Communism (Revolutions)
Recent papers in Communism (Revolutions)
‘Negative anthropology’ seems to have to meet two minimal requirements: Firstly, it must be able to make essential statements about the human being without recurring to an exhaustible essence of the human. Secondly, the non-exhaustible... more
Reform und Revolution. Politisch-Historische Thesen.
In this volume, I have gathered together material produced with newer versions of ChatGPT since my previous summary "Understanding the Social World". These have been published separately in several languages on and are now... more
Lenin deklinierte nach seiner Reise nach England, daß die damaligen englischen Gewerkschaften nur "Trade-Unionistisch", nur system-immanent denken und agieren: sie stellen also nur system-interne Forderungen wie höhere Löhne, wie sichere... more
In the 1920s and 1930s, the Communist Party and the Soviet Government strived to combine the pursuit of the country’s interests with the promotion of world revolution which resulted in serious political conflicts within the USSR and... more
The aim of this article is to reconstruct the evolution that is experienced within the relationship between the goal of reforming the welfare state (and the social compromise underlying it) in the elaboration of the PCI, as well as the... more
Marxist Leninist Dual stages of Human Development: Origins and Implementation
Vjačeslav Michajlovič Molotov (1890-1986) was a former head of the government of the Soviet Union and Stalin's closest collaborator for more than 30 years, holding the highest state and government posts. He joined the Central Committee of... more
Con queste parole narra uno dei giornalisti nostrani che un operaio dimostrante in Berlino Est si rivolgesse a un gruppo di proletari di Berlino Ovest, assistenti dietro uno schieramento di forze d'ordine americane allo svolgersi della... more
My notes on how Stalin rose to power
Key points:
-Stalin’s position as General Secretary
-Trotsky’s mistakes
-Socialism in one country
-Lenin’s lateness
-Lenin’s death
-Ban on factionalism
-Underestimation of Stalin
Key points:
-Stalin’s position as General Secretary
-Trotsky’s mistakes
-Socialism in one country
-Lenin’s lateness
-Lenin’s death
-Ban on factionalism
-Underestimation of Stalin
The paper analyzes the recovery of the French Plantation sequence in the films Apocalypse Now, Final Cut, and Coppola, recovering the movie's entire narrative and aesthetic capacity. We demonstrate how Coppola, obeying distribution norms... more
INTRODUCTION This essay about how "We the Living's" Communist State forces people to work for the Soviet government, will be published in my forthcoming book "Critical Essays on Ayn Rand's We the Living," in mid 2025, along with... more
La storica forma di produzione che è il capitalismo, col suo mito della proprietà privata come diritto degli uomini, che mistifica e maschera il monopolio di una classe minoritaria, ha avuto bisogno di segnare i nodi delle sue strutture e... more
Cette étude de philosophie sociale vise à comprendre la spécificité du capitalisme en tant que forme historique d’organisation sociale et de transformation du monde. Elle propose une réflexion descriptive et normative sur la pratique... more
Nel corso delle puntate, dato che il nostro lavoro ha sempre un carattere collettivo e impersonale, compagni lettori hanno fatto pervenire al centro di lavoro una copia francese del 1920, stampata a Parigi dalla Bibliothèque Communiste di... more
La metamorfosi che l'uomo del tempo moderno, il proletario salariato, subisce nella economia della proprietà privata, è una uscita dalla essenza umana, cui furono più vicini i membri di società primitive. Alienato dalla mercede per cui ha... more
Worker and Power in Kharkov from 1920 to 1933, through the Regional Archival Documents.
A work on the history of the city of Râmnicu Sărat (Buzau county, Romania) from the first documentary attestation (September 8, 1439) until 2023 (when it was published).
INTRO As I put final touches on this write-up, at 3pm PST, on 30 May 2024. DJT was just convicted in a NY corrupt court, via fabricated charges, some not even known. What the repercussions will be are unknown to me. Two things are... more
Zapisnik odgovara na pitanje "Kako su komunisti osvojili i konsolidirali svoju vlast u Istri?" I ostali na vlasti do današnjeg dana, naravno, pod drugim imenom i nešto blažim metodama.
There is the necessity of a Manifesto for a new communist planetary movement (which must be anticapitalistic, feminist, animalist and ecologist). On the opposite side of the question the actual social and democratic disintegration becomes... more
The authors take a deep dive into the correlation between rational and irrational in both Enlightenment philosophy and classical Marxism, which is embodied in Russia in the form of Marxism-Leninism. The cult of Rationalism prevailed... more
Esta pesquisa tem o objetivo de analisar a historia e o desenvolvimento das categorias politico-pedagogicas enunciadas nas obras de Gramsci para verificar se Togliatti, responsavel pelo arquivo e divulgacao do pensamento gramsciano, ao... more
Este ensaio discute a trajetória do Partido Comunista Brasileiro (PCB) e como se localiza na elaboração teórica e política brasileira ao longo do século XX. Procura-se demonstrar que ideias como a "revolução por etapas" ou a alianças com... more
Marx hat keine systematische Abhandlung zur Moral und Moralphilosophie verfasst. Gelegentlich er-wähnt er sie zusammen mit anderen sozialen Teilbereichen, Institutionen oder Bewusstseinsformen, denen er den „Schein der Selbstständigkeit“... more
U tekstu se prikazuju događaji iz završnog razdoblja Drugog svjetskog rata u Jugoslaviji i neposrednog poraća, kada se novi komunistički režim obračunao i s jugoslavenskim monarhističkim protukomunističkim postrojbama i brojnim njima... more
The Russian Revolution of October 1917 was an important event in the world history which showed a new ray of hope to the suppressed classes of all nations. This revolution was led by the Bolshevik party in the leadership of Vladmir Ilych... more
As startling as the sudden and total disintegration of the Soviet Union may have been, the complete oblivion to which communism has quickly been consigned has been no less surprising. Political analyses of democratisation in eastern... more
- by Harald Wydra
Портрет Огюста Бланкі, чиї риси робітництво колись бачило з глибокою ясністю, у сьогоденні оповитий напівзабуттям та напівлегендами. Такий консенсус стосовно постаті революціонера полягає, зокрема, у відсутності теоретичного вкладу.... more
Angesichts einer Vielzahl ungelöster Probleme, aktuell verschärft durch eine weltweite Finanzkrise, wird nach Alternativen zum marktwirtschaftlichen System gesucht. Søren Nielsen-Mans Buch, das auf eine Abschlussarbeit an der Universität... more
Historyk sztuki i filozof, pracuje w Instytucie Kultury Współczesnej Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego oraz w Akademii Sztuk Pięknych im. W. Strzemińskiego w Łodzi.
9 For Kamenev's list, located in AMSAB-ISG, Folder 625.2810, see Appendix A. fKamenev's list was reproduced faithfully in the consolidated list of the Russian "Section" in Huitième Congrès... (1911), 28-29. See Appendix B. 17 Partly owing... more
- by John Biggart
В книзі проаналізовані закономірності Російської революції, яка почалася з повалення самодержавства в березні (лютому за ст. ст.) 1917 р. і завершилася розгоном Установчих зборів у січні 1918 р. Показано, що головною рушійною силою... more
Artykuł poświęcony "masonologii" jako nauki badającej historię i myśl wolnomularstwa.
Norbert Wójtowicz, Nauka o faktach masońskich, "Masoneria XXI wieku", nr 3/2024, s. 2-5.
Norbert Wójtowicz, Nauka o faktach masońskich, "Masoneria XXI wieku", nr 3/2024, s. 2-5.
„Mikil umræða hefur verið að undanförnu um sögu kommúnismans og sögukalda stríðsins. Bók Snorra er framlag til hins fyrrnefnda sem sé sögu kommúnismans og sósíalismans á Íslandi. Óhætt er að láta það koma fram að Snorri er hægra megin við... more
On November 24, 1946, the first municipal elections in Belgium since the end of the Second World War were held. The Communist Party of Belgium (PCB-KPB), which had had relatively little presence in the municipalities until then, achieved... more
Muzeul Judeţean Buzău, în preajma împlinirii a 20 de ani de la Revoluţia română, a demarat un proiect de înregistrare video a mărturiilor celor care au luat parte la aceste evenimente fierbinţi, în oraşul Buzău. Înregistrările video s-au... more
Visual Rhetorics of Communist Romania: Life under the Totalitarian Gaze offers personal accounts and theoretical insight into the Cold War era when little information about life beyond the Iron Curtain could transpire to the West. Adriana... more