1001 - Virtual Meeting Cover-2
1001 - Virtual Meeting Cover-2
1001 - Virtual Meeting Cover-2
Electronic Voting:
Electronic voting will be facilitated through the web service “Election Buddy”. Please
note, electronic ballots may only be submitted once per Unit. If we have multiple emails
on file for your Unit, only the primary contact has been sent an electronic ballot. Please
contact Management if you cannot access your electronic ballot.
For those Owners who’ve provided email addresses to us, you will receive an email from
Election Buddy with instructions on submitting your electronic ballot. You can do this
anytime between now or when the election occurs at the live Zoom meeting. If you
cannot attend live on Zoom on the 3rd of March, you are asked to vote in advance.
For Owners who receive printed copies of this package, you will find instructions on how
to submit your electronic vote on the final page of this meeting package. Use the web
link and the unique, suite-specific code to send your vote in today.
Any issues regarding ballots that have not been received or questions generally can be
sent to Management.
Paper Proxies
For Owners who have trouble submitting their ballots electronically, they may submit a
paper proxy by providing it to the Management by 4:00 on March 2, 2021.
Technical Issues
Any technical assistance you may require before the meeting can be emailed to your
property manager directly. During the Zoom Webinar, please use the chat function to
communicate any technical issues with the meeting host, Andrew Canali. He can also
respond to questions sent in advance by emailing acanali@gpmmanagement.com.
1. Call to Order – 7:00 pm (Registration begins at 6:45 pm)
2. Introductions of Panelists (Board, Management, Auditor, etc.)
3. Overview by Virtual Host on How Meeting Will Operate
4. Proof of Service
5. Appointment of Poll Manager
6. Approval of Previous Minutes from the AGM held on March 25, 2019
7. Auditor’s Report to Owners on the Fiscal Year-Ending August 31, 2020
8. Appointment of the Auditor for Fiscal Year-Ending August 31, 2021
9. Vote on Bylaw #8 allowing virtual meetings and electronic voting
10. Election of Three (3) Directors to the Board
11. Other Business*
12. Close of Meeting
You may also select the option for a follow-up from the Auditor in the
electronic proxy form via GetQuorum by way of a phone call if your
question is not addressed in the final report from the Auditor distributed
at the meeting.
Election of Directors**
As there were no candidates that advised that they wished to stand for
election at the meeting, the Owners may appoint a Director if a single
candidate wishes to stand for election during the meeting on the 17th.
However, if more than 1 candidate comes forward at the meeting, we
will hold a separate virtual meeting with electronic voting used for the
sole purpose of the election of a Director.
Other Business***
Items raised under “Other Business” must be related to the condominium corporation
generally. Suite-specific matters should be directed to the condominium manager
before or after the meeting.
Thank you for your cooperation and understanding. Questions for Other Business may
also be provided to the condominium manager in advance of the meeting via email at
the email address noted above.
1. Agenda for Virtual Annual General Meeting (AGM) of Tuesday, November 17, 2020
2. Notice of Meeting of Owners (in the prescribed form)
3. Minutes from the last AGM held on November 19, 2019
4. Audited Financial Statement & Report for the Fiscal Year-Ending December 31, 2019
5. Candidate Disclosure Forms (none)
6. Instructions on How to Join the Zoom Meeting
7. Instruction on How to Vote & Achieve Quorum (must be done by 4:00 pm on Nov. 17)
8. Bylaw #11 - Electronic Communications (Electronic Voting & Virtual Meetings)
9. Certificate of Insurance (expires June 30, 2021)
We would like all Owners’ participation in the virtual Annual General Meeting this year. While no one
could have anticipated a novel coronavirus halting the world economy and causing immediate change to
our collective way of life, we must do what we can to keep calm and carry on.
For many of our Owners, Zoom has become a familiar way of life for working and engaging with others
since March. It isn’t an ideal solution or replacement for human interaction, but this software has
become the most used platform for meetings and group chats for good reason.
In order to familiarize yourself with this application, we suggest using a PC or Mac or, alternatively, an
iPad. (iPhones, Android phones and other devices may be capable of running Zoom but the size of the
screen makes these smaller devices frustrating to use in practice.)
Once you have downloaded the application by visiting www.zoom.us on your particular device and
obtaining the software from the company directly (or the App Store of your particular device) you will be
ready to launch the meeting by using (clicking or tapping) the provided link.
For those who are new to Zoom (or Zoom specifically) and require assistance, please reach out to
Management during business hours by no later than Monday, June 16 at 4:00 pm. The AGM will begin
at 7:00 pm and registration will open up 15 minutes beforehand. To join the Zoom Room enter this
You can also select the link above or manually enter Room #821 8265 5316 (Password: 1322) on Zoom.
Alternatively, if Owners do not have access to a computer, you can dial into the meeting using the
telephone (although the experience wouldn’t be as immersive on a device with no screen). To dial in,
please call (647) 374-4685 or (647) 558-0588 and use the Zoom ID # and password above.
Technical issues should be worked out in advance of the meeting. Assistance is available from
Management if you reach out by phone or via email. Thanks very much for your cooperation and
understanding and we look forward to seeing you on Zoom!
Andrew Canali
Condominium Manager
Given the reality we find ourselves with the COVID-19 pandemic, MTCC #1322 will be carrying out this
year’s Annual General Meeting exclusively on Zoom with all voting taking place in advance through
GetQuorum’s proxy voting service.
Owners receiving this package will have been provided a button in the email from GetQuorum to
facilitate your electronic proxy voting. This button looks like this and must be clicked from the original
email from GetQuorum:
We require all Owners to please complete this proxy in advance of the meeting in order to achieve
quorum and vote on the business of the meeting.
Please contact property management if you are unable to submit your electronic proxy vote.
If you wish to be counted towards the quorum for the meeting only, select the appropriate option. You
will be provided the ability to vote on the approval of the previous AGM minutes, re-appointment of the
auditor and adoption of Bylaw #11 - Electronic Communications. A vote on the election of a Director will
not be possible in the electronic proxy form because no candidates came forward to stand for election in
All voting must be completed by no later than 4:00 pm on Tuesday, November 17, 2020.
Andrew Canali
Condominium Manager
Enclosed with this letter, please find a copy of the Corporation’s proposed Electronic Communications By-law No.
11 concerning electronic communications, (the “By-law”) for your consideration. This bylaw will replace Bylaw #10
that was enacted at last year’s AGM.
We require your assistance to vote in favour of (or opposed to) the By-law. The By-law will be voted on at the
Corporation’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) of owners to be held on the 17th day of November 2020, as set out
in these materials.
Your vote is essential since this type of By-law can only be passed if confirmed by a majority of the owners present
or represented electronically by submitting your vote via GetQuorum. The board hopes you will recognize the
importance of voting in favour of the By-law to help streamline, expedite and improve the Corporation’s electronic
communications and protect against the potential spread of COVID-19.
The Condominium Act requires that owners who wish to receive notices electronically advise Management
accordingly. If you are receiving this via email you are set up properly in our database. If you did not receive this
electronically, please contact the property manager.
The upcoming AGM will be held online via Zoom. We are asking all Owners to please vote in advance of the
meeting - by 4:00 pm on Tuesday, November 17, 2020 - regardless of if you plan to attend live on Zoom or not.
The way that you vote is by opening the unique web link provided to you in the email that included this meeting
package from Get Quorum.
Andrew Canali
Condominium Manager