.8 a flowchart of the described
code is presented.
The Arduino code for this project is written with the aid of the examples published in the
GitHub pages for the TinyGSM library [13], the ArduinoJson library [14] and the PubSub-
Client library [15].
3.3.4 PuTTY
PuTTY is a terminal emulator that supports different network protocols as SCP, SSH, Telnet,
rlogin but is also applied for serial communication [17] which is the prime user area of this
project. On the Arduino shield, the UART communication was selected via a switch, which
is presented in section 3.2.1. On the switch, "USB" was selected to initiate the serial com-
munication with the PuTTY emulator. A PuTTY emulator was downloaded to examine the
communication of the Arduino shield, mainly to assure that the correct information is ob-
tained from the Arduino shield while an AT-command is sent. Some coding was in addition
based upon the incoming answer from the GPS module, thus the answer was examined ini-
tially through PuTTY. The PuTTY emulator was also applied to assure that the correct baud
rate was set for the serial communication when communication issues arose between the
shield and the Arduino Uno board. When initiating serial communication with PuTTY, the
following settings were applied, in addition to selecting the correct COM port:
• Baud Rate - 38400
• Parity - None
• Stop bits - 1
• Data bits - 8
Inserting the correct settings should initiate a PuTTY emulator session and serial commu-
nication with a device. According to the software user guide for the Telit module [5], the
baud rate can be selected from the range 0,300, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600,
115200 bps. The same is valid for the Arduino shield.
3.3.5 Adafruit IO
Many brokers exist, some are free, some are free to a certain limit and some contain monthly
charging plans. Adafruit IO brokers include a free plan and a billing plan. In the free plan
the following is included:
, which fulfills the requirements of the project. For the project, one topic (called feed in
Adafruit IO) where the latitude and longitude values are published from the Arduino, is re-
quired. Messages from the Arduino are sent to the broker and feed every 50 seconds, which
is set in the Arduino code. There are no requirements of storage since only the last incoming
latitude and longitude value is applied to the app.
Adafruit supports only QoS level 0 and 1 [21] and for that reason the QoS level is not set to a
higher level in the app. To connect to the Adafruit IO broker the user is able to select among
3 socket ports depending on the application. If the application includes a webbsocket client,
socket port 443 is recommended. For other applications one is recommended socket port
1883 which is an insecure socket port and 8883 which is a secure SSL socket port. Further
sufficient information that must be provided is
• Host - io.adafruit.com
• Username - Your Adafruit IO username
• Key - Your Adafruit IO key
The Adafruit server limits the amount of publish actions that can be made to a topic to pre-
vent from service overload. The limit for a free account is 30 points per minute and for a
billing account is 60 points per minute. If the publish action rate is exceeded the user ac-
count may be banned.
3.4 App Development
For this project different Flutter packages were applied to the code.
• material - The material.dart package [22] contains multiple icons and widgets. It is the
most important package for visualizing content on the app and is the main building
block for the interface.
• location - From the location.dart package [23] the most important class for this project
is the LocationData class which takes the latitude and longitude parameters. The
plugin is also able to retrieve an app user’s current location and handle callbacks for
changed locations.
• mqtt_client - From the mqtt_client.dart package [24] is a v.3 MQTT plugin. From this
plugin, the app user is able to connect, publish and subscribe to a broker. The plugin
is able to subscribe and publish on all QoS levels and supports secure and non secure
socket ports. From the package source a GitHub repository is linked and examples are
found and used as a template.
• convert - The convert.dart package [25] is able to encode and decode between dif-
ferent data types. For this project, the convert package is applied to convert a JSON-
formatted message to a LocationData format.
• google_maps_flutter - To display a Google maps widget on the app, the
google_maps_flutter.dart plugin [26] is implemented. It is necessary to retrieve a Google
maps API key to make this plugin useful, more detail of which is presented in section
The app development and installations are performed on a MacBook Air from early 2015
with macOS Monterey. The installation of Flutter is performed with the aid of online guide-
lines [7]. Prior to the installations, the user must ensure that an amount of 40 GB of free
disk space is available. For an iOS setup, Xcode and iOS simulator is installed. To deploy
the future developed app with Flutter plugins on a real device, Cocoapods is installed. For
an Android setup, Android Studio and an Android emulator is installed. The installations
are all performed with a Homebrew terminal. Adding the path of the Flutter SDK to the re-
source file of the shell, the user is able to use flutter commands permanently on any terminal
window. The resource file is edited using the following command:
open /.bash_profile
export PATH="$PATH:/Users/ivetshami/Downloads/flutter/bin"
It is recommended to send the command Flutter doctor in the terminal to detect any
missing installations. The installed editor for this project is Visual Studio code where all code
for the app was written. A Flutter project is selected as an application from the command
palette. From VS code, the user is able to select a device on a simulator that the app is
presented on throughout the code developing process. This is also possible to execute on a
terminal window by sending the command:
open -a Simulator
The user is able to run the code from VS code or from the terminal by sending the command:
Flutter run
As the code is developed further, the user is able to select "Hot Restart" to restart the app or
"Hot Reload" to reload the app. Also this is possible in the terminal by sending the command
R + enter for Hot Restart or r + enter for Hot Reload following the Flutter run command.
A sufficient part of the project and app is to present a certain position on a Google map.
This is only possible if a Google maps API key is retrieved from the Google Cloud Platform.
On the Google Cloud Platform page, create credentials is selected and later API key selected
and created. On the same page it is also possible to restrict the API key to certain API’s and
applications. For this project, no application restrictions are performed and the API key is
selected to be restricted. On Google Cloud Platform page, API’s are selected in the navigation
bar and thereby the user is able to enable different API’s. For this project the enabled API’s
are Maps embed API, Maps JavaScript API, Maps SDK for Android and Maps SDK for iOS.
For each created Flutter project, a folder is created. The folder contains subfolders with An-
droid files, iOS files, lib files where the code exists and etc. The obtained key is specified in
the Android and iOS files that exist in their corresponding folders. Selecting the Android-
Manifest file in the path android/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml, the API key is
inserted as follows
<manifest ...
<application ...
<meta-data android:name="com.google.android.geo.API_KEY"
android:value="INSERT API KEY HERE"/>
. For the iOS setup the file in the path iOS/Runner/AppDelegate.swift is edited as follows:
import UIKit
import Flutter
import GoogleMaps
@objc class AppDelegate: FlutterAppDelegate {
override func application(
_ application: UIApplication,
didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions:
[UIApplication.LaunchOptionsKey: Any]?
) -> Bool {
GeneratedPluginRegistrant.register(with: self)
return super.application(application, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:
A detailed description of the mentioned steps are also available on the Google maps Flutter
package page [26].
The application code was developed following examples published for each GitHub page
of each Flutter package. Similar projects have been investigated and the Flutter code has
been developed according to the desired widgets and functions. The MQTT functions was
developed following a similar IoT tracking project [27]. Connection to the Adafruit broker
is accomplished by following the Adafruit MQTT example functions [28]. Implementing a
google map widget is performed following the guidelines for how to add a google map to a
Flutter app [29]. The challenging part of this project is obtaining a location that later is visu-
alized on the map with a marker. For every new position, the marker is added to the position
and the map of the new location is shown. A software engineer of the name Angga Dwi Ar-
ifandi has developed a similar tracking project [30]. The aim of his project is to develop an
Uber-like app where the app user location is visualized on a Google map. The code contains
three necessary functions that are implemented in the Object Tracker application. The first
function, gotNewLocation acquires the obtained position and calls the second function ani-
mateCameraToNewLocation and navigates the user to the new position on the Google map,
and the third function that converts a message in JSON format to a LocationData format
that the Google map widget acquires.
During the course of the code development an MQTT connection error was obtained for
each time the code was run. The problem was solved in two steps. The first solution to the
problem is adding internet permission to the AndroidManifest file as follows:
<manifest xmlns:android...>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />
<application ...
The second solution to the problem is to connect to a different network. The first network
connection was the guest network of the company Prevas that this project was developed
at. The network contained a firewall that prohibited the app from connecting to the broker.
Connecting to a private network solved the issue.
The Object Tracker code has throughout the development been simulated on an iOS simu-
lator. The code has not been simulated on an Android emulator. Hence, it cannot be guar-
anteed that the code is compatible with an Android device but should be regarding Flutters
Results and Discussion
In Figure 4.1 the final prototype of the GPS tracker is presented. The prototype consists of
an Arduino Uno and Arduino shield as hardware mounted in a 3D printed case. On the
computer screen the app simulator together with the Adafruit broker is presented where the
tracker has provided the position of Prevas AB in Uppsala to the broker. On the broker page it
can be noted that a position has been published to the topic IvetSJ96/Feeds/object_tracker
in a JSON format. The app has subscribed to the topic and acquired the position and pre-
sented the acquired position on the Google map widget. In the following sections the GPS
tracking device, the app and the unsuccessful configuration containing the Telit GM862-GPS
module is presented and discussed in detail.
Figure 4.1: The GPS tracker system including the hardware, Adafruit broker and app simu-
No results were achieved with the Telit GM862-GPS module due to defective hardware. Due
to that reason, the module was changed to the Arduino shield with the SIM808 GPS module
and a prototype was obtained. The shield and Arduino Uno are connected according to
section 3.2.1. Further the hardware is mounted in a custom made box, as shown in Figure
4.2, 4.3 and 4.4. The box is developed in the software Creo by a Prevas colleague and later 3D
printed. The device is mounted on the box with three screws which prohibit the electronics
from moving freely in the box. On the side of the box the SMA connector of the antenna is
attached. On the backside of the box, 4 holes are constructed to be able to insert cable ties
and make it possible to attach the box onto an optional vehicle. The PWRKEY is pressed
for a second on the Arduino shield and the program that is uploaded on the Arduino Uno is
executed. The program is executed correctly if the 1PPS LED flashes every second, the NET
LED flashes fast and continuously (when connection to the network has succeeded), and
the PWR LED light is on continuously.
Figure 4.2: Final proof of concept GPS tracker prototype seen from above.
Figure 4.3: SMA connector of the GPS antenna attached to the surface of the box.
Figure 4.4: The GPS antenna and holes on the backside of the box to be able to attach the
box onto a vehicle with cable ties.
Throughout the project development memory issues occurred as this message was displayed:
Sketch uses 22810 bytes(70%) of program storage space. Maximum is 32256 bytes.
Global variables use 1301 bytes (63%) of dynamic memory, leaving 747 bytes
for local variables. Maximum is 2048 bytes.
The message is not a warning message but a regular message that is displayed for each time
that the code is compiled. In the serial monitor of the Arduino environment, outgoing se-
rial communication is displayed but no serial communication from the Arduino shield was
obtained. As a piece of code was commented, the occupied program storage space and the
dynamic memory was diminished and the serial communication was processed appropri-
ately. The code was optimized and variables were reduced to reduce the occupied storage
space. The optimization resulted in a reduction of a few percent that did not affect the serial
communication issue. As the issue was investigated further, it was shown that the lines
,did occupy the RAM memory of the Arduino which implied serial communication issues.
The issue was solved by editing the Serial.prinln lines to
, which assures that the string is not occupying the RAM memory and is occupying the pro-
gram memory instead.
The object tracker app does fulfill the project specifications. To the app, a Google map wid-
get is shown. On the right of the app bar, a green update icon is implemented and on the
left of the app bar a menu drawer is implemented, as shown in Figure 4.5. When the green
update icon is pressed, the app is connected to the Adafruit broker and listens to incoming
subscribe messages. Messages are obtained and reformatted from JSON format to Location-
Data format. The position is saved in a variable that is presented with a red marker on the
app. For each incoming message, the variable is updated and presented on the map widget.
If the marker is pressed, an information box is shown with the text "Your vehicle is here!".
Figure 4.5: A screenshot of the Object Tracker app run on an iOS 15.2 iPhone 13 simulator. A
position has been obtained, reformatted to LocationData format and visualized on the map.
If the menu drawer icon is pressed the options "Home", "Settings" and "Parking" are shown,
as shown in Figure 4.6. If the "Home" option is pressed, the user is navigated back to the
intro screen with the Google map. Currently if the user presses "Settings" and "Parking",
nothing will appear due to unimplemented functions.
For this project Flutter is selected as a development software considering its great usage
among developers and its multi-functionality for different OS’s. The software is considered
to be the future of development platforms. The second basis for the software selection is its
Google libraries. The aim is to develop an app that provides the location of the tracking de-
vice by displaying it on Google maps. Therefore, using Flutter as an application is beneficial
due to its great synchronization with Google products.
4.4 Performance
To examine the performance and limitations of the GPS tracking device, a test of how well
a GPS receiver can estimate the actual position was conducted. The GPS tracking device
was positioned in three different environments. An outdoor environment, an indoor envi-
ronment and an outdoor environment where the antenna was placed on a piece of metal (a
windowsill). A total of 5 measurements were noted for each environment and for each ob-
tained position a marker was placed. The exact measurement position was estimated and
noted with a red marker. The markers are placed in a Google map to visualize the results, as
shown in Figure 4.7.
Figure 4.7: A visible presentation of the performance of the GPS receiver of the SIM808 mod-
ule. The red marker represents the exact measurement location, the blue markers represent
the indoor measurements, the purple markers represent the outdoor measurements and the
green markers represent the outdoor-metal measurements.
From the measurements it can be stated that the best estimation of the exact position (red
marker) is given by the outdoor measurements. Using the measurement tool in Google
maps, the best estimated position is estimated to be 2 m from the actual measurement posi-
tion. The poorest estimation of the outdoor measurements is 15 m from the actual position.
The second best measurements were obtained by the indoor measurements. The best esti-
mated position was 8 m from the actual measured position. The poorest estimation was 21
m from the actual position. It is worth mentioning that the antenna for the indoor measure-
ments was placed near a window and therefore poorer results would have been obtained if
the antenna was placed in the middle of the room. The poorest estimation was obtained by
the outdoor-metal measurements. The best estimated position of the outdoor-metal mea-
surements was 27 m from the actual position and the poorest measurement is 45 m from the
actual position. A summary of the estimations are presented in table 4.1.
Environment Best estimated distance [m] Poorest estimated distance [m]
Outdoor 2 15
Indoor 8 21
Outdoor-metal 27 45
Table 4.1: An overview of the best and poorest estimation for each environment that the
measurements where conducted in.
The results implies that the placement of the antenna should strongly be considered when
further developing the tracking device. As a suggestion, if the tracking device is aimed to be
assembled on a bike, the tracking device should preferably be placed inside the handlebar
with the GPS antenna facing out. According to the examined GPS receiver performance in
section 4.4, the receiver is mostly affected if metal is placed nearby, hence the accuracy of
the GPS position may be affected if too much metal is surrounding the antenna on the same
plane that the antenna is placed on . If the GPS tracking device is developed for a car, the
device needs to be placed in the middle of the car to avoid signal reflections and multipath
effects to the furthest extent.
Primarily the project is aimed for the use of Telit GM862-GPS as a tracker and communica-
tion device with a broker, which was suggested by the subject reader as the module has been
succesful in other projects. The module is connected to a SmartGM862 development board
and connected according to the Telit GM862-GPS hardware guide [5]. The final tracker is
presented in Figure 3.1. As the Arduino code was uploaded, no serial communication was
obtained in the serial monitor. Troubleshooting was performed on the SmartGM862 board
using the provided circuit diagram, presented in Appendix A.3 SmartGM862 Circuit Dia-
gram, and an oscilloscope. One probe of the oscilloscope was connected to ground and the
second probe was moved around to detect the incoming signals from the Arduino. The Ar-
duino sends the communication from its TX pin, which is connected to a level converter
and further connected to pin 7, that is selected as RXD on the DIP switch on the develop-
ment board. Referring back to Appendix A.3 SmartGM862 Circuit Diagram, it can be noted
that the RXD signal is measured at R7 and R5, which is where the signals are measured.
The TXD signals, the module response are instead measured at R8. The conclusion of the
troubleshooting is that incoming signals to the module, measured at R7 and R5 could be de-
tected, as shown in Figure 4.8, but no TXD signals could be detected at R8, which concludes
in that the hardware does not reply to the AT-commands it receives. The serial communica-
tion was set to different baud rates but no response from the module was obtained.
Figure 4.8: Measurement of RXD signals at R5 and R7 to assure that the correct AT-command
is sent. Here the AT-command "AT+CREG?" is sent to the module to check the network
In Figure 4.9 an example for a correct response of a module is presented. The presented
response is obtained from the SIM808 module when the command "AT+GNSINF" is sent
which require the GPS position of the GPS tracker. The oscilloscope demodulates the wave-
form to ASCII, which later is demodulated to characters and can be read in human form.
Figure 4.9: Examined serial communication on the oscilloscope. Here, a successful GPS
location reply is obtained from the Arduino shield when the correct baud rate is set.
In the hardware user guide it is mentioned that the Telit module acquires 2.8 V RX and TX
signals but signals up to 3.3 V are tolerated, which is the voltage level of the logical level con-
verter that converts the RX and TX signals from 5 V to 3.3 V. To assure that the signals are
transmitted with the correct voltage level, a voltage divider is applied to the 3.3 V node to
obtain a voltage level that is 2.8 V, as shown in Figure 3.1. It resulted in no change and no re-
sponse was obtained from the module. According to the hardware user guide pin VCC_LOG
is set to high when the module is on and set to low when the module is off. This is examined
and is correct for when the power button is pressed for a few seconds, which concludes in
that the module does receive the needed supply voltage. From additional troubleshooting
tests, it could be concluded that the hardware had some internal defection, which was also
confirmed when the manufacturer Telit was contacted for eventual support.
It is not recommended to implement the Telit GM862-GPS module for different reasons.
The module is discontinued and the manufacturer does not provide any support for the
module. The tracking device that consists of the Arduino Uno, the logical level converter
and the SmartGM862 development board is bulky in comparison to the tracking device that
consists of the Arduino Uno and Arduino shield. Another disadvantage with the Telit module
is that it is rather complicated to connect to the Arduino board where many things need to
be taken into account but is favorable for learning purposes. Implementing the Arduino
shield rather than the Telit module entails less complicated connections and code due to
the available libraries for the SIM808 module.
Conclusion and Future Work
5.1 Conclusion
Throughout this project two hardware setups were constructed to act as a GPS tracker de-
vice. The first setup, which contained a Telit GM862-GPS module, had internal hardware
issues and could not be implemented for the project. It is not recommended to implement
the module for future projects due to the discontinuation of it and for that reason the manu-
facturer can not provide any support. The second successful setup contains an Arduino and
an Arduino shield that retrieves a GPS position in NMEA formatted string. From the string
the latitude and longitude values were set and formatted to a JSON formatted message. The
message of the position is published through GPRS services to an Adafruit broker. From the
Adafruit broker, the position was retrieved by the Object Tracker app and the position was
visualized on a Google map with a red marker. All of the desired functionalities, listed in
section 1.3, were achieved but the tracker requires sizing improvements, Arduino code im-
provements to save power and the Object Tracker application code usability. GPS tracker
performance tests entail that the accuracy of the position is very much affected by the an-
tenna placement and should strongly be considered during the further development of the
The challenging part of this project was the developing of the Object Tracker application.
The programming language Dart was unfamiliar and difficult to understand. However, a lot
of guidelines could be found online and many examples to follow from to build an app after
specific requirements. Dart has also many implemented functions for respective Flutter
package which makes the code development fast and productive.
A final prototype and proof of concept was obtained with the Arduino shield and the Object
Tracker App. The GPS position is retrieved from the SIM808 module and published with its
GPRS function to the Adafruit broker. Later the position is retrieved from the broker and
visualized on the Google map that is implemented on the Flutter application. However,
considering it being a proof of concept there is much room for improvements. The applica-
tion has the basal functions but is not user friendly. The first suggested improvement is to
notify the user if the GPS position of the vehicle has changed. For the moment, if the user
presses the update icon, the app is connected to the broker and listens for incoming mes-
sages. This could preferably be a managed backend where the app connects to the broker,
retrieves the position from the broker and compares the new position to the old position ev-
ery two minutes. If the new position does differ from the old position, the app user should
be notified. However, this will result in a user that constantly will receive notifications about
a position change when the user is the one that is utilizing the vehicle. To prohibit this, a
parking function has been implemented in the app but not developed, presented in section
4.3 and shown in Figure 4.6. The parking function is selected from the menu navigation and
the user is able to select to park or unpark the vehicle with a toggle switch. The backend
function of the toggle switch is to select if the notifications are on or off. When the vehicle
is parked, the toggle switch will be set to on, which implies that notifications will be on and
the user will be notified if there is a position change. Additional unimplemented function
on the menu navigation is "Settings”. On the settings page general information about the
user should be provided as name, mobile number, email address and living address. From
the settings page the user can also select to be notified through email or SMS if a position
change has occurred. The user should also be able to select if notifications should be pro-
vided for a specific time frame of the day or always.
From the Arduino side, locations are published to the broker every 50 seconds but the loop
is set to be repeated every 20 seconds, and hence a location should be published to the
broker every 20 seconds but that is not the case. The GPSPosition function is built upon
the incoming answer from the SIM808 module. The function acquires the incoming answer
that is a string and assigns the latitude and longitude variables the values that are presented
on a specific position in the string. Every other time that the code moves into the loop the
obtained answer is not what is expected. For that reason the latitude and longitude variables
are assigned the incorrect values due to a change of position in the string. A fast solution to
this problem was to implement a line in the GPSPosition function that only considers the
answer that was expected initially. Hence, the code is published each 50 seconds. A further
improved solution to this problem is to implement a line that acquires both responses that
are obtained by the module and assign the correct latitude and longitude values if response
A or B is obtained. The code of the Arduino can also be improved overall by optimizing the
code memory-wise and remove the Serial.print lines which are only necessary for debugging
and not for the actual production code.
Developing the GPS tracker further different hardware is needed. The current prototype
is big in size and non discrete and such a device needs to be discrete to prevent it from
being damaged by others. The power source of the current tracking device should also be
reconsidered. The module was powered on and the code was run for an hour. An hour later
the voltage of the 9V battery was dropped to 7.89V and the module did not receive enough
power. A GPS module is high in energy consumption which was not taken into account
when the code was developed. In the code setup, the GPRS and GPS functions are powered
on and never powered off. A suggested improvement is to power on the GPS and GPRS
functions, retrieve a GPS position, publish it to the broker and later power down the GPS
and GPRS functions. A disadvantage to this method is the accuracy of the GPS position.
As GPS is powered on, a few minutes are necessary for the setup of the GPS. Hence, the
published messages will contain zeros or an inaccurate position.
// Select modem:
// imported libraries
#include <TinyGsmClient.h>
#include <ArduinoJson.h>
#include <PubSubClient.h>
const char apn[] = "internet.tele2.se";
// Initiate libraries
TinyGsm modem(SerialAT);
TinyGsmClient client(modem);
PubSubClient mqtt(client);
// Global variables
String content;
String response;
String Latitude;
String Longitude;
uint32_t lastReconnectAttempt = 0;
// Send command function. The command is sent and set for a duration of time.
// Incoming chars are read, concated and stored in content variable.
String command(String Command, unsigned long milliseconds) {
String content = "";
SerialMon.print(F("Sending: "));
unsigned long startTime = millis();
SerialMon.print(F("Received: "));
while (millis() - startTime < milliseconds) {
if (SerialAT.available()) {
char c = SerialAT.read();
return content;
/****************************GPS FUNCTIONS*******************************/
// Retrieve GPS position and assign Latitude and Longitude values in string
// GPS NMEA format returned.
String GPSPosition() {
SerialMon.println(F("Getting GPS position..."));
String ans = command(F("AT+CGNSINF"), 5000);
if (ans.length() > 0) {
SerialMon.println(ans + ’\n’);
SerialMon.println(F("Got location\n"));
Latitude = ans.substring(48, 57);
SerialMon.println(Latitude + ’\n’);
Longitude = ans.substring(58, 67);
Serial.println(Longitude + ’\n’);
return ans;
else {
SerialMon.println(F("Could not get position"));
return ans;
// Set accurate buad rate. If "ERROR" is received, resend command.
void SetBuadRate() {
String ans = command(F("AT"), 1000);
while (ans == F("ERROR")) {
command(F("AT"), 1000);
SerialMon.println(ans + ’\n’);
ans = command(F("AT+IPR=38400"), 1000);
SerialMon.println(ans + ’\n’);
/*************************GPRS FUNCTIONS****************************/
// Connect to network.
void GPRSInit() {
SerialMon.print(F("Waiting for network..."));
if (!modem.waitForNetwork()) {
SerialMon.println(F(" fail"));
while (true);
SerialMon.println(F(" OK"));
SerialMon.print(F("Connecting to "));
if (!modem.gprsConnect("internet.tele2.se")) {
SerialMon.println(F(" fail"));
while (true);
SerialMon.println(F(" OK"));
/**************************MQTT FUNCTIONS*************************/
doc["latitude"] = Latitude.toDouble();
doc["longitude"] = Longitude.toDouble();
String output;
serializeJson(doc, output);
return output;
/**********************START PROGRAM***************************/
void setup() {
// Set console baud rate
//MQTT setup
A.2 Object Tracker App code
//The main program where the code is executed. A widget is built with the
//intro screen as a home screen.
import ’package:flutter/material.dart’;
import ’screens/intro_screen.dart’;
void main() {
runApp(const GlobeApp());
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return MaterialApp(
debugShowCheckedModeBanner: false,
theme: ThemeData(primaryColor: Colors.white70),
home: const IntroScreen(),
//The intro screen code is built here. Here the Google map widget is created
//and a marker is set for a change of position.
import ’package:flutter/material.dart’;
import ’package:google_maps_flutter/google_maps_flutter.dart’;
import ’../MQTT/mqtt_wrapper.dart’;
import ’../shared/menu_drawer.dart’;
import ’package:location/location.dart’;
_IntroScreenState createState() => _IntroScreenState();
//If a new location is obtained, navigate the user to the new location by
calling the function animateCameraToNewLocation.
void gotNewLocation(LocationData newLocationData) {
setState(() {
currentLocation = newLocationData;
//A function that navigates the user to the new location by setting the
correct latitude and longitude values.
void animateCameraToNewLocation(LocationData newLocation) {
target: LatLng(newLocation.latitude!, newLocation.longitude!),
zoom: 16.0)));
void initState() {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return MaterialApp(
home: Scaffold(
appBar: AppBar(
actions: <Widget>[
icon: const Icon(
color: Colors.green,
onPressed: () {
connect(); //if the update button is pressed, connect to the
title: const Text(’Object Tracker’),
backgroundColor: Colors.white,
foregroundColor: Colors.grey,
drawer: const MenuDrawer(),
body: GoogleMap(
initialCameraPosition: CameraPosition(
target: _center,
zoom: 16.0,
markers: currentLocation == null
? Set()
: {
markerId: const MarkerId(’Vehicle Position’),
const InfoWindow(title: ’Your vehicle is here!’),
position: LatLng(currentLocation!.latitude!,
onMapCreated: (GoogleMapController mapController) {
setState(() {
this.mapController = mapController;
//An MQTT client is connected and subscribed to the broker and listens for
//incoming messages.
import ’dart:developer’;
import ’package:mqtt_client/mqtt_client.dart’;
import ’package:mqtt_client/mqtt_server_client.dart’;
import ’package:object_tracker/MQTT/Adafruit_feed.dart’;
import ’package:object_tracker/MQTT/models.dart’;
import ’package:location/location.dart’;
import ’../MQTT/converter.dart’;
class MqttClientWrapper {
String username = ’IvetSJ96’;
String password = ’PRIVATE I0 KEY’;
String server = ’io.adafruit.com’;
String topic = ’IvetSJ96/feeds/object_tracker’;
String clientIdentifier = ’object_tracker_app’;
client.updates!.listen((List<MqttReceivedMessage<MqttMessage>> c) {
final receivedMsg = c[0].payload as MqttPublishMessage;
final String data =
log(’[MQTT Client] Got a message $data’);
LocationData? newLocationData = _convertJsonToLocation(data);
if (client.connectionStatus!.state == MqttConnectionState.connected) {
connectionState = MqttClientConnectionState.Connected;
log(’[MQTT client] client connected]’);
} else {
log(’[MQTT Client] Client ${client.connectionStatus}, disconnecting...’);
connectionState = MqttClientConnectionState.ErrorWhenConnecting;
return status;
log(’[MQTT Client] Subscription confirmed for topic $topic’);
subscriptionStatus = MqttClientSubcriptionState.Idle;
void _onDisconnected() {
log(’[MQTT Client] onDiscconected client callback - Client disconnected’);
connectionState = MqttClientConnectionState.Disconnected;
void _onConnected() {
connectionState = MqttClientConnectionState.Connected;
log(’[MQTT Client] OnConnected client callback - Client connected!’);
//The menu is created here. Contains the options "Home", "Settings" and
//The code is working but is incomplete.
import ’package:flutter/material.dart’;
import ’../screens/settings_screen.dart’;
import ’../screens/intro_screen.dart’;
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Drawer(
child: ListView(
children: buildMenuItems(context),
return menuItems;
//A class that takes in a JSON message, parses it and converts it to a Location-
//Data formatted message
import ’dart:convert’;
import ’package:location/location.dart’;
class JsonToLocationConverter {
LocationData convert(String input) {
Map<String, dynamic> jsonInput = jsonDecode(input);
return LocationData.fromMap({
’latitude’: jsonInput["latitude"].toDouble(),
’longitude’: jsonInput["longitude"].toDouble(),
//The different connection states of the MQTT client.
//code used from BitKnittings GitHub repository:
// /Adafruit_feed.dart
import ’dart:async’;
import ’package:logging/logging.dart’;
class AdafruitFeed {
// Both the StreamController and Stream are defined as static. This
// means they both belong to the class and not to an instance.
// It was my way of getting to what I was used to via Singleton
// functionality in some other languages.
// A Stream controller alerts the stream when new data is available.
// The controller should be private.
static final _feedController = StreamController<String>();
// Expose the stream so a StreamBuilder and use it.
static Stream<String> get sensorStream => _feedController.stream;
static void add(String value) {
Logger log = Logger(’Adafruit_feed.dart’);
try {
log.info(’---> added value to the Stream... the value is: $value’);
} catch (e) {
’$value was published to the feed. Error adding to the Stream: $e’);
A.3 SmartGM862 Circuit Diagram
A.4 Component List
To reproduce this project and achieve a complete GPS tracking device, the following com-
ponents are essential for the hardware:
• 9V alkaline battery
• GSM antenna
• Shrinkable tubing
[1] SVT, Fler cyklar stjäls i Uppsala – så ska polisen stoppa stölderna [Online]. Available: ht
[5] Electrokit, GM862 Family Hardware User Guide [Online]. Available: https://www.el
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