Fire crews have blocked off the roads to Mount Ontake during the rescue operation Rescue efforts have resumed on Mount Ontake in Japan where dozens of hikers are thought to be stranded following the sudden eruption of the volcano. A military helicopter rescued two people after managing to land, officials said. At least 40 people have been injured, some seriously, and at least 30 others are missing
It is a shame that Shinya Yamanaka’s recent Nobel prize had to be tainted by the shenanigans of Hisashi Moriguchi, the University of Tokyo project scientist who fabricated a story about having used Yamanaka’s fêted technology on induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells to treat patients who had heart failure. The poor quality of journalism that led to the story being so widely reported was not an isol
The soccer ball with Japanese writing, which came from a school in the tsunami zone and later washed up on an Alaskan island. (David Baxter) APRIL 19, 2012 — More than a year and thousands of miles later, a soccer ball washed away during the Japan tsunami has turned up on a remote Alaskan island and eventually could be headed back to the Japanese school grounds it originally came from. An observan
During normal times, Joe Ruggiero Jr. might hold 25 funerals a month; this April there have been 71. Due to a surge in COVID-19 cases, his family’s funeral home in East Boston is so overrun that the tribute lounge and cafe normally used to display portraits of the departed has been turned into a makeshift storage space. A thin white sheet of plastic held together with binder clips is all that sepa
heic1003 — Photo Release Saturn's aurorae offer stunning double show 11 February 2010 Researchers using the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope recently took advantage of a rare opportunity to record Saturn when its rings are edge-on, resulting in a unique movie featuring both of the giant planet's poles. Saturn is only in this position every 15 years and this favourable orientation has allowed a sust
Since its discovery in 1930, Pluto has been a speck of light in the largest ground-based telescopes. But NASA's Hubble Space Telescope has now mapped the dwarf planet in never-before-seen detail. The new map is so good, astronomers have even been able to detect changes on the dwarf planet's surface by comparing Hubble images taken in 1994 with the newer images taken in 2002-2003. The task is as ch
The SOHO spacecraft captured the arcing orbit of a sungrazing comet as it approached the Sun (Jan. 3, 2010) and evaporated. The comet is believed to belong to the Kreutz family of comets that broke up from a much larger comet many hundreds of years ago. They are known to orbit close to the Sun. This comet was one of the brightest sungrazing comets that SOHO has observed in its 14 years of operatio
Credit: NASA, ESA, G. Illingworth (UCO/Lick Observatory and the University of California, Santa Cruz), R. Bouwens (UCO/Lick Observatory and Leiden University), and the HUDF09 Team. NASA's Hubble Space Telescope has made the deepest image of the universe ever taken in near-infrared light. The faintest and reddest objects in the image are galaxies that formed 600 million years after the Big Bang. No
Nature 462, 258-259 (2009) | doi:10.1038/462258a 大きく切り込まれた日本の科学技術予算 日本の新政権は、選挙公約で科学に対する支援強化を明言していたが、これまでのところでは、科学技術予算が縮減される見込みである。 David Cyranoski 内閣府に新設された政府の諮問機関が科学事業に対する予算の大幅カットを提言したことで、日本の科学界は騒然となっている。 この9月に新設された「行政刷新会議」は鳩山由紀夫首相が議長となり、11月11日からは、同会議のワーキンググループが約220件の政府事業の再評価を始めた(事業仕分け)。この中には、数十件の卓越した科学事業も含まれている。 大幅な刷新の対象となるのは、大型放射光施設SPring-8(兵庫県佐用町)、世界最速のスーパーコンピューター開発事業、深海地球ドリリング計画、基礎研究助成プログラムをは
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