This document outlines the syllabus for the Higher Secondary Final Year Business Studies course. It is divided into two parts - Principles and Functions of Management (Units I-VIII) and Business Finance and Marketing (Units IX-XIII). Some of the key topics covered include the nature of management, principles of management, business environment, planning, organizing, staffing, directing, controlling, financial management, financial markets, marketing, and consumer protection. The syllabus provides the unit name, topics to be covered, marks allotted, and periods for each unit.
This document outlines the syllabus for the Higher Secondary Final Year Business Studies course. It is divided into two parts - Principles and Functions of Management (Units I-VIII) and Business Finance and Marketing (Units IX-XIII). Some of the key topics covered include the nature of management, principles of management, business environment, planning, organizing, staffing, directing, controlling, financial management, financial markets, marketing, and consumer protection. The syllabus provides the unit name, topics to be covered, marks allotted, and periods for each unit.
This document outlines the syllabus for the Higher Secondary Final Year Business Studies course. It is divided into two parts - Principles and Functions of Management (Units I-VIII) and Business Finance and Marketing (Units IX-XIII). Some of the key topics covered include the nature of management, principles of management, business environment, planning, organizing, staffing, directing, controlling, financial management, financial markets, marketing, and consumer protection. The syllabus provides the unit name, topics to be covered, marks allotted, and periods for each unit.
This document outlines the syllabus for the Higher Secondary Final Year Business Studies course. It is divided into two parts - Principles and Functions of Management (Units I-VIII) and Business Finance and Marketing (Units IX-XIII). Some of the key topics covered include the nature of management, principles of management, business environment, planning, organizing, staffing, directing, controlling, financial management, financial markets, marketing, and consumer protection. The syllabus provides the unit name, topics to be covered, marks allotted, and periods for each unit.
One Paper Time - Three Hours Marks 100 Unitwise Distribution of Marks and Periods : Unit No. Title Marks Periods Part-A PRINCIPLES AND FUNCTIONS OF MANAGEMENT Unit-I Nature and Significance of Management 08 15 Unit-II Principles of Management 08 15 Unit-III Business Environment 08 15 Unit-IV Planning 08 15 Unit-V Organizing 08 15 Unit-VI Staffing 08 15 Unit-VII Directing 08 15 Unit-VIII Controlling 08 15 PART-B BUSTNESS FINANCE AND MARKETING Unit-IX Financial Management 08 20 Unit-X Financial Markets 08 20 Unit-Xl Marketing 08 20 Unit-XII Consumer Protection 06 10 Unit-XIII Entrepreneurship Development 06 10 100 200 (This unit is elective. A student may opt for it against unit XII (Consumer Protection) Unitwise Distribution of Course contents PART-A : PRINCIPLES AND FUNCTIONS OF MANAGEMENT Unit-I : Nature and Significance of Management Management– concept, objectives, importance. Nature of management; Management as Science, Art, Profession Levels of Management— top, middle, supervisory (First level). Management functions - planning, organising, staffing, directing and controlling. Coordination– nature and importance. Unit-II : Principles of Management Principles of Management — meaning, nature and significance. Fayol’s Principle of Management Taylor’s Scientific Mangement– Principles and Techniques. Unit- III : Business Environment Business Environment– meaning and importance. Dimensions of Business Environment— Economic, Social, Technological, Political and Legal. 2 Syllabi for H.S. Final Year Economic Environment in India : Impact of Government policy changes on business and industry with special reference to adoption of the policies of Liberalization, Privatization and Globalization. Unit-IV- : Planning Meaning, features, importance, limitations. Planning process. types of Plans- Objectives, Strategy, Policy, Procedure, Method, Rule, Budget, Programme Unit-V : Organising Meaning and importance. Steps in the process of organising. Structure of organization- functional and divisional. Formal and information organisation Delegation : meaning, elements and importance. Decentralization : meaning and importance, Difference between delegation and decentralisation. Unit-VI : Staffing Meaning, need and importance of staffing. Staffing as a part of Human Resources Management. Steps in staffing process. Recruitment - meaning and sources. Selection– meaning and process. Training and Development- meaning, need, methods- on the job and off the job methods of training. Unit-VII : Directing Meaning, importance and principles. Elements of Direction : — Supervision- meaning and importance. — Motivation- meaning and importance. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs; Financial and non-financial incentives. — Leadership- meaning, importance, qualities of a good leader. — Communication— meaning and importance, formal and informal communication: barriers of effective communication. Unit-VIII : Controlling Meaning and importance. Relationship between planning and controlling. Steps in the process of control. Techniques of controlling. PART-B : BUSINESS FINANCE AND MARKETING Unit-IX : Business Finance Business finance– meaning, role, objectives of financial management. Financial planning– meaning and importance. Capital Structure– Meaning and factors. Fixed and Working Capital– Meaning and factors affecting their requirements. Syllabi for H.S. Final Year 3 Unit-X : Financial Markets Concept of Financial Market : Money Market– nature, instruments; Capital Market : nature and types– primary and secondary market. Distinction between capital market and money market. Stock Exchange– meaning, functions, NSEI, OCTEl, Trading Procedure, Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI)– Objectives, Functions. Unit-XI : Marketing Marketing– meaning, functions, role. Distinction between marketing and selling. Marketing mix– concept and elements : — Product —nature, classification, branding, labeling and packaging — Physical distribution : meaning, role, Channels of distribution-meaning, types, factors, determing choice of channels. — Promotion — meaning and role, promotion mix, Role of Advertising and personal selling; objections to Advertising. — Price : factors influencing pricing. Unit-XII : Consumer Protection Importance of consumer protection. Consumer rights. Consument responsibilities. Way and means of consumer protection — Consumer awareness and legal redressal with special reference to Consumer protection Act. Role of consumer organizations and NGOs.