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      Critical TheoryPostcolonial StudiesPoststructuralismCultural Theory
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      Middle East StudiesThe NovelHuman RightsIdentity (Culture)
Abstract: This article focuses on the relationship between religion and politics in contemporary Turkish novel, based on Orhan Pamuk’s novel Kar. The study aims to understand and explain paradigms of religion-politics relations in Kar,... more
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      Orhan PamukContemporary Turkish NovelÇAĞDAŞ TÜRK EDEBİYATLARI
The glorious, classical legacy of Greece is universally revered. But this legacy has come at a price. How will Greece ever move beyond its ties with the past? Is there such a thing as modern Greece? This book is the first to present an... more
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      Comparative LiteratureGreek LiteratureModernist Literature (Literary Modernism)Modernity
The present paper examines the role of the translation of Orhan Pamuk’s İstanbul, Hatıralar ve Şehir (2003) into Slovene, in reshaping the image of Istanbul as perceived by the receiving audience. Considering Pamuk as a “translator” of... more
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      ImagologyOrhan PamukCitiesIstanbul
Murmures à Beyoğlu by David Boratav (Paris, 1971), winner of the Prix Gironde Nouvelles Écritures (2009), is a transcultural and postmodern novel, influenced by the writings of Nabokov and Pamuk, namely The Real Life of Sebastian Knight... more
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      Translation StudiesIntertextualityCreative CityTurkish Language
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      World LiteraturesLiteratureThe NovelTheory of the Novel
Öz: Kadınlık, toplumsal, siyasal ve kültürel yapıların üzerinde etkili olduğu ve çeşitli söylemler aracılığıyla eril dil tarafından belirlenen bir konumdur. Sessiz Ev’de sessizliğin kadınlar için bir kader olduğu ve kadınların eril... more
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      Gender StudiesFeminist TheoryLiteratureGender
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      Postcolonial StudiesSouth Asian StudiesPostcolonial LiteratureIndian Literature
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      Orhan PamukTürk Dili ve EdebiyatıKültürel Bellek
Orhan Pamuk's The Museum of Innocence offers prevalent examples of melancholy which is based on the pratoganist Kemal's state of mind. Even before losing the object of desire, Kemal mourns about the future separation which signals the... more
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      MelancholyOrhan PamukMasumiyet Müzesi
Since its birth, psychoanalysis has been in a reciprocal relationship with literature. Through this reciprocal relationship, many literary works play an essential role in the foundation of the psychoanalytic approach while psychoanalytic... more
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      LiteratureOrhan PamukLacanian psychoanalysisOrhan Pamuk's Novels
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      Turkish and Middle East StudiesIslamTurkish CultureTurkish Literature
This paper is a philosophical analysis ofHeidegger and Nietzsche's approach tometaphysics and the associated problem ofnihilism. Heidegger sums up the history ofWestern metaphysics in a way which challengescommon sense approaches to... more
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      Critical TheoryBuddhismPhilosophyMetaphysics
In light of the current debate over the Islamic headscarf in Turkey, this article argues that women’s bodies, caught in the crosshairs of political strife between state forces and fundamentalist groups, have become sites of a debate that... more
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      Gender StudiesWomen's StudiesTurkeyIslam
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      Comparative LiteratureEnglish LiteraturePostcolonial StudiesJacques Rancière
This chapter discusses the genesis of the ‘Ottoman Myth’ in Turkish literature, focusing on a broad variety of retrospective narratives that are tied together by (post-)imperial melancholy. As a defining feature of the Ottoman Myth,... more
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      MelancholyModernityTurkish LiteratureOrhan Pamuk
The Red-Haired Woman (2016) by Orhan Pamuk mirrors the east-west dichotomy by father-son relationship. The author integrates the narratives of King Oedipus and Rostam and Sohrab in the nucleus of the text and the protagonist's... more
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      Jungian psychologySocial and Collective MemoryCollective MemoryArchetypes
O objetivo deste artigo é discutir as condições da transmissão da cultura a partir dos referenciais situados pela psicanálise de Sigmund Freud e pela teoria política de Hannah Arendt. A elaboração operada é tecida às questões situadas por... more
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      Jacques LacanSigmund FreudOrhan PamukPsicanálise
Deconstruction has hardly ever been applied as a method to the analysis of Orhan Pamuk’s Snow, which is surprising because the novel itself is deconstructive to some extent. The following article addresses this issue by providing a... more
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      Franz KafkaOrhan PamukDekonstruktionVerstehen
An interpretation of the delay in translation of Pamuk's first two novels.
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      World LiteraturesComparative LiteratureTranslation StudiesTurkish and Middle East Studies
Pamuk‘s Istanbul. Memories of a City (2005), more than a book of individual memoirs, is a review of significant moments of Turkey‘s history, through which the writer addresses issues of national representation and identity. By analysing... more
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    • Orhan Pamuk
This study explores the Turkish modernization through stream of consciousness in the works of Ahmet Hamdi Tanpınar, Oğuz Atay and Orhan Pamuk. The first instance, reflected by Tanpınar's A Mind at Peace, presents a collective and... more
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      Turkish and Middle East StudiesTurkish LiteratureOrhan PamukTurkish Studies
The relationship between the novel and history has always been controversial. Various ideas have been put forward about the extent to which the novelist should benefit from the historical material and how s/he should describe the... more
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      Orhan PamukMetinlerarasılıkVeba Geceleri
Aynı soydan gelen üç kuşağın hikâyesinin anlatıldığı Sessiz Ev, yaklaşık yüz yıla yayılan tarihsel zamanıyla, Türkiye'de yaşanan değişim ve dönüşümlerin, toplumsal cinsiyete yüklenen anlam ve değerler aracılığıyla okunmasına imkân sağlar.... more
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      Gender StudiesMasculinity StudiesMasculinityTurkish Literature
The scholarship on world literature has often used a center/periphery model and analyzed how Orhan Pamuk’s works have been received by different cultures, especially the Western. Rather than analyzing Pamuk’s reception in other cultures,... more
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      PhotographyWorld LiteratureOrhan Pamuk
The article dwells on the theme of journey towards spiritual healing by comparing the works of Naguib Mahfouz and Orhan Pamuk. Mahfouz’s allegorical short story is based on the protagonist’s search for a remedy for his incurable disease.... more
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      ReligionOrhan PamukNaguib MahfouzSpiritual Healing
As the objectivity of history has begun to be questioned, changes have also been observed in historical novel writing. In historical novel writing; the way that history is handled in contexts such as time, event, person, narrative... more
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      Orhan PamukOrhan Pamuk's NovelsBenim Adım KırmızıYeni Tarihselcilik
A partir du repérage d’un point aveugle de la littérature générale et comparée, ce travail vise à faire de la littérature turque le site d’interrogation de la discipline et de l’intelligibilité régionale de la littérature européenne. La... more
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      World LiteratureMarcel ProustTurkish LiteratureTurkish Novel
Bu çalışma, fotoğraf ile edebi bir metnin birbiri ile ilişkisi üzerine odaklan-maktadır. Orhan Pamuk 2003 yılında İstanbul-Hatıralar ve Şehir adlı kitabını 200 fotoğraf ile yayınlamış ancak daha sonra kitaba 230 tane fotoğraf daha... more
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      Orhan PamukModern Türk EdebiyatıFotoğrafKültürel Bellek
Despite its crucial function within the global capitalist system, the semi-periphery has received relatively little critical attention within the burgeoning field of world literature. As a transitional space between the core and the... more
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      Comparative LiteratureNordic StudiesPostcolonial StudiesIcelandic Literature
Karşıtlıkları/çelişkileri romanın temeli olarak gören Orhan Pamuk’un tema dünyasında Doğu-Batı çatışması önemli bir yere sahiptir. Pamuk, Doğu ve Batı kültürünün kesiştiği önemli bir yer olan Türkiye’de, İstanbul’un Nişantaşı semtinde... more
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      Orhan PamukTürkçe EğitimiTürk Dili ve EdebiyatıYeni Türk Edebiyatı
Nobel Prize laureate Orhan Pamuk's novel Snow (2002), which local scholars argue that it takes its name from 'karsu' (snow-water), takes place in Kars 3 , a city located on the northeastern border of Turkey. As a borderline city, it... more
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      Comparative LiteratureTurkish and Middle East StudiesOrhan Pamuk
This essay analyzes fiction by Orhan Pamuk and William Faulkner as examples of a discursive formation that I term “global provincialism.” Whereas Goethe’s influential notion of Weltliteratur imagined a secular “market where all nations... more
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      World LiteraturesWorld LiteratureWilliam FaulknerGlobalism
Edebiyat sahasına iletişim cephesinden bir bakış sayılabilecek bu çalışmada; öncelikle Orhan Pamuk'un kendi romancılık anlayışı içerisinde "roman" ve "hedef kitle" kavramları arasında nasıl bir ilinti kurduğu irdelenmiştir. Böylece... more
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      NovelAudienceRomanOrhan Pamuk
Afin d'analyser la portée encyclopédique des collections et des musées, cette étude compare trois textes narratifs du XX e siècle : Le Musée du silence de Yoko Ogawa, « Le musée du Dr Moses » de Joyce Carol Oates, et Le musée de... more
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      Comparative LiteratureMuseum StudiesMaterial Culture StudiesCollecting and Collections
Mukayeseli edebiyat bağlamında Umberto Eco’nun Gülün Adı ile Orhan Pamuk’un Benim Adım Kırmızı romanları arasında bazı paralellikler göze çarpmaktadır. İki eser arasındaki benzerlikler çeşitli vesilelerle dile getirilmiş, fakat... more
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      Turkish LiteratureOrhan PamukComperative LiteratureKarşılaştırmalı Edebiyat
Orhan Pamuk'un 2003 yılında yayımlanan İstanbul: Hatıralar ve Şehir adlı kitabı, İstanbul'un biyografisiyle yazarın otobiyografisinin iç içe geçerek anlatıldığı bir anı kitabıdır. Doğduğu günden 22 yaşına kadar ki anıları, düşünceleri ve... more
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      Orhan PamukHistory of IstanbulIstanbul
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      Orhan PamukTürk Dili ve EdebiyatıYeni Türk EdebiyatıKara Kitap
This paper discusses about socio-psychological dimension in paintings pictured in Orhan Pamuk's novel My Name is Red. The novel shows us fi ne examples about how paintings can be a media of painters who lived in a repressive era of Sultan... more
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      PaintingOrhan PamukAcknowledgement
Cevdet bey et ses fils d'Orhan Pamuk représente la première importation dans le champ turc du genre de la saga familiale. Cet article étudie la manière dont Orhan Pamuk, à travers ce premier roman de famille, adapte le roman mannien au... more
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      World LiteraturesThomas MannCultural Transfer StudiesWorld Literature
Bu çalışma, Orhan Pamuk’un, postmodern özelliklerin ön plana çıktığı ilk romanı olan Kara Kitap’taki Borges etkisini incelemektedir. Söz konusu çözümleme için, Göran Hermerén’in edebiyat ve sanatta etkiye dair kuramından yararlanılarak,... more
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      Orhan PamukJorges Luis Borges
İkinci Dünya Savaşı’ndan sonra Alain Robbe–Grillet ve arkadaşları, kendilerinden önceki roman anlayışlarını eleştirerek “Yeni Roman” akımını başlatmışlardır. Bu akım, zaman içinde postmodern roman denen türün oluşmasını sağlamıştır. Bu... more
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      IntertextualityPostmodernismPostmodern LiteratureOrhan Pamuk
Une lecture postmoderne de Murmures à Beyoğ lu: une odyssée intertextuelle de Nabokov à Pamuk, de Paris à Istanbul. Çedille. Revista de estudios franceses11, pp. 115-130. 2015
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      Comparative LiteratureFrench LiteratureOrhan Pamuk
Recentemente sono usciti numerosi romanzi in cui l'arte, in particolare quella contemporanea, riveste un ruolo importante e molti scrittori considerano i fenomeni artistici un espressione culturale particolarmente adatta a mostrare la... more
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      Paul AusterSiri HustvedtOrhan PamukPostmodern
« L'Univers polyphonique et kaléidoscopique d'Orhan Pamuk »

(quelques fautes à corriger pour la dernière version)
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      Turkish LiteratureOrhan Pamuk
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      Orhan PamukMy Name Is Red