Ancient Roman Rhetoric
Recent papers in Ancient Roman Rhetoric
Bilingual Latin-Polish edition of Cicero's De oratore.
Oratory and Roman Historiography in Nicolas Caussin’s Eloquentiae Sacrae et Humanae Parallela (1619) - This paper focusses on the Jesuit Nicholas Caussin’s ‘Eloquentiae Sacrae et Humanae Parallela’ (1619), with a particular analysis of... more
The references to the cult of Vesta included in numerous excerpts of Seneca the Elder’s collection of Controversiae offer a proof of the technical competence of declaimers in recalling the conditions prescribed by pontifical law for being... more
Plinius der Jüngere (61/62-113 n. Chr.) verlieh als senatorischer homo novus durch die Epistulae, den Panegyricus sowie einige Inschriften seiner aristokratischen Existenz dauerhaften Ausdruck. Diese literarischen und epigraphischen... more
This is a set of slides on ancient Rhetoric and Oratory. As for other topics taught in the course "Approaches to Ancient Studies", it was meant just as a quick initiation, i.e. making the students aware of the significance of these... more
This study offers a synthesis of the features of those terms referring to ‘laughter’ in Amianus Marcellinus (their scarce presence; their attribution to Julian’s f igure in several instances; the implication of compassion that... more
Quo usque tandem ... What made (and still makes) this opening question so eminently effective and memorable? By way of an answer, this paper suggests that (i) it is the double collusion between rhetorical form and content, of which (ii)... more
(Philological Quarterly, Summer 2018) This article reads Shakespeare’s play Julius Caesar using the framework of classical rhetorical writings of Aristotle, Cicero, Quintilian, and their Renaissance commentators. Topics include the... more
RESUMO: Na passagem traduzida, Antônio, um dos protagonistas do De oratore, refuta a posição de Crasso sobre oratória exposta ao longo do livro 1. Ele apresenta sua definição de orador, questiona a necessidade de este conhecer a fundo... more
The study deals with Alfenus' passage, 6 dig. D.5.1.76, L 23, in order to understand the nature of the juridical starting point and the meaning of the long philosophical argumentation, as well as the relationship between these two... more
The translation from Greek to Latin, as a school exercise, is often mentioned by Latin authors (Cicero, Quintilian and Suetonius). In particular, the paper analyzes a fragment quoted from Aspasia of Aeschines of Sphettus, preserved in... more
Prospettive a confronto sulla retorica di scuola a Roma antica a cura di Mario Lentano LIGUORI EDITORE Per secoli, le scuole di retorica sono state un passaggio obbligato nella formazione delle élite destinate a governare l'impero di... more
Recorrido crítico por la figura y la obra del filósofo estoico, gramático y rétor del s. I d.C. Cornuto, que se sirvió para su obra tanto del latín como del griego y del que nos ha llegado en esta última lengua un "Compendio de las... more
In this paper I try to demonstrate that the nature of Cicero's praise of Caesar in the Pro Marcello can be better understood when one compares its rhetorical pattern to that found later in the Philippics. A distinct pattern emerges from... more
The tenth book of the Institutio oratoria by Quintilian (1st century A.D.) contains an extensive review of the authors and the works that young speakers in training had to read, learn to judge, imitate and emulate. The book aims to study... more
This paper looks at Roman attitudes to the rich man and the poor man as seen in Roman declamations used to train the Roman elite in rhetoric.
Cosa resta di un'orazione? Rispondere ad una domanda di tal genere, soprattutto ove essa comporti una contestualizzazione all'interno del terreno lubrico della trasmissione del testo antico prevede soluzioni non univoche, comportando... more
In the Laudatio Turiae, Turia saved her property from her male relatives, and provided her husband (who was under her protection) with money. She also gave financial support to her sister, who was under legitimate guardianship. During the... more
This chapter discusses the place of metaphor in ancient and modern political rhetoric. It starts with the idea of metaphor in classical rhetorical and stylistic theories and juxtaposes it with modern cognitive theories, to note that the... more
A perspective on the nature of the Roman legal order in the provinces and the status of local laws and practices under Roman rule. These questions are explored through a series of case studies from Roman Egypt, including the well-known... more
RESUMO: O trecho traduzido divide-se em três seções: 1.1-5 estabelece Quinto Cícero como o destinatário da obra e apresenta as circunstâncias que teriam movido Cícero a escrevê-la; 1.6-20 descreve as dificuldades de se atingir a... more
The topic of my paper is memory and oblivion in the literary field, as it appears in the work of Quintilian and, in particular, in the tenth book of his Institutio oratoria. After some general considerations, I focus on the comparison... more
Ediție bilingvă.
Text latin și traducere, însoțite de studiu introductiv, note și indice de Traian Diaconescu
Text latin și traducere, însoțite de studiu introductiv, note și indice de Traian Diaconescu
[Draft. See Arethusa 52.1 for published version or write me for a copy.] In his versions of the rape of Proserpina, Ovid appeals to his contemporary reader by poetically playing with the rhetoric and law of the Augustan age-a practice... more
Political image-making -- especially from the Age of Augustus, when the Roman Republic evolved into a system capable of governing a vast, culturally diverse empire -- is the focus of this study. Explored are how various artistic and... more
M. Tulli Ciceronis praeclara illa, quam pro Archia poeta habuit quaque litterarum studia laudibus cumulavit, oratio ad discipulorum Academiae Vivarii novi Romanae, quibuscum eam (praeter alias quoque eiusdem scriptoris orationes) in... more
This article simultaneously expands and refines the interpretive space within which we understand Augustine’s statement that he lay down under a fig tree when he converted to Christianity in 386 (conf. 8.12.28). It rejects the claim that... more
This thesis examines divination at Rome and its role in Roman historiography, with particular reference to Livy and Tacitus. The focus of the thesis is why and how they used divination and the extent to which divination supported their... more
This paper focuses on the reciprocity between visual and verbal that characterizes ancient ekphrasis. According to the authors of the Progymnasmata (Aelius Theon, Hermogenes, Nicolaus, Aphtonius), a major feature of ekphrasis is its... more
Un miracolo postumo di Cicerone. sull'epigramma di Tullio Laurea;
La morte di Cicerone in due epigrammi di Marziale
Un miracolo postumo di Cicerone. sull'epigramma di Tullio Laurea;
La morte di Cicerone in due epigrammi di Marziale
Building upon the insights of historians of rhetoric and architecture, this study examines the Celsus Library at Ephesus through the lenses of literacy studies and hegemony. By drawing on first-hand observations of the extant structure... more
Caesarodunum XLVI-XLVII bis, Clermont-Ferrand, 2015, ISBN : 978-2-900479-20-9 215 IL PADRE CHE DOVREI ESSERE, IL PADRE CHE VORREI. Dalle declamazioni di Seneca Padre alla tragedia senecana 1 par Alfredo CASAMENTO (Università di Palermo) «... more
""Book abstract: Despite the crucial role played by both law and architecture in Roman culture, the Romans never developed a type of building that was specifically and exclusively reserved for the administration of justice: courthouses... more
Analisi dei procedimenti stilistici alla base del lessico ingiurioso utilizzato da Apuleio (Metamorfosi, Apologia Florida); elenco alfabetico delle espressioni ingiuriose
St. Boethius’ text, "An Overview of the Structure of Rhetoric," is a very concise, yet sound, summary of classical rhetorical theory. For scholars new to the field of rhetoric, this text is an excellent entry point, since it is much... more
Doctoral Thesis. University of Sheffield Department of Biblical Studies, 1999 This thesis represents an experiment in which the Fourth Gospel is analyzed for functional similarities with the precepts of the classical rhetorical... more