Literary Genres
Recent papers in Literary Genres
Communication effectuée le 15 mai 2010, dans le cadre du Séminaire Pierre Loti, sous la direction de Sophie Basch et Pierre Dupont. Avec la participation de Suzanne Lafont, Sarga Moussa et Gaultier Roux. Centre de Recherches sur les... more
Realizzazione editoriale: Fregi e Majuscole, Torino Finito di stampare nel gennaio 2021 da Grafiche VD srl, Città di Castello (PG) isbn 978-88-290-0444-7 Riproduzione vietata ai sensi di legge (art. 171 della legge 22 aprile 1941, n. 633)
Mezősi Miklós Musiké, logos és a deinon: a többszólamú próza születése a szofisták szelleméből Tragikus história: Aischylos, Sophoklés és Thukydidés Bevezetés Amikor Bulgakovnál, A Mester és Margarita első fejezetében a földre szállt... more
The application of new media to 21st-century novels is the trigger of emerging narrative genres, which revolutionize the narrative panorama and leave space for innovative conceptual approaches. The influence of popular new media creates... more
Dialogue and polemic are important sources documenting confessional strives between Catholics and Utraquists in the 15th century, widely used by historians. Unfortunately, they have not been theoretically reected. By adopting some... more
From a Literary Work to a Movie and Back. Literary and Literary Studies Contexts for the Art of Screenplay Screenplays are a paradoxical and ambivalent phenomenon. On the one hand, a screenplay is a literary genre and its development... more
A clearing of the bases for a poetological approach. Sections: SF as Fiction, as Cognition, and as a Genre
RESUMEN Diálogo, carta, tratado, homilía, testimonia e incluso poesía son las principales formas de la controversia adversus Iudaeos, que recurrió a la exégesis del Antiguo Testamento como base de la argumentación. Las circunstancias... more
In this paper, I explore the ways in which Vladimir Nabokov incorporates different literary genres in his novel Ada or Ardor by analyzing the different elements and the examples of the literary genres identified in the narrative. I will... more
Este trabajo parte de considerar anacrónicas las categorías de "novela antigua" y "novela romana", y de la inquietud por definir el género literario contemporáneo que guió la escritura de la obra. El autor propone leer Las metamorfosis... more
Resumen: En este artículo presentamos las etapas fundamentales de la historia del desarrollo metodológico de la "historia de los géneros literarios" o también llamada "crítica de las formas" en los estudios del Antiguo Testamento.... more
This thesis provides an overview of the literary characteristics of the Book of Jonah and discusses the literary categories that scholars have associated with it, namely historical, imaginative, or humorous literature. After a... more
Portada, agradecimientos e índice de la tesis defendida en la Universidad de Salamanca (2017) para la obtención del título de Doctor Internacional. Sobresaliente cum laude.
Dirección: Dra. Francisca Noguerol.
Dirección: Dra. Francisca Noguerol.
Literature is an art, a product of society which produces and mirrors society as it looks at human beings at various levels, social and cultural sides out weighing the rest. Through its generic forms, literature depicts the human beings... more
A História, como categoria ampla, debruça-se sobre objectos colhidos em diferentes suportes. De entre eles, destacam-se os testemunhos escritos. Ainda que História e Literatura sejam campos de estudo distintos, eles são permeáveis e... more
The first in Polish humanities study on litany written by an academic in the field of theory of literature with the use of the methods of historical and theoretical poetics. The book contains a concise reconstruction of origins of litany... more
V. G. Borukhovich regarded the classics as a complex of different disciplines. In this he followed not only his university teacher S.Ya. Lurie, but also the St. Petersburg school of history and philology as a whole, to which he... more
Cet article interroge la notion d’« éclatement » des genres à partir d’une étude de l’épique dans La Légendes des siècles de Victor Hugo. L’« éclatement » est à entendre en un double sens : non pas seulement dislocation et dispersion du... more
L’article ofereix una visió de conjunt del corpus de poesia lul·liana, des d'una perspectiva cronològica i formal. Situant cada text en el seu context de composició i en relació amb la seva tradició literària, és possible observar una... more
Madrid, 29-30 de enero de 2015
La satire : du genre littéraire au mode de representation 517 La satire : du genre littéraire au mode de representation Nadia N. Shama (*) Résumé L'objectif de cet article est de distinguer entre la satire en tant que genre littéraire et... more
250 novels were published in Slovene between 1873 and 1918 as a feuilleton, near one half of them among the Slovene emigrants in the U. S. A. The production grew constantly, the newspapers, novelists and translators were clearly labeled... more
Орчин цагийн монгол хэлний эх судлалын нэгэн гол хэрэглэгдэхүүн болох уран сайхны эхийн хэлбэр, бүтэц, хэв шинж, найруулга, хэрэглээний холбогдолтой зарим өвөрмөц жишээ баримт цуглуулах явцад монголын уран зохиолд харилцаа дуу, харилцаа... more
Il problema della classificazione dei generi letterarî greci, com'è noto, è assai complesso, e non sarà oggetto specifico di discussione in questa sede 2 . Tratteremo, invece, un caso particolare che a esso si ricollega e che ha da sempre... more
Le roman de moeurs oppose une résistance à l ’étude de sa généricité en raison de la difficulté à penser ensemble les critères historiques et formels qui peuvent le définir. Sa lecture croisée avec l ’étude de moeurs développée par la... more
La Chambre claire rassemble quelques considérations sur l'essence de la photographie articulées autour de plusieurs clichés -des portraits d'inconnus essentiellement -réalisés la plupart par des professionnels. Cependant, au détour de la... more
Leonid Frisman, prof., dr hab (Charków) Tatjana Awtuchowicz, dr hab., prof. UPH w Siedlcach На лицевой стороне обложки -главный корпус Дрогобычского государственного педагогического института имени Ивана Франко (ныне университет), фото... more
This essay tries to map out place of Experimentations introduced by P S Rege in modern Marathi lyrical poetry. Unexplored genre conventions, which mainly focused on 'print' and 'private' mode of poetic communication is the prime area of... more
Literary genres and samples produced in 21st century and the one's from the earlier period
Paper work about literary genres
Regarded as the high point of Chilean writer Roberto Bolaños (1953-2003) oeuvre, the novel 2666, published posthumously in 2004, is divided in five disharmoniously connected parts. In this thesis, I argue that 2666 assimilates different... more
ئهم توێژینهوهیه ههوڵێکى شیکاریی-تیۆرى و پراکتیکییه بۆ خوێندنەوەی جۆره ئهدهبییهکان، واتە ژانرەکان یان چەشنە ئەدەبییەکان له ئهدهبى نووسراوى کوردیدا. تا ئهمڕۆ کهمترین توێژینهوه لهم بارهیهوه ئەنجامدراوە، بەڵام له... more