Most downloaded papers in Telicity
What are linguistic features, and how do they manifest themselves in natural languages? The Georgian language provides a particularly acute set of challenges to linguists in the way it questions received assumptions about grammatical... more
ncremental theme verbs such as eat, drink, write or read are well known for the fact that the referential properties of the incremental theme argument a ect the referential properties, i. e., telicity, of the predication (e. g. Krifka... more
The theory of situation-type aspect based on scales (e.g. Tenny 1994; Jackendoff 1996; Rappaport Hovav 2008; Rappaport Hovav and Levin 2010) is applied in the present study to aspectual English verb particles and Slovak verbal prefixes. I... more
Unlike what is the case for physical entities and other types of continuants, few process ontologies exist. This is not only because processes received less attention in the research community, but also because classifying them is... more
English aspectual particles in phrasal verbs have been since Brinton (1985) commonly treated as markers of telicity, i.e. markers of an inherent endpoint of events, e.g. eat (atelic) – eat up (telic). The present paper tests this... more
This paper examines the temporal semantic properties of English phrasal verbs with the particles down, off and up in the progressive aspect. The analysis includes testing of telicity, dynamicity and stativity components of meaning. The... more
is pronounced as [naŋ]. 2 The unmarked and ma-stative columns are adapted from Nagaya (2013).
The paper focuses on the selection of the reflexive particle in Slavic unaccusative verbs. Based on Levin and Rappaport's Causative Analysis of Unaccusative Verbs, the author shows that Polish and other Slavic languages divide many of... more
Cross-linguistically, researchers have found a distributional bias of tense/aspect markers in child languages, namely, children initially use past or perfective morphology with telic predicates and use present or progressive morphology... more
keywords: temporal (un)boundedness; (a)telicity (i) You've been drinking again. I can smell it.
There are languages – e.g., German, Inuktitut, and Russian – in which the aspectual reference of clauses depends on the telicity of their event predicates. We argue that in such languages, clauses or verb phrases not overtly marked for... more
Sign language users recruit physical properties of visual motion to convey linguistic information. Research on American Sign Language (ASL) indicates that signers systematically use kinematic features (e.g., velocity, deceleration) of... more
Languages like English are remarkable as to how telicity of a complex verbal predicate based on manner of motion verbs (e.g., walk or swim) interacts with expressions specifying a goal of motion and the length of the path:
This paper investigates the actional recategorization of agentive accomplishment-and achievement-predications when interpreted in a temporally distributive manner. Temporal distributivity is present in a verbal predication if it refers to... more
Resumen La alternancia ser/estar ha inspirado numerosos estudios y, consecuentemente, una significativa variedad de conceptos técnicos. Ante este panorama, proponemos avanzar hacia un refinamiento de los parámetros aspectuales empleados,... more
The interaction between language and perception networks in the brain can hold the key to the biological bases of language evolution. In language, every sentence is built around a verb, which describes an event. During perception, humans... more
Phenomenal contrast arguments (PCAs) are normally employed as arguments showing that a certain mental feature contributes to (the phenomenal character of) experience, that certain contents are represented in experience and that kinds of... more
The paper presents a corpus-based study of English aspectual particle verbs. The standard view (Brinton 1985) is that particles mark telicity; a more recent account argues that particles are comparative and/or resultative (Cappelle &... more
Regardless of their co-textual embedding, verbs like leer (to read) and escribir (to write) can be classified into the aktionsart category of activities (or processes), which can subsequently be differentiated into two subcategories:... more
The paper is focused on the verbs with the old nasal present stems that have both aoristic forms and nasal imperfects attested in Homer. All contexts were examined in terms of lexical and grammatical semantics, pragmatical features and... more
It is rare for a language to be able to use noun class markers in the nominal domain to categorise entities, and at the same time, use these same linguistic markers to categorise events from the verbal domain. Such a system can be found... more
Whether predicates describe events as inherently bounded (telic) or unbounded (atelic) is usually understood to be an emergent property that depends on several factors; few, if any, spoken languages have dedicated morphology to mark the... more
This paper presents a brief contrastive study of Serbian translation equivalents of telic situations (accomplishments and achievements) used in imperfective verbal aspect in English language. The aim is to examine to what extent the... more
This chapter raises the issue of high and unpredicted variability in the performance of native Russian (Slavic) speakers. Two case studies are discussed where much more categorical contrasts were expected, but experimental findings... more
Event structure describes the relationships between general semantics (Aktionsart) of the verb and its syntactic properties, separating verbs into two classes: telic verbs, which denote change of state events with an inherent end-point or... more
The paper discusses two related aspectological topics. First section examines the ‘completive’ — i. e. ‘attainment of the internal limit’ — meaning (together with its counterpart ‘incompletive’, i. e. ‘non-attainment of the internal... more
During the previous century, the category of aspect was subjected to intensive linguistic study. Due to the complexity of aspect, scientists proposed various methods for its analysis. The objective of this paper is to verify if the study... more
Dans ces pages, je propose de m'intéresser au marqueur pour, et plus particulièrement, aux contextes dans lesquels il constitue l'introducteur d'une cause ou d'un but, illustrés respectivement par (1) et , ainsi que (3) et (4), comme en... more
In this paper, a monosemic utterer-centred approach to the analysis of English prepositions is advocated. More accurately, three different uses of the English preposition to, in which this marker participates in the construction of an... more
El presente trabajo aborda el concepto de la transición y su estructuración semántica. En especial, nos abocaremos a la noción de Trayecto (Path), donde una cuestión central estará marcada por los riesgos de una simplificación teórica... more
В статье приводятся некоторые наблюдения над поведением глаголов со значениями ‘есть' и ‘пить' в русском языке. Рассматриваются особенности, отличающие данные глаголы от прототипических переходных глаголов: возможность употребления без... more
My main question is: from a typological point of view, what is the most significant semantic generalization associated with the differential marking of the object (DOM)? My proposal is that DOM is motivated by the presence of highly... more