China India Review January-March 2024
China India Review January-March 2024
China India Review January-March 2024
Deepening Reforms
People-Centric Growth
Editor’s Words
his year’s “Two Sessions,” has shone the spotlight on a new vocabulary of China’s high-
quality development that will accelerate the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. This new
language of China’s modern renaissance includes new quality productive forces, Chinese
modernization, whole-process people’s democracy, people-centric governance, and eco-friendly
growth. In each of these areas, China’s top leadership has unveiled new ambitions and targets.
The annual plenary sessions of the National People’s Congress (NPC) and the National
Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) brought
out vividly that China is completely committed to high-level opening-up and reforms. The
overarching message was one of optimism in ongoing economic recovery, and a new confidence
in China’s future. In his remarks, Chinese President Xi Jinping called for accelerating efforts to
sustain the positive momentum of economic recovery, and boosting confidence in development
across society. Xi stressed on developing new quality productive forces, which would enable
advanced productivity freed from the traditional economic growth mode. This new phase of
China’s development will be marked by high-tech, high efficiency, and high quality.
The Two Sessions showcased “Xi Jinping the Reformer,” who is determined to deepen
reforms on all fronts, thereby dispelling concerns about whether China’s reform is “stagnating,”
or its economy is “losing steam.” “We must plan major moves to deepen reform to inject strong
impetus into promoting high-quality development and advancing Chinese modernization,”
President Xi said. Xi pointed out that China’s economy had entered a new development stage
and proposed a new development philosophy featuring innovative, coordinated, green, open
and shared growth. Against this backdrop, Ma Jia, Chargé d’Affaires a.i. of the Chinese Embassy
in India, has encapsulated the essence of the annual “Two Sessions” through a unique acronym
G.D.P, whereby “G” stands for Growth, “D” for Diplomacy and “P” for People.
Looking ahead, China’s onward journey of national rejuvenation and high-quality development
will acquire greater momentum. Higher growth rate and deeper reforms have also opened new
avenues for win-win engagement with the world and building a community with a shared future
for mankind — the core tenet of “Xi Jinping Thought on Diplomacy.”
This year marks the 70th anniversary of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence, or
“Panchsheel”. These Principles, jointly advocated by China and India, have already become a
basic norm governing international relations. Over the past year, China-India relations have
shown a positive momentum. The two sides have maintained high-level communications and
interactions. China supported India’s presidency of both G20 and SCO. Bilateral trade volume
reached $136.2 billion.
This year also marks the 100th anniversary of visit of the great Indian poet Rabindranath
Tagore to China. In the “Year of the Dragon,” let’s implement the consensus reached by President
Xi Jinping and Prime Minister Modi on stabilizing bilateral ties, and usher in a new chapter of
harmonious and win-win relations between our two great countries and civilizations.
Vol 1 | Quarterly magazine | January-March 2024
• China, India Hold the 29th Meeting of the Working Mechanism for
Consultation and Coordination on Border Affairs 58
• China, India hold 21st round of Corps Commander Level Meeting 58
• China Aims for A Quality Boost as its Economy Recovers 59
• Usher in a Bright Future of Peace, Security, Prosperity and
Progress for Our World 61
• Remarks by Ma Jia, Chargé d’Affaires a.i. of Chinese Embassy
in India at the Chinese New Year Carnival
• Address by Ma Jia, Chargé d’Affaires a.i. of the Chinese Embassy
in India At the BRICS CCI WE Annual Women’s Summit & 65
Felicitations 2024
Chinese President Xi Jinping, also general secretary of the Communist Party of China Central
Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission, takes part in a deliberation with his
fellow deputies from the delegation of Jiangsu Province at the second session of the 14th National
People’s Congress (NPC) in Beijing on March 5, 2024.
Common Prosperity
Coordinated Regional
Xi considers pursuing common prosperity Development
for all to be an essential feature of Chinese
modernization. Since the 18th CPC National Congress
The tale of Yonglian Village in east China’s in 2012, a series of coordinated regional
Jiangsu Province, a legendary example of development strategies have been
developing township enterprises during implemented, including the coordinated
China’s reform and opening up, caught his development of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei
attention in the deliberation on March 5. region, the integrated development of the
Once a tidal flat area along the Yangtze Yangtze River Delta, and the integration and
River, this village boldly established a steel coordinated development of the Guangdong-
enterprise about 40 years ago and emerged as Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area. They
a nationally renowned prosperous community. are playing an important supporting role in
Last year, with total industrial and fostering a new development paradigm and
agricultural revenues reaching 161.6 billion promoting high-quality development.
yuan (about 22.77 billion U.S. dollars) and a During the deliberation on March 5, Xi said
collective operating revenue of 335 million that it is imperative for Jiangsu to fully integrate
yuan, the village residents enjoyed an average into and contribute to the development of
per capita net income of 73,000 yuan. the Yangtze Economic Belt and the strategy
Listening to a national legislator from the for integrated development of the Yangtze
village recount these achievements, Xi praised River Delta, urging the major economically
the village as a pioneer on the path to rural developed province to better leverage its
revitalization and common prosperity, urging strength to drive the development of the whole
the villagers to continue their efforts to promote region and the whole country.
common prosperity.
hinese Premier Li Qiang delivered a • Pursuing higher-standard opening up
government work report at the opening • Defusing risks in property, local debt, small
meeting of the second session of the 14th and medium-sized financial institutions
National People’s Congress (NPC) at the Great
• Ensuring both development and security
Hall of the People in Beijing, March 5, 2024.
• Advancing energy revolution
Highlights of Chinese Government • Opposing “Taiwan independence” and
Work Report external interference
The opening meeting of the second session of • Upholding international fairness and
the 14th National People’s Congress (NPC) was justice
held at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing,
capital of China, March 5, 2024. QR code of full text of the
• 2024 GDP growth target: around 5 percent government work report
delivered to the second session
• Creating over 12 million jobs in urban areas
of the 14th National People’s
• Ratio of deficit to GDP: 3 percent Congress of the People’s
• Special-purpose bonds for local Republic of China on March 5,
governments: 3.9 trillion yuan and adopted on March 11.
hina’s Foreign Minister Wang Yi on
March 7, 2024 expressed the country’s Solutions to Hotspot Issues
resolve to unswervingly promote During the 1.5-hour press conference, Wang
peace, stability and progress in a world expounded on China’s approaches to resolving
A journalist with Xinhua News Agency raised a question at a press conference on the sidelines of the second
session of the 14th National People’s Congress (NPC) in Beijing on March 7, 2024.
China’s G.D.P
In this article, Ma Jia, Chargé d’Affaires a.i. of the Chinese
Embassy in India, captures the essence of the annual
“Two Sessions” through a unique acronym G.D.P. The Two
Sessions conveyed the overarching message that China has
made steady progress in pursuing high-quality development and
boosted overall economic recovery and growth, she writes.
he annual plenary sessions of the (US$ 18 trillion), an increase of 5.2%, ranking
National People’s Congress (NPC) and China among the fastest-growing major
the National Committee of the Chinese economies in the world. Per capita disposable
People’s Political Consultative Conference income of residents increased by 6.1%. In rural
(CPPCC), known as the “Two Sessions,” have areas millions have been lifted out of poverty
generated great attention across the world. and per capita grew by 8.4%. China accounted
I would like to share my interpretation of it for over 60% of global electric vehicle output
through “G.D.P”. and sales. There was a 30% increase in exports
of the “new trio” -- electric vehicles, lithium-
“G” for Growth ion batteries, and photovoltaic products.
The Two Sessions conveyed the overarching The Two Sessions also showcased China’s
message that China has made steady progress resolve to pursue higher-level opening up and
in pursuing high-quality development and to share opportunities with the world. China
boosted overall economic recovery and is ready to promote alignment with high-
growth. We withstood pressures and overcame standard international economic and trade
difficulties when the global economic recovery rules, steadily expand institutional opening
was sluggish, geopolitical conflicts were acute, up, increase the volume and raise the quality
and protectionism and unilateralism were of foreign trade. Imports of high-quality goods
on the rise. In 2023, China’s Gross Domestic will be boosted, policies to support border
Product (GDP) surpassed 126 trillion yuan trade will be improved, and we will fully
Xi Jinping the
Chinese President Xi Jinping applauded the personnel awarded with medals during a grand gathering to
celebrate the 40th anniversary of China’s reform and opening-up at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing on
December 18, 2018.
hinese leader Xi Jinping has sounded high-quality development and advancing
the clarion call for reform during the Chinese modernization,” President Xi said at
country’s annual key political season, the annual sessions of China’s top legislature
dispelling concerns about whether China’s and top political advisory body, or the “two
reform is “stagnating,” or its economy is sessions,” which wrapped up on March 11.
“losing steam.” Since Xi took the top office more than
“We must plan major moves to deepen a decade ago, China has entered a “new
reform to inject strong impetus into promoting era.” The country’s economic strength has
grown, and its international influence has the world’s second-largest economy, with a per-
continued to rise. Reform is the hallmark of capita GDP of over 6,000 dollars. But growth
this era. was shifting gears and many advantages,
In the face of a myriad of challenges, China including the once-low labor costs, had started
is now in a critical period for accelerating to diminish.
reform. Instead of resting on the laurels of his
predecessors, Xi was committed to carrying on
Reform Will Not Stop, Opening- the reform, and he knew how hard it would be.
Up Will Not Cease “The easy part of the job has been done to
Xi is regarded as another outstanding the satisfaction of all. What is left are tough
reformer in the country after Deng Xiaoping. bones that are hard to chew,” he said.
The two leaders faced the same mission
-- to modernize China, but against strikingly With the reform measures, the Chinese
different backdrops. economy has not only sustained robust
When Deng launched the reform and
growth but also more than doubled since
opening-up drive in the late 1970s, China’s per-
capita GDP was only about 200 U.S. dollars. His 2012, cementing the country’s global
push for reforms started almost from scratch. status as a major growth contributor.
In 2012, when Xi was elected general
secretary of the Communist Party of China Over the past decade, more than 2,000
(CPC) Central Committee, China had become reform measures have been rolled out, enabling
In the early 1980s, he initiated reform Xi led reform in the collective forest tenure,
experiments in the impoverished county of which was later expanded nationwide. This
Zhengding, Hebei Province, commencing with initiative is known as another revolutionary
the rural land contract trial, making Zhengding step for China’s rural areas after the household
the first in Hebei to adopt this practice already contract responsibility system.
tested in southern provinces. During his time in Zhejiang Province, Xi
An article published in the “China Youth” proposed an innovative initiative to promote
magazine in 1985 described the county’s development through industrial upgrading.
transformation. It cited a county Party He actively supported private businesses,
secretary from a neighboring province, who and encouraged business people to “come
visited Zhengding, as saying: “Here, you don’t directly” to his office for important matters. He
hear people chanting ‘reform,’ but reform is also extended reforms in Zhejiang beyond the
happening everywhere.” economic sphere, addressing social, cultural,
“Looking back at those years, one of and ecological aspects.
the things we achieved was liberating our
thinking,” Xi said, reflecting on the reforms in “Looking back at those years, one of
Zhengding. the things we achieved was liberating
After Zhengding, Xi was assigned to our thinking,” Xi said, reflecting on the
work in Xiamen, a special economic zone in
Fujian Province, where Xi spearheaded the
reforms in Zhengding.
establishment of China’s first joint-venture Xi’s reformer image left a deep impression
bank -- Xiamen International Bank. After he on international figures. In September 2006,
ascended to the position of governor of Fujian, Henry Paulson, then U.S. treasury secretary,
example of leveraging new quality productive innovation measures were rolled out to
forces during that time. encourage enterprises to intensify research
In 2024, developing new quality productive and development, apply sci-tech research
forces was written into the government work achievements in the real world, and refine the
report for the first time. This is widely believed management of major sci-tech projects. He also
as the recognition that the economic growth pushed for the establishment of a new system
model primarily driven by low-cost labor, for mobilizing resources nationwide to make
extensive yet inefficient investment, external key technological breakthroughs.
demand and excessive resource consumption
can no longer be sustained, and China Xi strongly opposes cumbersome
must actively cultivate new technologies,
government approvals. While working
new business models and future industries
to enhance the quality and efficiency of in Fuzhou of Fujian, he pioneered a
development. mechanism that enabled all procedures
“The concept has provided fresh hope and for investment project approval to be
impetus for China to speed up its economic
completed in a single building.
transformation,” said a column article
published in the South China Morning Post. The effects are evident, with China’s ranking
Xi believes that to develop new quality in the Global Innovation Index, published by
productive forces, it is imperative to further the World Intellectual Property Organization,
deepen reforms to boost sci-tech innovation. jumping from 34th in 2012 to 12th last year.
He likened China’s lack of strong innovation Data issued in 2023 showed that China in
capability to the “Achilles’ heel” of an economic 2022 overtook the United States for the first
giant. New quality productive forces align time as the No. 1 ranked country or territory
with Xi’s earlier vision of an innovation-driven for contributions to research articles published
development strategy. in the Nature Index group of high-quality
“Only reformers can advance, only natural science journals.
innovators can thrive, and only those who Telecom giant Huawei successfully
reform and innovate will prevail,” Xi stressed. launched its new high-end smartphones last
Under his guidance, a slew of pro- year, which demonstrated the limited effects of
hinese President Xi
Jinping has consistently
emphasized the
significance of the people,
unwaveringly adhering to the
principle of “putting people at
the center” in his governance
The concept of people-
centered governance has long
been a central tenet of Chinese
culture. The original aspiration
and founding mission of
Chinese Communists is to
seek happiness for the Chinese
people and rejuvenation Under Xi’s leadership, China has
for the Chinese nation. Serving the people successfully helped around 100 million people
wholeheartedly has been the fundamental leave absolute poverty behind in less than a
purpose of the century-old Communist Party decade, winning the battle against absolute
of China (CPC). poverty in the country with 1.4 billion people.
In October 2015, Xi proposed the In doing so, the country has achieved the goal
philosophy of people-centered development of building a moderately prosperous society in
for the first time at a key meeting of the CPC. all respects.
He later said it is a philosophy that should be In China, the average life expectancy of
followed in “everything we do in advancing its people has reached 78.2 years, and over 1
economic and social development.” billion people are connected to the internet.
Xi himself has always placed the people at Furthermore, the country has established
the forefront of his heart. He treats the “little the world’s largest education system, social
things,” such as warm accommodation, hot security system, and healthcare system.
meals, fresh air, and even rural toilet facilities, “Our goal is both inspiring and simple.
not as trivialities but significant aspects of his Ultimately, it is about delivering a better life
state governance. for the people,” Xi said.
hinese President Xi Jinping has always people’s ever-growing desire for a better life.
put “high-quality development” among It reflects the new development philosophy
the top of his governance agenda, featuring innovative, coordinated, green, open
highlighting it as the first and foremost task and shared development.
in China’s efforts to build a modern socialist During China’s annual central economic
country in all respects. work conference last December, Xi said:
Xi made a significant judgment in 2017 that “It is imperative to uphold high-quality
China’s economy had been transitioning from development as the unyielding principle of the
a phase of rapid growth to a stage of high- new era.”
quality development.
He noted that China had reached a critical
stage in transforming its growth model and was
faced with prominent problems such as rising
labor costs, growing constraints from resources
and the environment, unsustainable models of
extensive development, and impediments in
the economic flows.
Since then, pursuing high-quality
development has become a key requirement
for Chinese authorities when formulating
economic policies, leading to sweeping changes
including rapid technological advancement,
burgeoning green industries and wider market
access for foreign investors.
In essence, high-quality development means
a change from seeking growth to seeking better
In Xi’s view, high-quality development
is the kind of development that can meet the
resident Xi Jinping has expounded
Chinese modernization at various
settings -- be it domestic inspections or
international gatherings.
Xi, also general secretary of the Communist
Party of China (CPC) Central Committee
and chairman of the Central Military
Commission, first introduced the concept of
Chinese modernization, or “Chinese path to
modernization,” in a speech he gave to mark
the Party’s centennial in July 2021.
“As we have upheld and developed
socialism with Chinese characteristics and
driven coordinated progress in material, positioned realizing the second centenary goal
political, cultural-ethical, social, and ecological and advancing the rejuvenation of the Chinese
terms, we have pioneered a new and uniquely nation on all fronts through a Chinese path to
Chinese path to modernization, and created a modernization as the Party’s central task.
new model for human civilization,” Xi said in Five features of Chinese modernization were
the speech. clarified in the same report: modernization of
Proclaiming the realization of the first a huge population, common prosperity for all,
centenary goal of building a moderately material and cultural-ethical advancement,
prosperous society in all respects in the same harmony between humanity and nature, and
speech, Xi announced that China is marching peaceful development.
toward the second centenary goal of building The implications of Chinese modernization
itself into a great modern socialist country reach beyond the borders of China. The practice
in all respects by 2049, the 100th founding expands the channels for developing countries
anniversary of the People’s Republic of China. to achieve modernization and provides a
The report to the 20th CPC National Chinese solution for humanity in exploring a
Congress delivered by Xi in October 2022 better social system, according to Xi.
he annual sessions of China’s national They engage in in-depth deliberations
legislature and political advisory body, and heated discussions, focusing on a wide
or the “two sessions,” are one of the range of topics such as income distribution,
most significant events in the Chinese political education, medical care, housing, elderly care,
calendar, providing a window to observe the and child care.
ideas and practices of whole-process people’s Just as Xi once said, democracy is not
democracy. an ornament to be put on display, but an
The concept of “whole-process people’s instrument for addressing the issues that
democracy” was first put forward by Chinese concern the people.
President Xi Jinping during an inspection China enables its people to participate in
tour of Shanghai in 2019. While visiting a the “whole process” of the administration of
community-level legislative outreach office state affairs, and allows its people to engage
there, Xi said people’s democracy in China is in real democracy to efficiently address and
a type of whole-process democracy. He has on resolve issues.
many occasions emphasized the importance of Xi called whole-process people’s democracy
this democracy. “the defining feature of socialist democracy,”
The concept of whole-process people’s and said it is democracy “in its broadest, most
democracy is a result of the creative genuine, and most effective form.”
evolution and development of the wisdom
of political philosophy in the fine traditional
Chinese culture. In contrast to the Western
model, where democracy and elections
are frequently equated, the whole-process
people’s democracy truly integrates law-based
democratic elections, consultations, decision-
making, management, and oversight through
a series of laws and institutional arrangements.
The essence of the people’s democracy is
that people get to discuss their own affairs to
reach the greatest common ground based on
the wishes and needs of the entire society.
Take the “two sessions” as an example,
national lawmakers and political advisors
representing diverse backgrounds, ethnicities
and professions convene in Beijing to discharge
their responsibilities.
hinese President Xi Jinping has stressed He called for efforts to step up innovation,
developing new quality productive foster emerging industries, adopt forward-
forces amid the country’s accelerated thinking plans for developing future-oriented
efforts to foster new growth drivers and industries and improve the modern industrial
promote high-quality development. system.
First put forward by Xi in his inspection
tour of northeast China’s Heilongjiang New quality productive forces are
Province in September 2023, the term was driven by revolutionary technological
highlighted again at the Central Economic breakthroughs, innovative allocation of
Work Conference in December, and became
the subject of the first group study session
production factors, and deep industrial
held by the Political Bureau of the Communist transformation and upgrading, he
Party of China (CPC) Central Committee this noted.
With innovation playing the leading role, Developing new quality productive forces
new quality productive forces mean advanced does not mean neglecting or abandoning
productivity that is freed from traditional traditional industries, Xi said, noting that it
economic growth mode and productivity is necessary to prevent a headlong rush into
development paths, features high-tech, high projects and the formation of industry bubbles,
efficiency and high quality, and comes in and avoid adopting just a single model of
line with the new development philosophy, development.
Xi, also general secretary of the CPC Central China has made strides in boosting sci-
Committee, said at the study session. tech innovation and industrial upgrading. Its
New quality productive forces are driven global ranking in innovation has increased
by revolutionary technological breakthroughs, markedly over the past decade, while strategic
innovative allocation of production factors, emerging industries, such as new energy,
and deep industrial transformation and high-end equipment and biotechnology, have
upgrading, he noted. taken a larger share in the national economic
Xi highlighted the concept again March output.
5 when participating in a deliberation at the “Developing new quality productive
ongoing annual national legislative session, forces is an intrinsic requirement and an
stressing developing new quality productive important focus of promoting high-quality
forces based on local conditions. development,” Xi once said.
t the end of December 2023, the theoretical quality of keeping in sync with and
Central Conference on Work Relating leading the times, a testament that our Party’s
to Foreign Affairs was successfully understanding of China’s relations with the
held. General Secretary Xi Jinping delivered world has reached a new and higher level.
an important address at the conference, We must study and implement the
in which he presented a comprehensive guiding principles of the conference, follow
review of the historic achievements and the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on
valuable experience of major-country Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for the
diplomacy with Chinese characteristics in New Era, especially Xi Jinping Thought on
the new era, gave a profound exposition on Diplomacy, act with a stronger sense of
the international environment and historical historical responsibility and a more vibrant
n the morning of January 16 local time, and promoting world economic recovery.
Premier of the State Council Li Qiang First, strengthening macroeconomic
attended the World Economic Forum policy coordination and firmly upholding
Annual Meeting 2024 at the Davos Congress the multilateral trading system to build
Center and delivered a special address. greater synergy for global growth. Second,
Founder and Executive Chairman of the World strengthening global industrial specialization
Economic Forum Klaus Schwab chaired the and collaboration and firmly advancing trade
meeting. and investment liberalization and facilitation to
Li Qiang noted that the theme of this keep global industrial and supply chains stable
meeting, “Rebuilding Trust,” echoes well with and smooth. Third, strengthening international
people’s concerns. Trust comes from our shared exchanges and cooperation on science and
n March 24, 2024, Premier Li Qiang of China’s economy. Over the past year, under
the State Council attended the opening the strong leadership of the CPC Central
ceremony of the China Development Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core,
Forum 2024 in Beijing, and delivered a keynote China, by withstanding external pressures and
speech. overcoming internal difficulties, successfully
Li Qiang said that the theme of this year’s accomplished its main targets and tasks for
Forum, “The Continuous Development of economic and social development in 2023.
China”, is not only an objective description The economy has continued to consolidate
of China’s economic development for a long and strengthen its upward trend, and new
time, but also fully reflects the attention and industries, new models and new driving forces
expectations of all sectors for the steady, are growing rapidly and becoming stronger.
sustained and high-quality development of China’s economy has strong resilience, great
Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi, also a member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China
Central Committee, addresses the symposium on the international situation and China’s foreign relations in
2023 in Beijing on January 9, 2024.
hinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi on Central Committee, made the remarks when
January 9 presented China’s diplomatic addressing a symposium on the international
work for 2024, saying that China will situation and China’s foreign relations in 2023.
always be confident and self-reliant, and fulfill Wang said China will give full play to
its duties as a responsible major country. the strategic leading role of head-of-state
Wang, also a member of the Political diplomacy and make every effort to ensure
Bureau of the Communist Party of China the success of events including the Forum on
hinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi Committee, said the world is full of turbulence
delivered a keynote speech entitled and mankind face multiple challenges.
“Firmly acting as a force for stability in Protectionism and pan-security have impacted
a turbulent world” during the “China in the the world economy, while unilateralism and
World” session at the ongoing Munich Security bloc politics have dealt a heavy blow to the
Conference here on February 17. international system, he noted.
Wang, also a member of the Political Bureau The Ukraine crisis has dragged on and
of the Communist Party of China Central intensified, and conflicts in the Middle East
Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi, also a member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China
Central Committee, delivered a keynote speech entitled “Firmly acting as a force for stability in a turbulent
world” during the “China in the World” session at the Munich Security Conference in Munich, Germany on
February 17, 2024.
r. President,
Dear Colleagues,
Protecting and promoting human
rights is a common cause for all humanity.
At the moment, the world is becoming more
turbulent, crises and conflicts keep flaring up,
and deficit in global human rights governance
is widening. The ongoing Palestinian-Israeli
conflict has cost the lives of nearly 30,000
civilians, and left close to two million people
displaced. The situation is indeed saddening.
It falls upon the entire international community
to protect the human rights of all ethnic groups
and all people in a fair, equal and effective way.
We must put people first. Safeguarding oppose acts of hegemonism and power politics,
people’s interests must be the basis and goal and reject the practice of double standards.
of the human rights cause. People’s right to We must stay open and inclusive, respect
survival and development should be protected the diversity of world civilizations, and respect
as a priority and pursued with a greater sense all countries’ right to independently choose
of urgency. their paths to human rights development.
We must uphold fairness and justice, stand Countries should not impose their own values
against the attempts to use human rights as or development models on others, still less
a pretext to interfere with other countries’ creating small blocs and aligning against those
internal affairs or curb others’ development, with different views.
he definition of the one-China principle All countries that have diplomatic
is crystal clear, i.e., there is only one relations with China should firmly honor
China in the world, Taiwan is part of their commitments to the one-China principle,
China, and the government of the People’s which is also Indian government’s official
Republic of China is the sole legal government standing. What’s more, India was among the
representing the whole of China. The one- first countries to recognize that there is one
China principle is an established international China.
consensus and widely accepted basic norm We urge the relevant Indian media
in international relations. It constitutes to take a correct stance on issues of core
part of the post-WWII world order and is interests concerning China’s sovereignty and
affirmed in UNGA Resolution 2758. It is the territorial integrity, adhere to the one-China
political foundation for the establishment and principle, not to provide platform for “Taiwan
development of diplomatic relations between independence” forces, and avoid sending
China and countries in the world. wrong messages that are totally against basic
It is clearly stated in the official legal common sense to mislead the public.
opinions of the Office of Legal Affairs of the
UN Secretariat that “the United Nations
considers ‘Taiwan’ as a province of China with
The one-China principle is an established
no separate status”, and the “ ‘authorities’ in international consensus and widely
‘Taipei’ are not considered to... enjoy any form accepted basic norm in international
of government status”. At the UN, the island relations. It constitutes part of the post-
is referred to as “Taiwan, Province of China”.
No matter how separatist forces distort facts
WWII world order and is affirmed in UNGA
and advocate “Taiwan independence”, they Resolution 2758.
cannot change those historical and legal facts.
Luo Zhaohui (2nd R), head of the China International Development Cooperation Agency, who participates in
the reopening ceremony of the Chinese Embassy in Nauru as a representative of the Chinese government, and
Nauru’s Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade Lionel Aingimea (2nd L), unveil a plaque of the Chinese Embassy
during the ceremony held in a hotel in Nauru, January 29, 2024.
evering “diplomatic” ties with China’s Taiwan’s meaningful participation in the U.N.
Taiwan region, Nauru recently became system,” she said.
the 183rd country to recognize the Her smattering of international affairs is
fact that the government of the People’s shocking.
Republic of China is the sole legal government In fact, Resolution 2758 definitively states
representing the whole of China, and Taiwan that it “decides to restore all its rights to the
is an inalienable part of China’s territory. People’s Republic of China and to recognize
In some corners, however, this indisputable the representatives of its Government as the
fact continues to run into denialism. Laura only legitimate representatives of China to
Rosenberger, chair of the “American Institute the United Nations, and to expel forthwith
in Taiwan,” told reporters she thought Nauru’s the representatives of Chiang Kai-shek from
move was “unfortunate” and “disappointing.” the place which they unlawfully occupy at the
“U.N. Resolution 2758 did not make a United Nations and in all the organizations
determination on the status of Taiwan, did not related to it.”
preclude any countries from having diplomatic Would the U.N. have expelled the
relationships with Taiwan and did not preclude representatives of a sovereign state?
of India Gourangalal Das co-chaired the he 21st round of China-India
29th Meeting of Working Mechanism for Corps Commander Level Meeting
Consultation and Coordination (WMCC) was held at the Moldo-Chushul
on China-India Border Affairs in Beijing. border meeting point on the Chinese side
Representatives from the foreign affairs, on February 19. The two sides engaged
defense, immigration and other departments in positive, in-depth and constructive
of the two countries attended the meeting. communication on resolving the issues
Both sides positively evaluated the of each other’s concern in the border
progress made in the management and control areas. Both sides agreed to maintain
of the situation in the China-India border area, communication through military and
and had a candid and in-depth exchange of diplomatic channels under the guidance
views on the ideas of work for the next stage. of the important consensus reached by
The two sides agreed to focus on the relevant the leaders of the two countries, and
issues on the ground along the border, reach reach the mutually acceptable solution
a solution acceptable to both sides as soon as at an early date, so as to turn over a new
possible, and promote the transition of the leaf for the border situation. During this
border situation into a normalized phase of period, both sides agreed to maintain
control and management. Both sides agreed peace and tranquility in the China-India
to continue to maintain communication border areas.
through diplomatic and military channels,
n January 10th, 2024, Chargé d’Affaires (GDP) reached more than RMB 91.3 trillion
a.i. of Chinese Embassy in India (about $12.7 trillion), growing 5.2% year-on-
Ma Jia published an article entitled year, which is among the highest for fast-
“China aims for a quality boost as its economy growing economies. China will contribute a
recovers” in The Mint. The full text is as third of global economic growth in 2023. The
follows: International Monetary Fund raised China’s
The year 2023 marked the beginning of growth estimate to 5.4% for 2023. JPMorgan
China’s push to promote its modernization. It Chase, UBS and Deutsche Bank have also
was also a year of economic recovery following increased their estimates for the Chinese
three years of covid prevention and control. economy to above 5.4%. During the recent New
Towards the end of the year, we saw many Year holiday, 135 million domestic trips were
discussions about China’s economy. The made, up 9.4% on a comparable basis from the
annual Central Economic Work Conference same period in 2019; and domestic tourism
held in Beijing on 11 and 12 December reviewed generated 5.6% higher revenue than it did in
China’s economic situation and decided 2024’s the same period of 2019. Market institutions
priorities. It concluded that the fundamental widely expect that China can achieve its annual
trend of China’s economic recovery and long- growth target of around 5%, which was set at
term positive outlook has not changed. the beginning of last year.
China’s economic growth momentum A shift from high-speed to high-quality
remains strong: In the first three quarters of growth has greatly improved the efficiency of
last year, China’s gross domestic product development in China: In 2023, China’s total
s. Ma Jia, Chargé d’Affaires a.i. of
Chinese Embassy in India, published
an article entitled “Usher in a Bright
Future of Peace, Security, Prosperity and
Progress for Our World” in the January issue
of The Diplomatist. The full text is as follows:
With the crisis in Ukraine continuing
unabated as new conflicts flare up in the
Middle East, the world has entered a new
period of turbulence and transformation. On
27-28 December 2023, the Central Conference
on Work Relating to Foreign Affairs was held in
Beijing, outlining China’s future foreign work,
contributing China’s wisdom and solutions to future, just as the motto of “Vasudhaiva
problems that the world is facing. Kutumbakam” in ancient Indian literature.
The goal of building a community with
One Theme a shared future for mankind is to build an
Entering into the 21st century, the global open, inclusive, clean and beautiful world of
village is getting smaller and the planet is lasting peace, universal security and shared
becoming flat. Human interests are intertwined prosperity. The pathway is to promote global
with each other, and our future is shared by all. governance that features extensive consultation
At a crossroads in history, we have to choose and joint contribution for shared benefit. The
between unity and division, between opening guiding principle is to apply the common
up and closing off, between cooperation and values of humanity, the basic underpinning
confrontation. lies in building a new type of international
The only right choice is to build a community relations. The strategic guidance comes from
with a shared future for mankind, a vision the implementation of the Global Development
that represents the greatest synergy among Initiative, the Global Security Initiative and the
all nations and their popular calls for peace, Global Civilization Initiative, and the platform
development and stability. All civilizations for action is high-quality Belt and Road
around the world have manifestations of cooperation. Over a decade years, this theme
the concept of a global community of shared of building a community with a shared future
istinguished guests,
Ladies and gentlemen,
Good evening and Namaste!
The Chinese new year of the Dragon will
fall in three days. It gives me great pleasure
to celebrate this most important traditional
Chinese festival with our old and new friends
here. In Chinese culture, dragon symbolizes
auspiciousness, wisdom and strength. I would
like to take this opportunity to wish you all a
happy and prosperous year of the Dragon.
Over the past year, Chinese modernization
has made great progress. China’s development, providing strong impetus for
economic performance was impressive in the economic development of China and the
2023, with a GDP growth rate of 5.2%. China world, and delivering a better life for the
has contributed to more than 30 percent people. We will stay committed to the policy of
of global growth for over 10 consecutive opening-up, give full play to the advantage of
years. The living standard of Chinese people a huge domestic market, and create favorable
has reached a new level. The ecological conditions for the world to share China’s
environment continues to improve. The tourist opportunities.
destinations are full of visitors on holidays. Over the past year, China has
The Chengdu World University Games and the promoted world peace and development. In a
Hangzhou Asian Games were spectacular, and world of instability and transformation, China
I would congratulate India for its best-ever has shouldered the responsibilities, and
performance in the Asian Games. pushed forward the building of a community
This year marks the 75th anniversary with a shared future for mankind. We worked
of the founding of the People’s Republic of hard for the cessation of hostilities and for peace
China. We will stay committed to advancing talks in the Ukraine crisis, made unremitting
Chinese modernization through high-quality efforts for the de-escalation of the Palestinian-
ice Chairman Ashok Singh, are committed to national development and
Vice Chairman Sameep Shastri, rejuvenation through Chinese modernization.
Director General BBL Madhukar, We actively implement the Global
Distinguished guests, Development Initiative, Global Security
Ladies and Gentlemen, Initiative and Global Civilization Initiative,
Namaste and good morning. and promote the building of a community
It’s my great pleasure to attend the with a shared future for mankind. We strive
BRICS CCI Annual Women’s Summit and to enhance global solidarity and cooperation,
Felicitations 2024 on International Women’s address challenges and crises, and promote
Day. Happy Women’s Day to all ladies. world peace and development. Chinese
Warm congratulations to every recipient of women play a prominent role in this great
felicitations. cause.
As creators of human civilization —China achieves visible outcomes in
and drivers of social progress, women women’s development. China pursues the
make extraordinary achievements. With the policy of gender equality and protects
theme of ‘The Changing Narrative: Women women’s rights and interests. China’s reform
Development to Women-Led Development’, and development create greater opportunities
this summit captures new trends of our for women. In China, women make up
time and applauds women’s achievements, over 40% of the employed population, and
reflecting the importance of women in represent over 50% of undergraduate and
national and social development. There’s postgraduate students in higher education.