A little over four years ago, Rich Harris released Virtual DOM is pure overhead (opens in a new tab), analyzing the performance of traditional virtual DOM manipulation.[0] [0] "you've probably heard the phrase 'the virtual DOM is fast', often said to mean that it's faster than the real DOM. It's a surprisingly resilient meme" - Harris, 2018 In his article "Virtual DOM is pure overhead," Rich Harri
Million.js: Virtual DOM into the future. Million.js is a lightweight 1kb Virtual DOM and is a drop-in replacement for React! Million.js has now its own domain: https://millionjs.org Special thanks to folks from js.org domain who provide a great service for the JavaScript community by maintaining the js.org domain. Visit millionjs.org Redirect me next time
IntroductionImportant Notice: Following tutorial requires at least basic React knowledge. React is a great library — many developers instantly fell in love with it due to simplicity, performance and declarative way of doing things. But personally I have a specific reason what makes it so special for me — and that’s how it works under the hood. I find ideas that stand behind React simple yet strang
asm-dom is a minimal WebAssembly virtual DOM to build C++ SPA (Single page applications). You can write an entire SPA in C++ and compile it to WebAssembly (or asmjs as fallback) using Emscripten, asm-dom will call DOM APIs for you. This will produce an app that aims to execute at native speed by taking advantage of common hardware capabilities, also, you can use your C/C++ code without any change,
PreactでVDOMがどのように機能するかを示すフローチャート 仮想DOM(VDOMあるいはVNode)は魅力的です✨ しかし複雑で、理解が難しいものでもあります???? React や Preact 、その他同様のJSのライブラリでは、これをコアで使っています。残念ながら私は、これを詳細かつ分かりやすく説明している優れた記事や資料を見つけられませんでした。ですから、自分で書こうと思い立ったのです。 備考:これは非常に長い記事です。内容をシンプルに表すために画像を山ほど挿入しましたが、それゆえにさらに長い記事になってしまいました。 私は Preact のコードとVDOMを使いました。容量が小さくて済み、将来、簡単に見なおすことができるからです。しかし、概念のほとんどはReactにも共通していると思います。 皆さんがこれを読んだ後、仮想DOMをよく理解できるようになり、できればReactや
Virtual DOM (VDOM aka VNode) is magical ✨ but is also complex and hard to understand😱. React, Preact and similar JS libraries use them in their core. Unfortunately I couldn’t find any good article or doc that explains it in a detailed-yet-simple-to-understand fashion. So I thought of writing one myself. Note: This is a LONG post. I’ve added tons of pictures to make it simple but it also makes the
Two years ago I’ve started my journey to explore Virtual DOM and wrote kivi library. This library is using key ideas from React, but has completely different implementation. The primary goal for this library was to show the best numbers in benchmarks. I wouldn’t recommend to use kivi for anything except benchmarks, and I hope nobody is using it. Almost all implementations that have the best result
Kivi project is all about winning benchmarks, I don't think that many of its benchmark specific "optimizations" are useful in real projects. It doesn't have really important feature for building reusable components, it is impossible to return Components as a root node for another component (HOCs that just wrap another components). This tradeoff was made to implement efficient event delegation beca