はてなキーワード: Lightとは
PS4/5で人気のHorizonシリーズをパクったゲーム「LIGHT OF MOTIRAM」が発表されてて動画見たんだけど
・Behavioral interventions. I haven’t much mentioned it given the focus on the biological side of neuroscience, but psychiatry and psychology have of course developed a wide repertoire of behavioral interventions over the 20th century; it stands to reason that AI could accelerate these as well, both the development of new methods and helping patients to adhere to existing methods. More broadly, the idea of an “AI coach” who always helps you to be the best version of yourself, who studies your interactions and helps you learn to be more effective, seems very promising.
・行動介入。神経科学の生物学的側面に焦点が当てられているため、これについてはあまり触れていませんが、精神医学と心理学は、もちろん 20 世紀を通じて行動介入の幅広いレパートリーを開発してきました。AI が、新しい方法の開発と、患者が既存の方法に従うのを支援することの両方で、これらを加速させる可能性もあるのは当然です。より広い意味では、常に最高の自分になれるよう支援し、あなたのやり取りを研究して、より効果的になる方法を学ぶのを手助けしてくれる「AI コーチ」というアイデアは、非常に有望に思えます。
・Everyday problems that we don’t think of as clinical disease will also be solved. Most of us have everyday psychological problems that are not ordinarily thought of as rising to the level of clinical disease. Some people are quick to anger, others have trouble focusing or are often drowsy, some are fearful or anxious, or react badly to change. Today, drugs already exist to help with e.g. alertness or focus (caffeine, modafinil, ritalin) but as with many other previous areas, much more is likely to be possible. Probably many more such drugs exist and have not been discovered, and there may also be totally new modalities of intervention, such as targeted light stimulation (see optogenetics above) or magnetic fields. Given how many drugs we’ve developed in the 20th century that tune cognitive function and emotional state, I’m very optimistic about the “compressed 21st” where everyone can get their brain to behave a bit better and have a more fulfilling day-to-day experience.
・Human baseline experience can be much better. Taking one step further, many people have experienced extraordinary moments of revelation, creative inspiration, compassion, fulfillment, transcendence, love, beauty, or meditative peace. The character and frequency of these experiences differs greatly from person to person and within the same person at different times, and can also sometimes be triggered by various drugs (though often with side effects). All of this suggests that the “space of what is possible to experience” is very broad and that a larger fraction of people’s lives could consist of these extraordinary moments. It is probably also possible to improve various cognitive functions across the board. This is perhaps the neuroscience version of “biological freedom” or “extended lifespans”.
In the quiet hum of the evening sky,
Where dreams and shadows softly lie,
The breeze begins its gentle roam,
It whispers tales of lands afar,
Of silent seas and distant stars,
And carries with it hearts and dreams,
Like rivers flowing in silver streams.
Yet in its touch, so light, so pure,
There’s magic that will long endure,
for (let a of document.body.getElementsByClassName('entry-comment-text js-bookmark-comment')) console.log(a.textContent)
Microsoft Copilotに「以下の文章に出てくる、音楽CDのタイトルとリリース年を一覧で表にしてください。」って指示。
途中で切れたので分割する。 続き→ anond:20240905115337
ずっと『SAY YES』ぐらいしか知らなかったし、それすらうろおぼえだったし、興味もなかったんだけど。
改めて聴いた『SAY YES』の歌詞に感動して泣きそうになった。
『万里の河』、『MOON LIGHT BLUES』、『LOVE SONG』、『僕はこの瞳で嘘をつく』が、かなり好き。ここ3日ほどヘビロテしてる。
補作:野村 威温
Of all the dreams I can search for
Of all the love that is God sent
Of all horizons I will explore
I will pledge to walk
The road of light and learning
With God in me to guide me every day
See me through the narrow
Send me on my way
A future which lies in our hands
A future we will shape and form
A future to make better for man
I will pledge to strive
To work for understanding
No matter what the race or creed may be
Our souls be all the same
We can work for peace abiding
Once I had a quite cold attitude to Nagasaki’s Atomic Bomb Victims Memorial Peace Prayer Ceremony, I was like “here comes another Peace rally LMFAO”. But just look at this, the ambassador of Israel attacked Nagasaki’s mayor fiercely saying “The mayor took over the ceremony for his ideology”, a bigwig at the Simon Wiesenthal Center said “the Nagasaki’s atomic bomb ended World War 2” and now he’s criticizing the non-invitation of Israel’s rep to the ceremony as “unethical”, and top of that, the ambassador of the US, the one who dropped the atomic bomb, is talking nonsense, saying “if Israel don’t join we also don’t join lol.” With hearing all these I’m so surprised of finding myself very much pissed off…are you all making light off victims of such a cruel weapon you sons of bitch?
If you want to beat up the mayor of Nagasaki, it's fine to criticize the Shinkansen project in Kyushu area, corruption, welfare arrangement, or other issues (*This is just an example of some topics, I'm not claiming that I’m actually frustrated by any of these). But don’t these morons know that the Nagasaki’s peace ceremony is essentially a memorial ceremony? No one is crazy enough to start screaming in memorial service about his relatives whom he doesn’t like. If someone was yelling, ”Why didn't you invite me to the memorial service!!”, Its clear in everyone’s mind saying, ”It's because you behave that way..” … If you claim yourself as a grown-up, “it was really a shame, lets talk it over and get things straight” should be your response. Does Gillard Cohen realize that he is making a personal attack on someone who in Western terms would be the director of the Auschwitz museum?
(as a side note, I am fed up also to the vulgar accusation by the Palestinian Ambassador when Hiroshima City invited the Israel rep to their ceremony. Please go ahead and be aggressive in UN conferences, but again is that a proper behavior in connection with the memorial ceremony?)
I haven’t say enough to the reaction of reps of Western countries to Nagasaki. Why don’t you think twice before reacting impulsively? No doubt Japan is one of the most pro-Western countries in Asia, they support Ukraine most earnestly among Non-NATO countries. Still even quiet and shy Japanese people is totally put off by military operations of Israel. It is too easy to imagine how Israel is hated in non-pro-Western countries. When will you have an imagination to realize your such attitude making many countries having distance from Ukraine. If western countries close their eyes to horrors in Gaza and be determined to defend Israel anyway, why aren’t others allowed to keep their relationship with Russia even after devastating scenes in Bucha?
(btw I was so impressed when Zelenskyy expressed his support to Israel, are you serious? Don't you think of a scenario where Ukrainian militias rise up in Donetsk or in Luhansk, resulting in heavy casualties among Russian settlers, leading to Russia denouncing this as a despicable terrorist attack targeting Russian civilians? That's exactly what's happening in Palestine.)
Anyway you morons should come to your senses, and admit Israel’s outrageous actions are no difference from that of Russia. And know that calling the criticism to Israel as “antisemitism” is making you look so smart. Refusing Neo-Nazism ain’t discrimination to Germans, doxing Zaitokukai (*a nationalist group which calls for an end to state welfare and alleged privileges afforded to Koreans in Japan) ain’t Japanese-hate, and impeachment against Zionists ain’t anti-Jewish either.
Once I had a quite cold attitude to Nagasaki’s Atomic Bomb Victims Memorial Peace Prayer Ceremony, I was like “here comes another Peace rally LMFAO”. But just look at this, the ambassador of Israel attacked Nagasaki’s mayor fiercely saying “The mayor took over the ceremony for his ideology”, a bigwig at the Simon Wiesenthal Center said “the Nagasaki’s atomic bomb ended World War 2” and now he’s criticizing the non-invitation of Israel’s rep to the ceremony as “unethical”, and top of that, the ambassador of the US, the one who dropped the atomic bomb, is talking nonsense, saying “if Israel don’t join we also don’t join lol.” With hearing all these I’m so surprised of finding myself very much pissed off…are you all making light off victims of such a cruel weapon you sons of bitch?
If you want to beat up the mayor of Nagasaki, it's fine to criticize the Shinkansen project in Kyushu area, corruption, welfare arrangement, or other issues (*This is just an example of some topics, I'm not claiming that I’m actually frustrated by any of these). But don’t these morons know that the Nagasaki’s peace ceremony is essentially a memorial ceremony? No one is crazy enough to start screaming in memorial service about his relatives whom he doesn’t like. If someone was yelling, ”Why didn't you invite me to the memorial service!!”, Its clear in everyone’s mind saying, ”It's because you behave that way..” … If you claim yourself as a grown-up, “it was really a shame, lets talk it over and get things straight” should be your response. Does Gillard Cohen realize that he is making a personal attack on someone who in Western terms would be the director of the Auschwitz museum?
(as a side note, I am fed up also to the vulgar accusation by the Palestinian Ambassador when Hiroshima City invited the Israel rep to their ceremony. Please go ahead and be aggressive in UN conferences, but again is that a proper behavior in connection with the memorial ceremony?)
I haven’t say enough to the reaction of reps of Western countries to Nagasaki. Why don’t you think twice before reacting impulsively? No doubt Japan is one of the most pro-Western countries in Asia, they support Ukraine most earnestly among Non-NATO countries. Still even quiet and shy Japanese people is totally put off by military operations of Israel. It is too easy to imagine how Israel is hated in non-pro-Western countries. When will you have an imagination to realize your such attitude making many countries having distance from Ukraine. If western countries close their eyes to horrors in Gaza and be determined to defend Israel anyway, why aren’t others allowed to keep their relationship with Russia even after devastating scenes in Bucha?
(btw I was so impressed when Zelenskyy expressed his support to Israel, are you serious? Don't you think of a scenario where Ukrainian militias rise up in Donetsk or in Luhansk, resulting in heavy casualties among Russian settlers, leading to Russia denouncing this as a despicable terrorist attack targeting Russian civilians? That's exactly what's happening in Palestine.)
Anyway you morons should come to your senses, and admit Israel’s outrageous actions are no difference from that of Russia. And know that calling the criticism to Israel as “antisemitism” is making you look so smart. Refusing Neo-Nazism ain’t discrimination to Germans, doxing Zaitokukai (*a nationalist group which calls for an end to state welfare and alleged privileges afforded to Koreans in Japan) ain’t Japanese-hate, and impeachment against Zionists ain’t anti-Jewish either.
今日はTodd Rundgren - I Saw The Light これも50年以上前の歌。自分はきっとこういうの好きなんだろうな。
toeのニューアルバム「NOW I SEE THE LIGHT」、出たわね。
EuroSCHIRMのLight Trek Ultra UV、これはかなり良い感じ。モンベル同様アウトドア用なのでユニセックスなデザインだし、ぽきぽきの要らない手開き式でめっちゃ軽い(175g)けど、この間の暴風雨でも裏返ることなくしっかりしてた。それでいて直径はモンベルと同じ98cmなので使用感もほぼ変わらず。
気に入ったので自宅や近所で使う用に長傘(Swing Liteflex Umbrella UV)も買ってしまった。
id:unfallen_castle タイトルを出すこと自体ネタバレになってしまう問題
id:atlas_estrela 適応障害で休職が決まったからゲームってまかり通るんだ。社会保険料は働く人たちが負担してるんだよな。そんなことも言ったらまずいような空気っておかしいと思う。そりゃ精神障害になる人が増えるわけだわ
id:molmolmine ゲーム作ってる側なので適応障害になってる時にそんな鬱ゲーして大丈夫か?という気持ちになる。お大事にね。
id:zheyang こういったゲームがどれだけ実際の精神疾患に即しているのか、精神疾患を「びっくり箱」「お化け屋敷」のように扱っているだけではないのか、疑問。
確かにエクスプロイテーションな部分もある作品もあるとも感じます。けれど、同じくらい真摯につくっているもののいっぱいあると感じています。よかったら id:otoronoki 元精神病患者からみる「Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice」の表現https://jp.ign.com/hellblade/17457/feature/hellblade-senuas-sacrifice とご紹介いただいた、こちらのリンクもご覧ください。
「serial experiments lain」 「星空ぷらねっと」 「アリス イン ナイトメア」 「天使のいない12月」 「マイチャイルドレーベンスボルン」 「さよならをおしえて」 「車輪の国、向日葵の少女」 「Iris and the Giant」
「ヒラヒラヒヒル] 「What Happened」 「CHAOS;HEAD」 「CHAOS;CHILD」 「White Door(Rusty Lake)」 「Tell me why」 「カルティストシミュレーター」 「Dreamscaper」 「SWAN SONG」 「シュレディンガーの手(街?)」 「Shady Part of Me」 「精神病に罹患したぬいぐるみたちを治療するドイツのゲーム https://www.parapluesch.de/whiskystore/test.htm 」……
“DDLC”は「Doki Doki Literature Club」の略称。普通のビジュアルノベルっぽいけど……楽しかったけど、今回のニーズとは確かにちょっと違うかなー。
Hellblade: Senua’s Sacrifice
The Town of Light
Night in the Woods
Milk inside a bag of milk inside a bag of milk
Neverending Nightmares
Assuming you walked from Tochigi Station
Walk towards the station along the road in front of the New Ginger Museum,
and you will see a huge building with Tochigi Bank written on it.
Cross the traffic light in front of it and you will see a mysterious house with a Communist Party poster on it called Hasegawa Makura something, then walk towards Yakiniku King
Then you will see a building with TOBU written on it, and the city hall is on the second floor and above.
Where is the tourist information centre?
Do not cross in front of Tochigi Bank as in the previous steps, but walk until you reach the diagonal road. Then you will see a really large parking lot and the tourist information centre is next to it (they sometimes hold events in this large parking lot).
There is. If you head towards the city hall, you will definitely get there. The Ashikaga Bank is diagonally opposite.
How do I get to the Uzumagawa River?
There are fishing equipment shops and clothing stores lined up next to Starbucks.
Turn towards the shopping street and you will see a bridge. That's Korai Bridge, and the river that flows underneath is the Uzumagawa River.
On the way from the museum to the station, there is a Toyota rental car, so you can rent a car there, or ask the tourist information center where you can rent a bicycle.
If you can get either of those, go straight to Nakazawa Seimen, then turn toward Yoshinoya. If you keep going up the mountain, you will find Yamaoka-ya diagonally across from Aeon.
I want to go to Korakuen.
Go in the opposite direction from the station (where the viaduct is),
you will find TSUTAYA. From there, pass Family Mart and the gas station, cross the crosswalk, and you will find Korakuen in the parking lot of a supermarket called Yaohan (there are a lot of old people there).
Where is the pachinko parlor?
Drive past TSUTAYA, and beyond Korakuen there is a bridge, and beyond that is the pachinko parlor. After that, go past Yamaokaya and go to Aeon, and there will be a pachinko parlor right in front of you (as an aside, that store has disappeared once)
I want to buy something to drink
Go outside and go to Kawachi, which is just across the crosswalk. Yesterday they were selling oolong tea for 60 yen. Oh, inside the museum there is a vending machine that sells something like fresh ginger powder, disguised as a drink vending machine. Be careful
You can use the ATM at the Family Mart next to TSUTAYA, or go to the 7-Eleven in front of the station (next to Sukiya), or use the ATM at the convenience store inside the station.